
I Got Transmigated In Another World With an Upgrade System

A story of a 17-year-old man named Andrian Bramasta who was Transmigated into Isekai with an Upgrade System that helped him on his journey. What will happen next to Andrian after he gets Transmigated in Isekai? - A/N : Update 1 Chapter Everyday

Weebs_Sensei · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Status, Magic, Explanation

Previous Chapter

Andrian then asked, "System, can I upgrade everything I want, or are there certain characteristics?"

[Answer : Yes, Host can upgrade anything Host wants, with exceptions such as Name, Upgrade Points, or specific functions that are not meant to be upgraded.]

Chapter Start

Hearing the explanation of the system, Andrian seemed satisfied with the functions possessed by this System Upgrade. It could be said that he was very fortunate because with this System Upgrade, the chances of surviving in this New World were much higher.

If at that time Andrian did not have this System Upgrade and realized that he was now in a world different from the previous one, he could not imagine what would happen to him, considering that he still did not know anything about this New World.

After listening to the explanation of some basic things about the System Upgrade, Andrian paused for a moment and then tried to test and check its current status.

"System, open my Status." He said.



Name : Andrian Bramasta

Tittle : ( Beginner ), ( Transmigator ), ( He Who Survive From Singularity )

Age : 17 years old

Current Health : Healthy

Mission : -


HP : 100/100

MP : 1.000/1.000

Strength : 10

Agility : 10

Durability : 10

Intelligence : 10

Charisma : 25

Luck : 1

Magic : -

Skill : -

Ultimate Skill : -

Upgrade Point : 0


Seeing his current status, Andrian noticed something that caught his attention.

With curiosity, he asked the System, "Hey System, can you explain to me about the status I have? And also, what is meant by 'Mana'?"

[ Answer : To know more details about the current status the host possesses, I will explain by comparing all the power levels with an average human from this world.

First, for the Title, this status explains the titles you have or obtain through activities, missions, and events you experience. Each title you possess or obtain has various effects depending on the name of the title. For example, the title 'He Who Survives From Singularity' has the effect that if you enter an unknown dimension, you will gain immunity from any negative effects in that dimension.

Second, Current Health, explains the health status you currently have. If the status in Health shows anything other than Healthy, then your health is not good at that time.

Third, Mission, explains the status of the missions you currently have or are undertaking. Since you are not currently on a mission or do not have any missions at all, the mission status table will be empty.

Fourth, Stats, I will explain these separately one by one. ]

Andrian nodded, indicating that he understood and gestured for the explanation to continue.

[ Alright, let's continue with a more detailed explanation of the Stats. ] said the System.

[ Strength: This stat measures your physical strength. The higher the strength number, the greater your ability to lift weights, perform physical attacks, and withstand physical impacts.

Agility: This stat reflects how fast and agile you can move. Higher agility increases your ability to dodge attacks, move quickly, and perform complex maneuvers.

Intelligence: This stat indicates your level of intelligence and mental capacity. The higher the intelligence number, the faster you can learn new things, solve problems, and master magical or technical skills.

Endurance: This stat measures how long you can endure harsh conditions. Higher endurance means you can withstand fatigue longer, recover faster from injuries, and last longer in battles.

Charisma: This stat identifies the charisma you possess. It is useful for assessing your communication skills, ability to lead a group, aura, and appearance.

Mana: This stat shows the amount of magical energy you have. Mana is used to perform various magical abilities or other special skills. The higher the mana number, the more magical abilities you can use before running out of energy.

Luck: This stat influences various unexpected aspects of your life. Higher luck can mean you find valuable items more often, succeed in risky endeavors, or experience positive unexpected events.]

The System continued, [ By understanding each of these stats, you can strategize better in developing your abilities and increase your chances of survival in this new world.]

[ For a normal person, if we take an example from the beings in this world, it would be 8 in Strength, Agility, and Endurance. 5 for Charisma, 7 for Luck, and 5 for Intelligence.]

Andrian nodded. Now, he began to understand in detail the information about the stats he possessed and the explanations of each stat. He also gained quite useful information, such as the stats possessed by a normal person in this world.

