
I Got Transported to Another World and Can't Die

Ford Reski's life is all but normal when he gets transported to another world. In this new world, Ford Reski learns of a power that he possesses. Time resets everytime he dies. He uses this power to his advantage, but is it really what it's played out to be? Is he an all-knowing God in this world? Or is he just a weak and powerless human? Like he was on earth.

_Ocean_Lucas_ · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter 2: First Encounter

The four bandits would not let up in demanding Ford's gear. He didn't have anything of value, but those bandits didn't know that.

Ford: "Why should I?"

Ford asked that proudly, retaining his pride. He believed these bandits was his first quest.

??: "Do you want to die? Cough it up, everything you got!"

Ford: "How about... NO!"

Just then, Ford lunged at one of the bandits, tackling him to the ground, he then gets up and punches another bandit straight in the face. Ford was heavily outnumbered though, so the two bandits still standing quickly pulled out sharp knives, upon seeing that, Ford quickly got down on his knees and-

Ford: "please spare me imsorryimsorry!"

??: "You should of thought about it"

The bandits said as they stabbed Ford in the leg, causing him to scream of unrelenting pain.


The bandits then grabbed Ford's materials and ran off into the distance. Ford then realized his powerlessness, as he bled out slowly.


In the dark alley, Ford slowly opened his eyes.

Ford: "what... happened"

??: "What are you goin' on about? Give me all you got, and make it snappy!"

The four bandits had returned, or did they?

Ford: "You guys again? Well, here's everything I got.."

Ford said calmly, not wanting to remember the horrible pain he just endured.

??: "What?"

??: "Doesn't matter. Now get on your knees and cry to mommy!"

The bandits said, but Ford wouldn't take that. He got up, annoyed, and yelled-

Ford: "YOU NP--"

??: "That's enough"

A strange lady suddenly appeared.

??: "Let him go!"

Bandit 1: "Do you know this fool?"

??: "No, but still, I can't overlook what's going on here!"

The lady said, as she launched orange crystals at the four thieves, causing them to fall to the floor, before getting up again and running off into the distance.

Ford: "Thank yo--"

??: "Don't move! I may have saved you, but that doesn't mean I trust you. Tell me where you're from!"

??: "The strange clothes you have tell me you're not from around here."

Ford: "uuhh..."

Ford was unable to answer, for fear of the strange lady viewing him as insane.

Ford: "let's just say somewhere far away and leave it at that."

??: "That just made you more untrustworthy. Well, I'll be making my leave now."

??: "Well, bye"

The lady turned around, and walked away. Ford stood up, saying-

Ford: "Not even giving me your name, wow"

Ford: "you were pretty cute though, so I'll give you that.."

Ford then stood up, making his way out of the alley, He would continue to explore the town he was in, until he saw that strange lady again-

Ford: "wait a second... HEY, YOU!!"

??: "Huh?"

The lady quickly turned around

??: "You again? What do you need?"

Ford was nervous, unable to respond-

Ford: "I..."

??: "Just being a nuisance, huh? Bye"

The lady continued in the other direction, Ford still unable to talk to her out of pure nervousness. "You stupid pathetic weakling" Ford thought to himself, as he walked away. Ford would end up sleeping at a nearby park.


The next morning

Ford woke up, but he was unable to move.

Ford: "Could this be sleep paralysis??"

Ford thought to himself, but then, he saw a rope tying him down. The four bandits had returned-

Bandit 1: We're back fool"

"Fool" was a nickname that the bandits came up with for Ford.

Bandit 3: "We came back, and you see, I'm a lil' bit pissed off that we didn't finish what we started."

The bandits stabbed Ford in the chest.


Then, he woke up, for real this time-

Ford: "It was just a dream, thank god"

That was just a dream, but the second time around in the alley, was that also just a dream, or did it actually happen?

Ford got up, and made his way back to the alley.

Ford: "back here again.. well let's hope nothing happens.."

Just then, the bandits returned

Bandit 1: "Hey fool, we're back!"

Ford: "oh my go-- AAHH!"

The bandits had stabbed Ford before he could finish what he was saying.


Ford slowly opened his eyes, back in the dark alley

Bandit 1: "What are you goin' on about? Give me all you got, and make it snappy!"

Ford could've sworn he was stabbed, but here he was, in the alley, unharmed.

Ford: "what th---"

Ford had fainted from shock.