
I got stuck... AS A HUMAN!? (A One Piece story)

Cale Sawyer summoned a demon to make his wishes come true but died while summoning him. What's this? Now the demon now has to fulfill Cales wishes as Cale?!

ZephyrVII · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Cale Sawyer reborn

{Disclaimer: Not everything will be according to arc soooo. Hope you guys enjoy ;)}


"Hahaha! Everything is done! It's complete! I can finally have what I've always wanted!"

A 16 year old said as he stood before a circle on the ground. The circle had wierd writings and shapes in it.

"I Cale Sawyer shall be relevant!"

Who we now know as 'Cale Sawyer' said while writing something more on the outside of the circle.

When he was done he got up, careful as to not step on the circle and took a dagger out of his pocket.

"This is the final step." He smiled before he slashed his wrist. The blood followed and traced along the white chalk of the already drawn circle as soon as it touched it. Seconds later the whole circle was glowing red.

"I wish... for the greatest treasure of all..." He smiled even bigger again except this time his smile was cut short as his face contorted into something akin to pain and disbelief.

"What? No, that's not... possible..." He croaked out as blood dripped out of his mouth.

The circle glowed brighter and brighter, painting the whole room a marvelous bright red. As soon as it died out Cale fell to the ground as if he were a puppet that just had its strings cut.

There were now two people in the room. One dead and the other... the other was a demon.

"Maa maa, who called me this time?" It said in an odd voice.

They were tall and had a black suit top with white pants. A grey cloak with black fur at the top hung around its shoulders. It had white as snow hair with black horns. The most wierd thing about it was its eyes. The sclera was black and it's irises were white. The pupils were almost unnoticeable but they were there.

"Hmm?" He took notice of the dead lifeform on the floor.

"...wonder who that is...maybe a sacrifice to summon me? Welp moving on! Let's hurry and just get this done with already." It clapped its hands together.

"Oh contractoooor! Where are yooouuuu?" It walked around the small basement but couldn't find anything or anyone else there.

"Maybe it was a fluke... anyway, time to go back." The demon walked back to the circle and stood there.

"Tropelet hguorht eht cigam elcric " It said.




"Whys it not doing anything?" The demon asked itself.

"Tropelet hguorht eht cigam elcric!" It waved its hand and this time a flying small round purple demon appeared.

"Woderful." The demon said with sarcasm. "Why is a law keeper here?"

The round purple demon that looked like it was tired of living stared at the demon.

"Lagier, second son of Beelzebub, correct?" It asked.

"Yeah? What about it?" Lagier asked impatiently.

The floating demon got a large thick book out of nowhere and opened it seeming to look for a page.

Lagier noticed the book title.

'Demon Law'

His eyes went wide. He looked around and noticed the dead body on the floor that he ignored before. He then looked at the magic circle. Then back at the other demon.

"You wouldn't possibly be here for-"

"Rule 2934589 of Demon Law. You shall and must always complete the wish of the contractor before you are allowed back to the unworld. Shall the wish not be completed before the contractor dies, then the one summoned will also meet death."

"No, you cant possibly be-"

"Rule 2934590 of Demon Law. Shall the contractor die before summoning is complete, the demon contracted shall take over the contractors body and complete the wish in their stead."

"No you wouldn't possibly-"

"In your case Cale Sawyer died due to power consumption-"

"No no no nononono. Surely we can talk about this-"

"So we shall bring his body back to life-"

"Surely we can come to some sort of agreement-"

"And you, Lagier, shall make his wish come true yourself."

"Please wait!"

"When the wish is completed, you shall be allowed to come back to the underworld."

As soon as it finished talking Lagier started to be dragged into the dead lifeform on the ground by an invisible force.

"WAAIIIT!" He screamed as he clawed at the ground to keep himself from moving.

"It is no use Lagier." The little demon said.

It waved its small hand and Lagier was pulled even more roughly into the body of Cale. It waved its hand again and this time golden rings appeared around Lagier-now Cale's wrists, ankles and neck.

"Rule 2934591 of Demon Law, human bodies are far too fragile to handle the power of demons. So you shall be restricted from using them from this point onward."

It turned around before floating towards the circle.

"Oh, and it would be wise to not kill the contractors body to get back to the underworld. It will not work."

With that, the Lawkeeper left.


And a new harbringer of trouble was born.

And I think we all know where those type of people end up.