
I Got Transported To Another World, So Let's Enjoy It To The Fullest

Motegi Sekino, a black company worker, was always annoyed by an advertisement that kept popping up on his phone every day. He finally decided to open the advertisement and fill out the form inside it, but when he woke up from his sleep, he found himself in a very strange place. After he knew that he was inside the place that was written in the advertisement, he decided to try his luck to live there happily and of course, find beautiful and sexy women to make his life more pleasurable. Notes: I'm not a native English speaker, so you may find grammatical mistakes in this story. Also, I try to write some erotic scenes and I hope it will suit your reading taste.

abnq_49 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 11: Are We Going To Buy This?

"This is it, sir. This building and the land, including the garden, are the property I was talking about."

"Yeah, you're right...it's damaged."

"It also looks very dirty too."

"You want to check the inside?"

"Yes, of course."

"Alright, let's go."

The property is located just outside of the city center and it's almost completely hidden by the surrounding buildings. It is indeed a very large house with a store area on the first floor, but the exterior looks deteriorated.

The store area has a sales space and a storage room, but it is heavily damaged and even the shelves are collapsed. There is also a ceramic-type seat squat toilet and a large bathroom with a white-brick wall on the first floor. However, the condition is also terrible. The faucets on the bathtub and the washing space are broken and scattered on the ground, even the shower head too.

When we move to the residential area on the second floor, the condition is getting worse. The kitchen and the dining room are very dirty, even though there are a large dining table and many chairs, they look rotten. The bedroom is truly large and there is a large bed that can fit 12 people, but the room is so dirty too and the bed is moldy.

"So, how much is this?"

"Well, this building is old and has no asset value, so the price will be one million ginks."

"Alright, I'll take it."

"Ah, okay, let's get back to the store to sign the documents."


Even though I knew how terrible the house was, I was glad because I finally found the house that I wanted.

Back at the store, that man prepares a contract to make a purchase and sale agreement with me for the property. After I sign the contract, I proceed to the transaction by transferring the amount for the property to the transactional tool on the table.

Then finally, I get the house that I want.

"Well, let's go back to that house."

"Yes, Motegi-sama."


After the business in the agency was finished, Motegi-sama asked me to return to the house that he had just bought. However, the evening had become night when we arrived. When Motegi-sama makes sure that there is nobody around, he starts to do something that makes me curious.

"What are you going to do with this house, Motegi-sama?"

"Well, we're going to live here."


I was shocked because I didn't expect that Motegi-sama would buy this place and want to live there.

"Yes. We're going to live in this house."

"But...it's damaged, Motegi-sama. It will take a lot of time to repair it."

"Well, I can make it faster."


"Watch this. "Restore!"

The large magic circle appears on the ground around the house and I can feel a huge magical power from it. Then, I see the house is drastically changed. The deteriorated appearance is repaired and it also becomes clean as it if is new.

I'm impressed by this because I've never seen anything like this before, and seeing Motegi-sama just doing it effortlessly, reminds me that I have just found an incredible master.


There is a reason why Motegi wants to buy this house.

400 years ago, when the war between humans and demons ended, the empire suffered a huge economic crisis. The agricultural farms and the access road were mostly damaged, causing the price of the goods in the market were rising high. Not only the sellers in the market were suffering, but a lot of merchants in Remantia were also going bankrupt.

To cover up their losses, the bankrupted merchants ended up selling all of their assets, including their properties. However, the price of their properties was too high and even though they also tried to sell them with everything inside, there were only a few people who wanted to buy because the crisis still happened. Most of the properties were purchased by the surviving merchants and they renovated the purchased properties to become a new store or a building for different purposes. Whereas the remaining properties were left unpurchased for hundreds of years.

However, in recent years, the real estate agency acquired them for a cheap price to create a new residential area by demolishing it, including the house that he owned. He accidentally discovered this house on his way to the labyrinth. Because he could use "Restore", he thought it would be better to buy it for cheap and renovate it for free rather than purchased or rented a similar-sized house that would probably cost a lot more.

