
Chapter 2: I Swear, God Hates Me

I rolled down my window as the smell of slightly burnt hotdogs and car exhaust entered my nose.

I was pissed.

It was 8:03 and I was still only halfway there. School had already started by now and I was here stuck in traffic. I can already see Jason's smug smile.

Why of all people did I make such a pitiful mistake? I was Hajime Satoru, the best at everything and the mediocre at none. But here I was being almost like a normal day peasant. You know what? I don't need good attendance, or good grades anyway.

I have money. I have connections. I have power. I was a Satoru. If I wanted, I could massacre the school with the click of a button.

While not currently active in the States, the Satoru clan had many dealings with U.S. crime and business. The also had many members in reserve in the country. And where was I you ask? I was in New York City. Home of Wall Street and the biggest flow of money in the country. Currently, there should be at least around a couple hundred clan members in the city.

I sighed and rolled up my window as I reached the school. I parked my car and went inside.

Norbell High School was a private academy that had many wealthy donors and patrons. Many well off families attended here and it soon became known as the best school in the entire state. The building from the outside looked like a jumble of historical architecture and modern innovation. It was truly a rich kid school.

As I arrived at the attendance office, the lady gave me a strange disappointed look as if saying, "Oh my, you of all people are late for class?" I looked away as my anger slowly grew. I walked through the empty halls with faint sounds of classes going on behind closed doors. As I opened my locker, I realized that I forgot my bag at home.


I slammed my locked with both my hands in fury. The nearby classroom immediately stopped in silence.

I've never been so worked up over school. It was weird for me to be so angry at such a trivial matter, but my pride was hurt. I calmed myself down and remembered what I told myself in the car.

It's not my problem.

I entered classroom 104 without a care in the world for the teacher and slouched into my chair. Everyone was looking at me while staying in complete silence. Then the teacher spoke.

"Mr. Satoru, what do you think you're doing coming in here late, and then having the nerve to disturb class?!"

She seemed angry. I know because I was feeling that anger as well. But surprisingly, I swallowed it and apologized.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Milnek. Next time I will try to open the door more softly."

"Well... As long as you understand how your actions can affect others. Next time, there will be no tolerance. Understand?"

"Yes Ma'am"

Mrs. Milnek was known as the strictest teacher in the school, yet she somehow didn't send me to detention. Was it my face I wonder? Did I really look that pissed that Mrs. Milnek somehow go told off?

I chuckled in my mind.

After class ended, classmates came up to me starting asking me all kinds of questions.

"How did you not get detention?"

"Do you have some kind of connection to Mrs. Milnek?"

"Why is the Hajime Satoru of all people late today?"

I told them all the mind their own business. As I wasn't answering their questions, they quickly became bored and left me alone.

The day went by like normal. After the first period of English, the rest was all the same. I listened, took notes, and did my assignments. My rage was still there from the morning, but it was slowly calming down. As long as nothing else happens, I'll probably only remember this day as a bad day.

When lunch finally came around, I was exhausted and hungry. The food at Norbell was just what you would expect from a rich school. All the meals were hand made by professional chefs and the kids who didn't eat school lunch brought extravagant meals of their own. As I looked around, one kid even brought a tin of caviar. I don't know about most, but caviar tastes disgusting.

I walked up to the front and grabbed a tray. Today's lunch was baked salmon filet and buttered corn. Honestly, it sounded mediocre, but the smell was all that was needed to make my stomach grumble.

As I walked to my usual table, Jason greeted me as well as the boys.

"Hajime, I heard that you had a nice time sleeping this morning"

Jason had a smug smirk just as I expected.

"Shut up. I just wanted to be late to school on purpose to see what it feels like to be a peasant like you guys."

Why the heck did I say that. Even I was cringing at how far fetched that sounded.

"Oh. Well, you should have told us that you were going to purposely be late today. We could have told the teachers you had something to do or something."


They actually bought that. I swear to God my friends are all idiots with no brains.

We all ate our fish and corn while chatting. Nathan somehow got his dad to buy him a BMW i8 while Max just got a new supply of weed. Ironically, I don't do drugs despite the multitude of times I've dealt with it in business.

Lunch ended and the day went by smoothly.

It was finally the 3:15 and the bell rung. All the students picked up their books and started flowing out of the school. As I was about to stand up, a random guy suddenly put his hand on my desk.


Serena was my girlfriend of four months until we had a falling out two weeks ago. This guy must have been the person that she dumped for me.

"Dude chill. She was the one who came to me. If you really want to know, talk to her, not me. Anyway, we already broke up."

His face was half decent, but at most he could be a C-list celebrity. He had neither the looks nor the tact for Serena. She was an up and coming teen model and had already contracted with many brands as well as having a big online presence. She was a celebrity and easily the most gorgeous girl in the school.

As I tried to calm this guy down and tried standing up, he punched me. His arm was was and he obviously had no real training in combat, but I was pissed. Really pissed.

My anger from the morning boiled from the spot where his weak punch hit me on the face.

He was as good as dead.