
I Got Transported To Another World, So Let's Enjoy It To The Fullest

Motegi Sekino, a black company worker, was always annoyed by an advertisement that kept popping up on his phone every day. He finally decided to open the advertisement and fill out the form inside it, but when he woke up from his sleep, he found himself in a very strange place. After he knew that he was inside the place that was written in the advertisement, he decided to try his luck to live there happily and of course, find beautiful and sexy women to make his life more pleasurable. Notes: I'm not a native English speaker, so you may find grammatical mistakes in this story. Also, I try to write some erotic scenes and I hope it will suit your reading taste.

abnq_49 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 10: It's (Not) the Day She Dies

"Wind Storm!"

"Fire Storm!"

"Kheeee!!!" "Kheeee!!!"

The monster on the seventh floor is 'Rainbow Spider'. It's a black spider with the same height as humans. What makes it called like that because it will produce a rainbow-colored smoke to deceive the target before attacks them using its web. Because of this ability, it's also a type of monster that annoys close combat users, and it must be killed with a long-range attack.

With their magic, Motegi and Hazewynn managed to kill all of them easily. They also collect the dropped items from those monsters.

"They're the last ones, right?"

"Yes, you're right, Motegi-sama."

Normally, 'Rainbow Spider' will drop spices. But in a rare case, they will drop skill crystals. It will bestow a smoke skill that will help the user escape from danger or deceive the target. However, that skill crystal is one of the unique types because it can only be fused with accessories.

"So, what's the boss of this floor?"

"It's 'Poison Spider'. It can shoot a poisonous web, so we have to be careful, Motegi-sama."

"Is the rare item a skill crystal too?"

"That's right, Motegi-sama. It's one of the most expensive ones because it can be fused with both weapons and armor. It will bestow [Poison Fang] when it's fused to a weapon and [Poison Resistance] when it's fused to armor."

After Motegi heard Hazewynn's answer, he became interested in that skill crystal. If it's truly that expensive, he thinks that he shouldn't miss the chance to get it. So, he decided to go for it.


They entered the boss area, and 'Poison Spider' was already waiting for them. It has the same appearance as a black tarantula and its size is a little bit bigger than 'Rainbow Spider'.

"Leave this to me, Haze!"

"Yes, Motegi-sama."

"Fire Storm!"


Motegi boosted his luck to the maximum before he killed that spider. Then, he hears a voice like a stone dropping. If his guess is right, this will be the thing that he is looking for.

[Poison Spider's Skill Crystal] (Ultra-Rare Item)

Adds poison-type ability to the weapon or armor.

"Whoa! This is it!"

"No way...you get skill crystal?"


"I need to kill dozens of them to get this skill crystal, but you can get it in a single try. You're amazing, Motegi-sama."

"Okay. Let's do this."

Motegi activates [Copier] to copy the crystal. Not long after that, it becomes many and he stores most of them inside his storage. Hazewynn who sees him copying that crystal is surprised by this.

"Motegi-sama, the crystal...how did you do that?"

"Ah, I'm just copying it."

"Copy? That's strange. I never heard someone copy an item."

"Well, keep it a secret, okay?"


"Shall we continue?"

"Yes, Motegi-sama."

From what Hazewynn know, there are very few people who can copy skills. Even though they have it, they can only copy the opponent's skills and fighting styles. So once again, Motegi-sama amazed her with the abilities that he had.

After the seventh floor is finished, they proceed to the next floor. The monster that they're going to face is called 'Green Coil', a green plant with long tendrils and the same height as humans. It uses its tendrils to knock the target down or ensnare them and throw them away.

"You take that one on the right, I'll go for the left one. Let's go, Haze!"

"Yes, Motegi-sama!"

"Wind Slash!"

"Earth Spikes!"

"Guoohh!!!" "Guoohh!!!"

The normal drop of a Green Coil will be its root, which can be used as medicine.

However, the drop items that Motegi gets are the rare ones, which are tendrils. Green Coil's tendrils are an ingredient for a strengthening potion. And he's not only getting it once or twice, but he always gets tendrils every time he kills those monsters.

After his attack drastically became powerful and his luck also increased rapidly, Hazewynn started to get curious about it.