"Motegi-sama, the house..."

"Not yet..."

Even though the "Restore" spell can repair broken things to normal, there is a condition when doing it. The longer the thing has broken and the bigger the size is, it will require more amount of magic and take a longer time to repair it. That means the house that had been damaged for hundreds of years will need a lot of effort to repair than a small shred on a jacket.

So, he already makes several preparations before, by maxing out his MP, strength, intelligence, and luck using [Temporary Boost]. Because of this, the repair only lasts for a short time.

"I--it's changing... "

"Well, it's done. This is our house, Haze."

"Wow... I can't believe this. How did you do it, Motegi-sama?"

"I'm just restoring this house to its original state."

Hazewynn, who previously felt hesitant to live there, now becomes very enthusiastic after it was changed into a beautiful house.

"Amazing, Motegi-sama... So, is this the true appearance of this house?"

"That's right. Do you want to check the inside?"

"Of course, Motegi-sama. Let's go!"

"Okay, okay, hehe..."

The store area that was previously damaged becomes normal again and Motegi can see the collapsed shelves are standing again. There is also a clock attached to the wall and a small vase on top of the counter, he thinks that those are also the damaged things that were scattered on the ground before.

"Is this a store space, Motegi-sama?"

"Yes, it looks like the previous owner also selling something here."

Then, they enter the toilet and the bathroom area. They are surprised when it becomes very clean. The faucet-thing on the side of the bathtub is attached again and Motegi sees a magic stone placed there, Hazewynn says to him that the magic stone makes the water come out directly from it. In the washing room, the shower head and the faucet on the bottom of it, are also attached again and there are also magic stones there.

"It's incredible, I can't believe that it was damaged before."

"Yeah, me too. I can't wait to have a bath here."

"Me too, Motegi-sama."

When they go up to the second floor, they also can see the drastic change in that place after being repaired. The dining table and the chairs become normal, the kitchen becomes clean, the other broken furniture and decorations are returned to their original state, and it looks beautiful. The bedroom has also become clean, the large bed has become normal, and the curtains that were scattered on the ground before are being attached again.

"Motegi-sama, the bed is very big, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but I think it's fine. We can change it if it's necessary."

However, what Motegi says to Hazewynn is not the same as what he's thinking.

He feels like he might still need that big bed. He thinks it will be great if more people sleep on that bed. Because he wants to enjoy his new life in this world, of course, he is thinking about women. He already imagines that he will be surrounded by a lot of beautiful women on that bed.

"So, do you like the house?"

"Yes, Motegi-sama."

"Well, from now on, this is our house."



After officially moving here, we started to prepare our first dinner in that house. Because we only just had a brunch, we are very hungry now.

"Motegi-sama, what are we going to eat?"

"Angry Trull's meat."

"Eh?? Really??"


"Waahh... It's been a long time since I haven't eaten that meat. I got one when I was still adventuring, and it was delicious. I remembered that my friends and I ate it together and everyone was so engrossed in eating it."

During her adventuring days, Hazewynn said she only managed to get Angry Trull's meat once. She couldn't forget how tasty it was and now, when she was about to eat it again tonight, I can look at her face that she is very happy and can't stop gulping.

"Well, hearing your story makes me can't wait to taste how delicious it will be. So, let's cook!"


When I got that meat yesterday, I already planned to eat it today, so I already bought salt, pepper, garlic, and some asparagus. I take all of the ingredients and Angry Trull's meat from my storage. When the meat comes out, I can see it truly looks tempting even it if is still raw. It is a beautiful and shiny red meat with milky white fat, and the boundary between the meat and the fat is clear.

I leave the meat-cooking job to Hazewynn and I handle the asparagus. I see Hazewynn cut the meat into thick slices, then remove the tendons and sprinkle salt and pepper on it, before she puts it in a frying pan and cooks it.

