
I Got Transmigated In Another World With an Upgrade System

A story of a 17-year-old man named Andrian Bramasta who was Transmigated into Isekai with an Upgrade System that helped him on his journey. What will happen next to Andrian after he gets Transmigated in Isekai? - A/N : Update 1 Chapter Everyday

Weebs_Sensei · Fantasy
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14 Chs

1. Awakening in The Forest

Andrian Bramasta, a 17-year-old young man, panicked when he found out he was now in the middle of the forest after waking up from his sleep.

He then thought about what had happened to him.

'How did I end up in a place like this?'

However, after thinking for a long time, he couldn't find the answer.

"Damn it. I still can't get a definite answer as to how I woke up in this middle of nowhere." He could only shake his head and try to calm down.

Andrian then checked whether he was hallucinating, kidnapped, or dreaming.

But that was also impossible because he had never hallucinated. He was also not kidnapped because if he had been kidnapped, the kidnapper would not have left him in the wilderness like this. He also knew that this wasn't a dream because right now he could feel something like pain after he pinched his hand.

'Actually, what the hell happened to me? How the fuck could I wake up in the middle of fucking nowhere with nothing but my pajamas?'

Because he couldn't find a definite answer, Andrian finally decided to check the surrounding area and find out where he was at this time. Maybe by knowing his current location, he could find out what had happened to him.

He walked around the area where many tall trees towered. Of course, Andrian realized that he was now in a dense forest.

However, what confused and amazed him was that the trees around him were very strange, unlike any he had ever seen before. How could it be otherwise? The trees that Andrian saw and encountered were enormous, possibly more than 30 meters tall and about 6-8 meters wide, with a very peculiar shape that even gave off an eerie impression.

"Who knows why the trees in this forest are so large and have such strange shapes." Andria muttered while scanning the surrounding area.

Nevertheless, he didn't feel any fear or worry. Perhaps because his mind was still digesting what was actually happening to him.

After a while, Andrian started to feel tired and a bit frustrated because he couldn't find any answers about where he was. This was because all he could find were trees and some water sources like rivers and waterfalls to the north of where he initially woke up.

Andrian thought, 'Am I in the Amazon rainforest?' but then shook his head after a moment.

'No. I know well what the Amazon forest is like and its atmosphere is very different from the forest here.' he thought.

Despite that, Andrian decided to take a short rest after returning to the spot where he woke up. Then, he constructed a small makeshift hut out of whatever materials he could find, and he also gathered wood to make a campfire to warm himself, considering that the day was starting to darken.

Fortunately, he had a lot of knowledge about wilderness survival, which is why he wasn't too panicked after analyzing the situation. Moreover, in times like these, he also had to conserve as much energy as possible. So, if he continued to panic incessantly, it would only waste his energy in vain.

After finishing the hut and collecting enough wood, Andrian began making a Hand Drill to start a fire.

He started by taking a long stick shaped like an arrow and a wooden board used as a base, Then he gathered enough dry grass, which would serve as the tinder to catch the sparks.

By rotating the shaft of the long wooden stick, he could create small sparks and channel them onto the prepared dry grass.

Perhaps this method would require a lot of energy because creating sparks with a Hand Drill alone requires considerable friction. However, there's no other way. This is the only option he can do right now to make a campfire to warm himself and illuminate the surrounding area because the materials needed to make other fire-starting tools are not easy to obtain.

After a while, Andrian finally managed to light the campfire.

It took him approximately 10-15 minutes to start the fire using the Hand Drill, and it drained a lot of his energy.

Perhaps it's best for him to rest for tonight and contemplate what he'll do next, while also not forgetting to find out what actually happened to him and how he ended up in a place like this all alone.

In the midst of the towering silence of the forest, Andrian sat in front of the newly constructed simple hut. The bright campfire emitted light and warmth around, adding to the cozy atmosphere amidst the darkness of the night. However, Andrian's mind was not at peace. After finishing the hut and building the campfire, he pondered the next steps in his adventure in this wilderness.

Andrian is someone with extensive knowledge of wilderness survival. He has learned many things about finding water sources, building shelters, and foraging for food in this wilderness. However, despite having sufficient knowledge, challenges always exist at every corner of the forest.

With the campfire emitting its golden glow, Andrian began contemplating what to do next. His eyes gazed into the dense darkness of the forest, trying to estimate what lay hidden beyond the towering trees. His mind wandered to various adventure possibilities awaiting him.

First and foremost, Andrian needed to find a more stable water source. Although he had found some small springs, their existence could be inconsistent depending on the season and weather. He knew that to survive well in this forest, he needed easy and stable access to clean water.

After searching through his mind, Andrian remembered a small river he had seen a few days ago. The river wasn't too far from his hut. He decided to explore around the river the next day, looking for a suitable spot to build a simple water reservoir that he could use daily.

However, searching for water wasn't Andrian's only priority. He also realized that he needed to expand his knowledge of the plants and wild animals around him. Some types of plants could be nutritious food sources, while others could be poisonous or dangerous. Similarly, with animals, some could be valuable sources of protein, while others could pose a threat to his safety.

With strong determination, Andrian decided to spend the next few days exploring further around the forest. He would learn natural signs, observe animal behaviors, and identify various types of plants that he could utilize. He believed that this additional knowledge would be invaluable for his survival in the wilderness.

However, Andrian also couldn't neglect his own safety. Despite having built a simple hut and campfire, the forest remained a dangerous place. Predators could lurk behind bushes, and the weather could quickly turn extreme. Therefore, Andrian needed to remain vigilant and be prepared to face any possible occurrences.

Sorry if there are some words or grammar that are difficult to understand. It's because English is not my first language.

Weebs_Senseicreators' thoughts