
I Got Transported to Another World and Can't Die

Ford Reski's life is all but normal when he gets transported to another world. In this new world, Ford Reski learns of a power that he possesses. Time resets everytime he dies. He uses this power to his advantage, but is it really what it's played out to be? Is he an all-knowing God in this world? Or is he just a weak and powerless human? Like he was on earth.

_Ocean_Lucas_ · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter 5: The Battle

Ford checks his cellphone: The attack starts in 1 hour.

Upon realizing that, he runs out of the Inn, without telling anyone what's going on.

The first place he runs to is the knight station in his town. Thankfully he found 1 knight walking around.

Ford: "Hey, you! I need your help!"

Knight: "What do you need?"

Ford realized he would seem suspicious if he told the knight an attack was going to happen, so instead he said-

Ford: "Something is off at the Inn. I thought I saw strange movement."

Knight: "Really? Well, that's certainly something you should tell us about. You did the right thing!"

Ford: "So will you come with me?"

Knight: "Yes, of course"

Ford: "Thank you fine knight!"

The knight sighed, smiled and said-

Rallden: "Please, don't say 'fine Knight'. My name's Rallden. Tell me, what's your name?"

Ford: "Ford Reski, nice to meet ya"

Rallden: "the clothes you have on are awfully strange. Where are you from exactly?"

Ford was unable to answer, out of fear of Rallden viewing him as insane.

Rallden: "Anyway, we should probably get going"

Ford: "Yeah!"

Ford and Rallden would make their way to the Inn, where screaming could be heard.

Rallden: "this is bad.."

Just then, Rallden would start sprinting to the Inn.

Upon entering, Ford was relieved he wasn't too late.

Rallden: "Stop!"

??: "Would you happen to be the swordsman, Rallden?"

Rallden: "It seems I don't have to introduce myself.."

Rallden: "Scruffy blue hair, clothes of a peasant.. there's no mistaking it.. you're the throat slasher."

The throat slasher clapped his hands, as if giving applause to Rallden.

Throat Slasher: "Congratulations"

Rallden: "Enough tal--"

Hayden: "Wait! I still haven't told you my name! It's Hayden Leeus! Remember that!"

Just then, Hayden lunged at Rallden, blade in hand.

Rallden dodged the attack, in fact.. Rallden dodged all the attacks that Hayden would continue to throw his way..

Ford was visibly shocked.

Just then, Rallden would let out one final blow, causing the Inn to collapse on itself, leaving Hayden buried under the debris.

Arias Arrived.

Arias: "what happened?"

Rallden: "Ms. Arias! Please forgive me, the Inn was raided."

Arias: "Is Ford Okay?"

Rallden turns to Ford, who was still shocked at his power.

Rallden: "Are you alright, Ford?"

Ford: "——yeah——"

Ford turned to Rallden, laughing-

Ford: "your power is next level!"

Rallden: "I believe you have potential as well!"

Rallden's expression suddenly turned blank, and-

Rallden: "I saw it in your eyes, you've been at deaths door, many times.."

He said quietly, so no one could hear him.

Ford: "what?"

Rallden smiled again, and said-

Rallden: "Nothing.. we should head ou--"

Just then, Hayden came flying out of the debris.

Rallden: "Ford! Watch out!"

Ford turned around quickly and dodged the impending attack.

Hayden: "that fucking boy got in my way"

Hayden said quietly, so no one could hear him.

Hayden: "I'll be back, just wait for me!"

Just then, Hayden jumped out the Inn.

Rallden: "Ford, I thank you for informing me of the attack"

Ford: "no problem"

Ford: "that was a close call for me at the end, haha"

Ford: "where am I going to stay now, though? The Inn was completely destroyed.."

Arias turned to Ford, and-

Arias: "You're welcome to stay with me at my castle.."

Ford was shocked-

Ford: "Seriously?!"

Arias: "yeah, it's no problem!"

Rallden turned around, and-

Rallden: "Well, I'll be making my leave now.."

Rallden: "Ford, I thank you again.. may we meet again someday"

Ford: "I should be thanking you.. you saved us.."

Rallden proceeded to run out of the Inn.

Arias turned to Ford, and said-

Arias: "Well, you ready?"

Ford: "yeah.."

Arias: "Just keep in mind, I'm only doing this cuz you seem to have some minor injuries. Once you're all healed up, you'll be on your way."

Ford: "Sure..."

Ford and Arias continued to the Castle..