"It looks so delicious...gulp..."

"Yeah, it is..."

As soon as the meat was cooked, the smell of its intense flavor hit us and made us gulp. As the meat cooked and the fat melted, the smell spread all around. We were so captivated by the meat being cooked in front of us that we could hear our stomachs growling louder in unison.

"What about the asparagus, Motegi-sama?"

"Yup, it's almost done."

"This meat too. Hurry up, Motegi-sama!"


I can see that Hazewynn had already cooked the meat without fail and served the cooked meat on a plate.

Not long after that, the asparagus is ready too. I blanched it first into boiling water before pan-seared it with garlic. I served the asparagus on a plate.

After the cooking is done, we head to the dining table.

"Well then, let's eat! Oh, it's soft!"

"Yes, this meat can be cut easily without using much force."

"It's juicy too... Oh, what is this? It's delicious!!"

"This taste... I really missed this so much!!"

When I put the knife in to eat it, the blade went through smoothly. Delicious meat juice oozed from the cut surface and when I put it inside my mouth, I was shocked at how delicious it was, even though it was only sprinkled with salt and pepper. There was no dryness or difficulty in chewing at all, and obviously, it was so different than the meat that I had eaten in Japan.

"This is the most delicious meat I've ever eaten! It's impressive!"

"It's so delicious... I can't stop it!"

If Hazewynn said that the meat made her and her friends so engrossed when eating it, that was true. I had no idea that such delicious meat existed in this world and I felt like I wanted it more. Luckily, I managed to copy that meat so we can eat it anytime.

"Wow...my stomach is full. That was the best dinner ever."

"Me too. I ate it too much, just like that old days."


After eating their first dinner, they relaxed on a sofa with a full stomach. They were still drowned into the tastiness of the Angry Trull's meat and they talked about it all along.

Motegi knows that soon they will be taking a bath, but before that, he has something that he wants to do.

"Here's the glass, Motegi-sama. What are going to do with this?"

"Just trying something. "Water Drops."

Motegi asked Hazewynn to bring him an empty glass and he used the "Water Drops" spell to create a few drops of water into that glass.

"Alright, let's do this!"

He activates [Copier] skill to that glass and in an instant, the glass has become five.

"Why are you copying a glass, Motegi-sama?"

"No, I'm not. It's not what I want. I'll try again."

He was disappointed because that wasn't the result that he wanted, so he activated his skill once again. He does that three times but the outcome is still the same, he is only multiplying the glass.

"Not this again. I'll have to focus. Let's get this to work!"

Hazewynn is still confused by what Motegi is doing. For the fifth time, Motegi activates [Copier] again, and he can see the glass doesn't become many. However, the water amount is increased to less than one-eighth of the glass.

"Yes! I did it!"

"Amazing, the water is increased, Motegi-sama!"

"Not yet, let's fill this glass!"

He concentrates once again and activates [Copier] again, and the glass suddenly becomes full of water.


"Amazing...the glass is filled..."

"Now, we can take a bath now."

"What do you mean, Motegi-sama?"

"I'll tell you when we get to the bathroom. Now, let's get prepared first."



We change our clothes and we put a towel on our body, before heading to the bathroom. When we go inside, Motegi-sama takes a small clear tube and shows it to me.

"This is a soap, right?"

"Yes, Motegi-sama."

"As I thought. I can't believe the previous owner left this too."

"But, it won't be enough for us, isn't it? Eh? Don't you mean..."

"Yes, you're right."

I finally know the purpose of Motegi-sama copying that water drops before. He wants to refill the tube by copying the remaining drops of soap that are still left inside. And it's true, in the blink of an eye, the soap tube is fully filled.

"Great. I think it will be enough for us now. We can buy this again later."


"Well, come on!"

"Y--yes, Motegi-sama!"

When I was still lost for words at what he had just done, Motegi-sama invited me to the bath, so I quickly followed him.

This is my first work, so I hope you enjoy it.

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