
Learning about the System (3)


Mana thief: Every time you hit someone, you get some of your own mana back.



Fast thinker: Increase your thinking speed by 5%.



Calm mind: Keep your cool, no matter what happens.



I've never seen anything quite like this in a system novel before.


My brother called out to me, interrupting the thoughts I had.

Well, let's just postpone it for later.

The talents won't just run away from me, will they?


I responded in my usual emotionless voice.

"You just kinda look out of it. Are you perhaps exhausted?"

While I wasn't exhausted, I wanted to go home as soon as possible to spend more time figuring out my system and then take a nap, so I just agreed with his suggestion.

"Yes. I am exhausted."

"Then I'll take you home."

My brother, who didn't mind my robotic voice, offered me a piggyback. Gladly, I accepted it, as walking all the way back to our mansion with my short, stubby legs, would be a pain in the ass.

In the end, it took only a little more than an hour to arrive at our mansion. Half the time it took when I was walking on my own.

"If you excuse me, I would like to go now."

"Ah, yes. Of course."

When we arrived at our mansion, I immediately jumped up from the back of my brother, telling him that I would like to part ways.



It had been an entire week since my first for my level up.

In that same week, I also learned about what my studies actually are and also...

...I went to the toilet for the first time.

For some reason, I couldn't help but feel like a weird pedophile, even though I knew that this body was mine now.

I shuddered at the memory of it.


Anyway, my studies until now were just lessons about basic mana control and etiquette, which were taught to me by famous instructors hired by my parents.

I guess they wanted their daughter to have the best education possible, so it wasn't all that surprising.

During that week, I also found something new about the system.


I muttered and immediately a blue system window appeared in front of me, showcasing the talent that I have chosen.


Fast thinker: Increase your thinking speed by 5%.


While I had first thought about choosing 'Mana thief', I came to the conclusion that 'fast thinker' would probably also include the speed of [Reading], which was the reason why I chose it.

Calm mind was out of the question in the first place, as I was pretty sure that my characteristic [Ice Queen] already had a similar effect, so choosing it would just be a waste of talent.

As the system stated, there'll be talent at every level, which gave me the impression that the reason why 'talent's' had its own window was that the list would be too long when I reached a specific level.

Besides integrating into this world and learning about my system, I had also started to pick up some basic mana training and reading books with [Reading] to raise my two unbounded stats, mana and intelligence.



[Weiss Azelio]

Age: 8

Level: 2

Attribute: Ice

Mana: 1200/1200

Exp: 0/20


Strength: 2

Agility: 2

Stamina: 2

Durability: 1

Mana: 12

Intelligence: 24


[Imperial Sword art (novice) {Rare}]

A Sword Art, that is taught by the knights of the imperial army. It is widely known as one of the most effective sword arts due to its simplicity.

Progression: 16%


[Reading (active) {Legendary}]

Allows the user to read, memorize and understand anything they've read.

[Studying (passive) {Unique}]

User significantly learns faster than the average person.


[Female lead]


[Ice Queen]

[Graceful Aura]




[In love with protagonist]




Although I could roughly guess what all the other stats were, I didn't exactly know what intelligence did.

I honestly doubted that intelligence actually raised one's intelligence, as if that really was the case. Everyone would've been a genius by now.

No, rather, I had the suspicion that intelligence was just a measure of how much knowledge one possessed, as it increased every time I read a book or learned something difficult.

Although the scaling of those stats also gradually seemed to get harder, the things I had to do for it also began to increase gradually.

In addition to that, I also had the theory that my stats also had something to do with what type of talents I would get.

'Mana thief', 'Fast thinker', and 'Calm mind' were all talents that had either something to do with mana or the mind, on which I based my theory on.

Sighing, I massaged my temples before leaving my room, looking for my brother.

After raising my intelligence and mana, I gradually got the feeling that my stats were slowly getting too unbalanced.

Thus, I decided to ask my brother to let me go hunting with him again, as to raise my level and gain the ability to increase my other stats.

"Oh, milady."

When I left my room, I was almost immediately greeted by a maid of the mansion. Turning my head to her, I gave her a monotone answer.


"The lord and the lady are looking for you. Your brother, Master Flake, had also told me to tell you to come to the dining room, as they wanted to discuss an important matter with you."

The maid spoke in a soft and gentle voice, trying to be as respectful to me as possible, so as to not anger me for suddenly talking to me.

"Thank you for the information."

Nodding my head, I accepted the information and set off to the dining hall, carrying a solemn expression on my face.

I wondered for what reason my parents had called me. Judging by the tone of the maid, however, I had come to the conclusion that it was something important.

I hadn't done something wrong, so I doubted that it had something to do with me, but for what other reason would they want to discuss something with me?


Could it be that they had already found out that I was not their daughter?

Immediately, as that thought came into my mind, it felt like my heart dropped and my body froze on the spot.

No, no.

Shaking my head, I tried to calm myself down, taking a deep breath to slow my racing heart.

I had no reason to overthink.

Arriving at the door to the dining hall, I took another deep breath before opening the golden door with a jerk.


With a loud sound, the door opened, filling the dining hall with the sound and revealing my parents and brother sitting at the dining table, expectingly waiting for me.

"There you are."

My usual affectionate father had a serious expression on his face, clasping his hands together and resting his chin on them.

"Yes, father."

"Do you know why you're here?"

"No, father."

It was a short word exchange that ended in my father turning his face to my brother, shortly exchanging looks before nodding once.

"Your brother has told me something interesting..."

I froze up, when he paused his sentence, wondering what my brother had told my parents. In the last week, I didn't spend much time with my brother, so there was nothing that came to my mind, which could be told to my parents.

Did I perhaps spend too little time with my brother, which led to suspicion about my identity? My wild thoughts soon came to a halt, as my father continued speaking.

"We'll be sending you away..."

Widening my eyes, my heart dropped at that sentence, sending an electrifying shock all throughout my body.


"Why didn't you tell us..."

Instead of my father, my mother, who was in the corner of my view spoke in her usual soft and gentle voice, pulling on my heartstrings.

I could feel an uncomfortable feeling spreading in my chest when I thought, that my parents had already found out that I wasn't their real daughter.

I didn't know whether it was because of the body of Weiss or because of my own emotions, but I've gradually grown attached to this family, so I didn't want to imagine their expressions of pain and anger when they looked at me.

After a short silence, my mother continued her sentence.

Her silver voice echoed through the entire room, wrapping around my ears.

"...why didn't you tell us you were a genius?!"

Next chapter