"Hey, Motegi-sama."


"Your power and your luck, why did they suddenly increase?"


When Hazewynn asked that question, Motegi thought that he might be overusing that boost skill, so she became suspicious.

"Actually, I can max out my stats temporarily."

"Max out? I never heard of it before."


"Yes. I only know a skill that can double their stats or increase them a little."

"Is that so? Ah, that's right. Do you want to try it?"

"Try what?"

"I'm going to use that skill to max out one of your stats."

"Ehh??? Is that possible, Motegi-sama?"

"Yes. How is it?"


Hazewynn's explanation made Motegi think that maybe he had an incredibly rare skill. Then he remembered that he could use [Temporary Boost] on other people. When she accepts his offer, he uses that skill to max out her strength and luck.

"Well, it's done. Check your status."


"How is it?"

"Wow...that's right, Motegi-sama. It's written 'MAX' here."

"Now, let's try that on them."


When I checked my status, I was surprised because my strength and luck stats were really at their max.

Then, two 'Green Coil' appeared in front of us. I thought it would be a chance to test my maximum stats.

"Wind Storm!"




I released an attack that was equally as powerful as Motegi-sama's. I was amazed because I couldn't believe that I managed to kill monsters with a very powerful attack.

Then, I see two items on the floor. I think that it would be a rare item, so I quickly takes it.

[Green Coil's Tendril] (Rare Item)

Ingredient for a strengthening potion.

"Motegi-sama, it's tendrils!"

"Yeah, you're right. You just get it, amazing, Haze."

"No, it's because of you, Motegi-sama. You just didn't stop to amaze me, and now you allow me to use your power. I won't forget this experience, Motegi-sama."

"Well, I didn't do anything, you know. But if that makes you happy, I'm fine with it."


There are only four Green Coils left on this floor, and I lets Hazewynn kill all of them because she still looks excited with her enhanced power. Then they arrived at the boss area.

Hazewynn said to me that the boss on this floor would be a 'Green Thorn', an advanced version of 'Green Coil'. She said it was taller than 'Green Coil' and it had sharp thorns on its tendrils. The thorns on the tip of the tendrils were the sharpest, they could stab their enemy using them.

"Motegi-sama, leave this to me too."


"Wind Storm!"


"Eh? It's gone, that power is gone."

"What's going on, Haze?"

"It looks like the effect is gone...Motegi-sama, watch out!!!"


The effect of the skill when it was applied to other people only worked for a short time. When the effect is gone, her attack only manages to cut down most of its tendrils.

Because I was focused on Hazewynn, I didn't realize that the monster attacked me using its thorny tendril. Even though I managed to dodge it, I still got a cut on my right forearm.


"Motegi-sama! Are you okay? You're bleeding!"

"Yeah, it's fine. I'll do it."

"I'm sorry, Motegi-sama."

"Now take this, "Gravity Bind!"


"Then, "Lightning Rain!"


I held the remaining tendril movements and stuck them to the ground with 'Gravity Bind'. Then I used 'Lightning Rain' to finish it off.

After that monster vanishes, I see it dropped an item. But I can't take it yet because I need to look after my wound first.

"Motegi-sama, we must treat your wound."

"It's fine, Haze. I can heal it myself. "Heal!"

That healing light closes my wound instantly and stops the bleeding. However, my tracksuit is also ripped because of that attack.

"See? It's fine now."

"Yes, but...there is a shred in your clothes."

"Yeah, you're right. Ah, that's it! "Restore!"

I remembered there was a spell called "Restore". It's a spell made with cosmic element to return the state of a broken thing to normal. However, this spell can't be done to living beings.

A magic white circle appears, then in the blink of an eye, the shredded part is closed and my jacket returns to normal.

Previously, I used this spell last night to clean the bedsheet that was stained with semen, and it worked. The bedsheet became clean again, just like before we had sex.

"Hmm...restore, huh?"


"Ah, nothing. Let's end this for now, shall we?"


After I finished repairing my jacket, there was something crossed my mind. I thought that maybe I could do something amazing with "Restore". So, I decided to end the quest so I could do that thing quickly.

