
I Got The Second Chance To Live My Life

Krish_Verma_7 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Second Chance

# Announcement: Hey the story is going to begin now and also I have a surprise for all of you and it's a Leo

#Leo basically tell you the situation that what happens in the story.OK so enjoy the story 😁


^Leo: somewhere in the void and '>' means the MC for now,word in ( ) are spoken in mind.


How much time has been passed 'Ciel'

<ciel> "Master" around 250 years has been passed since you are in your...

>:hmm... it's long I accepted anyways then start it.

^Leo: Around 3 Decades ago

*Alarm⏰: ringg.... ringg....

>:hmm Shut the up you monster I will kill you hmm.. ahhhhhhh It's alarm clock means I am dreaming ohh crap I am gonna be late for school hmm not again I need to hurry

^Leo: while at Traffic🚦

<stranger>: hmmm somebody help my son help him somebody help him

>:No, I need to save him the baby goona hit by the truck aaahhhh ahh... It HURTS

<Stranger>: My baby you are okay okay MAMA's here you are okay now

>:( aahh.. I atleast save him it's ok now I don't have any regrets afterall I am a loner afterall

even when I got to the High school after 2 years I don't have any friends at all everyone one in the school hates me I hope I can live peacefully )

>:hmm.. where am I it's so dark what should I hmm... what is this light.. who?

<From the thing light coming from>: Do Not Worry My Child I don't intend to harm you I the you who you humans called "The God".

>hmm.. what? You are the "God"

<God>: Yes my child or should I call you Raj anyway my child Raj I need to tell you that you are very good child of mine even when the trouble that you got in your life you face them bravely You have a pure heart even when everyone around you hates you never hate them you help the one in need and In the end You sacrifice your life to save a child's life and that's why I want to give you a "second chance"

^Leo: '>' is changed to "Raj" mc's name

<Raj>: hmm.. Mr.God What Do You Mean by "The Second Chance"

<God>: I mean You reincarnate in another world A world where Magician,Demons and different types of beings exist and also there are ..... exist so then What do you want to do you have five minutes to Decide otherwise I send you to the Heaven

<Raj>: I have only 5 minutes to decide.. What should I do ( WOW afterall after painful life I go through I now got my chance to shine I always Dream the Movement has Come since I am a loner I have no friends I spent all of my time on Manga,Anime and Novel I KNOW I KNOW I Don't gonna regret it )

^LEO: After 5 minutes and '{ }' used to show emotions

<God>: So Do You Decide tell in yes or no

<Raj>: YES!! OF COURSE { With a big smile on his face }

<God>: Very well I hope you a good and a long journey

<Raj>: hmm.. whats happening to me?{ Shoked }

^leo: Raj shine with the light and got reincarnated in another world

<Raj>: Hmm.. (it's so blur I can't see anything hmm.. who is she? and what it is I am feeling){ Confused }

<lady that Raj see>: ohh My Gosh hmmm... how cutee you are you definately gone on your mama (Thank gosh..) { Extremely Joyful and relieved }

<Raj>: She says I am like her means she's my mama!! ( Why I am even surprised Mr.God tell me that it's gonna happen hmm.. )

<lady>: Thomas look our child is so cutee!!

<Thomas>: Yeah our child is so cute Raiya he absolutely gotten on you { Extremely Joyful }

<Raj>: ( so this man is my father and that lady is my mother hmm.. Who knows whas gonna happen next )

<Raiya>: Thomas Did you think about it

<Thomas>: About what ? ( what about she's asking me ) { confused }

<Raiya>: How can you forgot that I am talking about his name seriously you are a Father now atleast try to being a little Serious!! ( hmm.. Literally I am gonna KILL!! THIS MAN) { With Anger }

<Thomas>: ohh.. Don't worry I don't forget that I am been thinking about it a lot over 3 months afterall ( Thank God I remember) { relieved }

<Raiya>: Ohh.. good then tell what it is..

<Raj>: ( They are gonna decide my name hmm.. please give me a good one )

<Thomas>: So our son's name is gonna be .....

# Announcement: With this our first chapter is finnally complete I hope you enjoyed it and Don't forgot to tell me your thoughts in comments