[ A little addition for you, Host. Magic in this world is real and exists. That's why there is 'Mana' in your stats.]

Now it becomes even more interesting. Magic in this world exists and is real. Although Andrian doesn't know if everyone in this world can use magic or not, one thing is certain: magic in this world does exist.

"In that case, how do I perform magic in this world?" He asked system.

[ Answer : There are several common method to accessing magic, here they are :

1. Studying and Training: Host can learn magic through studying spellbooks, attending magical academies, or training under mentors. This process often involves learning the theory behind magic, practicing spells, and honing your magical skills over time.

2. Magical Artifacts: Host might come across magical artifacts such as wands, Grimoire, staves, or enchanted items that grant them the ability to use magic. These artifacts might be imbued with magical power or require activation through specific means.

3. Divine Blessings: Host may receive blessings or favor from gods, spirits, or other supernatural beings, granting you access to magical abilities or powers.

4. Contracting with Spirits or Entities: Host might form contracts or bonds with spirits, demons, or other magical entities, gaining access to your powers in exchange for fulfilling certain conditions or agreements.

5. Awakening Powers: In certain cases, Host may undergo a sudden awakening of your latent magical abilities, triggered by intense emotions, life-threatening situations, or other significant events.]

[ However, it's important to remember that if you want to perform magic, you must be able to access the Mana within your body and control the usage of Mana in every spell you cast.]

"Hmm. Thats make sense." Andrian said. He then continued to asked system "In that case, can you explain how to access and control Mana correctly?"

[ Answer : Understood

There are several method to access mana :

1. Natural Absorption: Hist may naturally absorb ambient mana from the environment simply by being in the world. This passive absorption replenishes your mana reserves over time, especially in areas rich with magical energy.

2. Meditation and Focus: Practitioners of magic often engage in meditation or focused concentration to draw mana into yourself more efficiently. By attuning your minds to the flow of mana, host can increase your reserves and enhance your magical abilities.

3. Mana Sources: Certain locations in worlds may contain concentrated sources of mana, such as mana springs, ley lines, or magical nexuses. Host can visit these places to replenish your mana more quickly or to access higher quantities of mana for powerful spells.

4. Mana Crystals or Gems: Mana crystals or gems are often used as magical conduits or storage devices in worlds. You can infuse these crystals with mana and then draw upon the stored energy when needed.

5. Consumables: Host may use magical potions, elixirs, or food items infused with mana to replenish your energy reserves. These consumables are typically crafted by alchemists or obtained from magical creatures.

6. Rituals or Spells: Host may perform rituals or cast spells specifically designed to draw in mana from the surroundings. These rituals often require knowledge of magical principles and incantations.]

[ Then, for how you control and manipulate Mana, there are various ways to do so.

1. Meditation and Contemplation: Practicing meditation helps characters become more aware of the energy around them and understand the flow of Mana within their bodies. Through regular meditation, you can strengthen your connection with Mana and learn how to channel that energy according to your will.

2. Visualization: Imagining the flow of Mana within your body and directing it as desired is a useful technique. With strong visualization, you can guide Mana to specific points to enhance your abilities or prepare for spells.

3. Spell and Mantra Practice: Through constant practice, you can hone your abilities to manipulate and control Mana. Mantras and chanting are often used to focus energy and assist you in casting spells accurately.

4. Deep Understanding of Energy Direction: Understanding the flow of Mana in the universe and how to direct it accurately is key to controlling and mastering it. This may involve studying the theories of magic in this world.

5. Practical Experience: Direct practice using magic or controlling Mana in real-life situations is the best way to strengthen your abilities in controlling that energy.

6. Mentor Supervision: An experienced mentor in magic or Mana control can guide you on your journey, providing advice and the training needed to control and optimize Mana usage. ]

Andrian fell silent after listening to the explanation about Magic and Mana from the System.

"I didn't realize that practicing magic would be this complex even though magic does exist in this world and can be cast," he murmured, rubbing his forehead.

Of course, using magic isn't as simple as turning your palm. It requires a deep understanding of magic in this world and, more importantly, control over Mana in every use of magic.