I walk to the site where the boss dies, and I take the drop item, which is like a spiked baseball bat.

[Spiked Club] (Rare Item)

Melee-ranged weapon.

"It's a weapon..."

"Yes, it's this monster's rare item. Normally, it will drop needles."


"Yes, but only some assassins use them. Usually, they will dip it into poison, creating a poison needle."

"Ah, I got it."


They exited the labyrinth using a teleportation circle and returned to the city.

Along the way to the guild, they see many people just leaving the city square. Then, Motegi sees a stage with many guillotines, and the imperial knights are busy removing dead bodies.

When Motegi asked some people about what just happened, they said that the Visto family's execution had just recently been held there.

Then, Hazewynn remembers that today is also the day that she is supposed to die. But she thinks that their deaths don't matter anymore for her because there is someone who helps her avoid death. She can continue her life, and now she feels very grateful because she will live together with her savior for the rest of her life.


"You get a magic crystal and a skill crystal too?"

"Yes. I got them."

"Amazing. Alright, I'll count them all!"

"Yes, we'll wait."

We sold all the items that we've got today, and I also added some Puncher Wood leaves and Trull's red horn that I got yesterday. Then, I was curious about the price of a magic crystal, so I asked Hazewynn about it. When she told me that the price could be a million ginks, I tried to sell one of them that I had in my storage.

"Here you go. A thread, root, and spice are worth 2 ginks each, so it's 136 ginks in total. A silk thread is worth 3 ginks. A leaf, horn, and tendril are worth 200 ginks each, so it's 12,000 ginks in total. A spiked club is worth 300 ginks, a Poison Spider's skill crystal is worth 50,000 ginks, and a magic crystal is worth 1,000,000 ginks, so it's 1,062,439 ginks in total."

"Thank you."

I managed to make a lot of money from selling those items. And what Hazewynn said was right, a magic crystal could be worth that much, and a Poison Spider's skill crystal was worth five times more than the other skill crystal, that's why it became the most expensive.

"Motegi, because you just sell a magic crystal, you will be promoted to D rank. Do you want to go through the promotion procedures?"

"Eh, D rank?"

"Yes, because magic crystal is the rarest and the most valuable item from the labyrinth, and there are very few people who can get it."

"Umm...okay. Here's the card."

"Thank you, wait a second."


Even though I knew that magic crystal was very expensive, I didn't expect that I would get promoted to D rank, so I was surprised about it. Because I was offered a promotion, I felt that I shouldn't decline it, so I gave Freddy my guild card for the promotional procedure.

"Well, here's it is. You're a D-rank now."

"Thank you."

When I receive my card, I see the letter on it has changed from 'F' to 'D'.

After a short stop at the guild, we go to a certain place to get something that I want, which is a house. Since I got that huge payment last night, I started to think about buying a house.

Especially, a hot night with Hazewynn in my own place will be better than inside an inn because I can hear all of her sexy moans and screams for myself with nobody cares about it. Even though it's still possible for us to do it in the inn and people won't care about it, there is still a possibility for a room neighbor to be disturbed by the voice that we're going to make.


"Welcome to Riroa Real Estate. What can I help you, sir?"

"Um...yeah. Are there any cheap properties that can fit twenty people or more? It will be better if there is a large bedroom and a bathroom inside."

"Okay. Please wait a moment."

The real estate agent then goes to the back and returns with two pieces of paper in his hand.

"Well, here is the property that you're looking for. The first one is located on the west side of the city, with a rent of two million ginks per month. The second one is closer to the city, and the rent will be five million ginks per month."

When he look at the house that the man recommends, he's disappointed because those aren't the houses that he's looking for.

"I'm sorry, are these the cheapest?"

"Um...there is one more, sir. It's a two-story building with a store on the first floor and a living space on the second floor, but I don't recommend it."


"The condition is too severe, and it is going to be demolished soon."

"Hmm...can I see that property right now?"

"Yes, let's get there, sir."

When the real estate agent explained to him about the other property, he became curious about it. He thought that it might be the house that he was looking for, so he wanted to see it by himself, and they went to the location of the property.

This is my first work, so I hope you enjoy it.

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