

As Adam, a 20-year-old college dropout, found himself in a perpetual state of financial struggle, he sought solace in the world of manga, anime, and, more often than not, hentai. Unconcerned with the judgments of others, he embraced his solitary existence. His family situation was far from ideal, with his mother tragically losing her life in a car accident caused by his father's infidelity. This experience led Adam to believe that love was a dangerous game, one he chose to avoid in order to protect himself from the deceitful intentions of women. In his eyes, women only sought men for money and sex, a belief reinforced by his father's relationship with a younger woman. This arrangement left Adam without the financial support he desired, leading him to curse his father's partner in frustration.

As hunger beckoned, Adam realized he had forgotten to bring groceries. With his financial constraints, he questioned whether he even had the means to purchase food. Resigned to his circumstances, he decided to settle for noodles, a meager sustenance. Living on the outskirts of the city, he resided in the cheapest rental option available, dreaming of a life filled with wealth, food, and sexual encounters. This was the ideal existence for an unemployed, non-talented individual with a penchant for hentai. 

On his way back from the store, Adam's attention was captivated by a meteor crashing into the nearby mountains. Intrigued by the spectacle, he contemplated whether to investigate further. With nothing else to occupy his time, he decided to explore the crash site.

Upon arrival, Adam discovered a peculiar rock emitting an intense heat. Lamenting his lack of education, he pondered what it could be. Unfazed by the noxious odor emanating from the rock, his curiosity got the better of him. Little did he know that this decision would have unforeseen consequences.

As he inhaled the foul-smelling green smoke, a wave of drowsiness washed over him. Confusion and panic set in as he realized he had made a grave mistake. And then, he fainted.

Suddenly from that rock, a parasite came out and went inside its mouth.

In the morning, his head throbbed with pain. He remembered the rock he had smelled and wondered what had happened to it. As he approached the rock, he was shocked to find it completely decayed. It had decomposed so quickly, it seemed unnatural. Suddenly, his stomach growled with hunger. He decided to go to the store to buy some milk and headed back home to finish watching his series.

As he watched, he couldn't help but think how nice it would be to have the power of illusion. The main character seemed foolish, using his powers for good instead of enjoying himself with beautiful women. He enthusiastically advised the main character to go and have some fun.

Suddenly, a screen popped up with a message. Confused, he read the words: "Would you like the power of illusion?" He stared at the screen, unsure if someone was playing a joke on him. But he didn't think anyone cared enough to do so. Curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to select "yes" to see what would happen.

The player had chosen to use the forbidden power of illusion. The word "forbidden" sent shivers down his spine, and he felt a sense of unease.

In an instant, his eyes turned red. He screamed in agony, clutching his head as his vision blurred. He hit his head against the wardrobe and lost consciousness.

After two hours, he woke up in pain. His eyes still burned, but at least he could see. The window that had appeared earlier confirmed that this was no silly prank.

The player had successfully obtained the power of eyes. To use this power, he had to look into the eyes of his target and say the phrase, "You are under my genjutsu," with a definitive condition.

He couldn't help but laugh at the thought of being like Naruto. But when he looked at his own eyes, they were a deep crimson red. Panic set in as he realized that this was no joke. He had really obtained the power. Should he test it out?

He quickly asked for the conditions of this power, but nothing happened. It seemed he would have to figure it out on his own.

Deciding to put it to the test, he ventured to the nearest shop and selected a delectable combination of noodles and bento. With his heart racing, he proceeded to the reception, ready to embark on this thrilling experiment.

"Alright, let's give this a whirl," he whispered in a voice filled with anticipation.

The elderly shopkeeper looked at him sternly and said, "That'll be 700 yen, young man."

"Sure thing, old timer. I've already taken care of the payment," he confidently replied. "And now, old timer, prepare yourself, for you are about to fall under my enchanting genjutsu."

As the old man's eyes grew heavy, he found himself envisioning Adam handing him the exact amount of 700 yen. Gratitude filled his voice as he expressed, "Oh, thank you for the shopping, kind sir."

Adam couldn't help but chuckle, wondering if this was all truly happening or if he had stumbled into a vivid dream. "Pinch me, because this is too surreal," he laughed to himself. "Now, my dear friend, I shall demonstrate to you the mesmerizing power of illusion."

HEYLO MEW MEW HERE, this book is a crappy idea I might drop it I am writing this for fun only so I don't expect anything from it, hahaha..

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