
A Guide

" Good Morning!" Iris spoke as soon as Dave opened the door for her.

" The Guild is closed...Come back after a week's rest." Dave replied and shut the door.

She then started to knock on the door again and again but Dave had already gone up to the second floor.

" Open up! You stupid manager, who gave you the right to order me not to work!" She shouted. " Fine then, I had learned from the last time and now I have brought a key with me."

She reopened the door using the keys she had as a precaution after Dave's first day in the guild. When She entered she saw that the guild was as much of a mess from the inside as it was from the outside. The wooden furniture and floor have been completely burnt and the walls had turned dark.

Seeing that she felt bitter but then she walked towards the stairs. As she reached the first floor she noticed that only the ground floor has been damaged. The first floor looked untouched by the flames.

" You are so stubborn." Dave sighed, " You can leave your shoes here and wear this. I have just cleaned the floor here."

" You cleaned?" She questioned.

" Any doubt, look how sparkly this place is!" He said with a proud smile on his face. " Anyway that's not important, are you feeling okay?"

There were certainly some dark circles below her eyes, Dave worried that she had gotten some kind of trauma from the kidnapping incident. He looked at her finger which have been miraculously healed but the person himself looked to be suffering.

" I am fine my father is–" As Iris has just mentioned the word ' Father', Dave suddenly remembered that he had asked her about him, who was he that Oscar put his faith into to save Iris.

" About your father, who is he?" Dave asked.

" My father has a unique [ Sage] class, that is why people respect him a lot in this town, and he is friends with very important people including the emperor himself." She answered.

To be respected by the emperor just for having a unique Class, Dave felt bitter about it because he was told to leave for not having any class. He didn't show that emotion on his face and didn't probe Iris for further information on this matter.

" I have something to say to you," Iris spoke and she looked nervous about whatever she wanted to say.

" Yeah what it is?" Dave asked.

" ..." She maintained silence so he had to ask the same question once again.

" ...Nothing, Let's work hard from now on." She finally said in an awkward tone and then took out some papers from an office bag.

" First, let's discuss the finances, we have yet to ascertain how much loss has occurred. I don't think we will be able to decrease our losses for a few months." She started speaking but Dave interrupted her.

" There is no need to worry, I will make money for the guild so it will be no problem." He spoke.

" Make money how?" She asked.

" How does an adventurer makes money? I am finally taking up a public quest."

" Oh, That's right. I think you are more than capable of doing those quests." She spoke.

" You finally think, good to hear that," Dave replies sarcastically.

Iris has already started planning for the future of the guild, in a way Dave was happy to see that she was trying to get back to her normal self and was also happy about she treated him now, She had changed and was now more friendly toward him.


The next day-

Dave was preparing to leave for the public quest but suddenly an uninvited guest came to meet with him. Iris was very respectful towards this person who was in a knight's armor. He hadn't even taken off his helmet which made him appear quite a suspicious person in Dave's eyes.

" My name is John Aurilion, I am the younger brother of the duke and I hold the title of his First Knight." John introduced himself.

" Nice to meet you, but can you please take off your helmet," Dave replied.

" You want me to show my face?" John questions.

" Yes Sir" Dave answers

" Negative, I would prefer not to show my face!" John denies.

" Are you ugly?" Dave remarks.

" Quite the opposite!" John speaks loudly at Dave's Remark and takes off his mask.

Suddenly a face, brighter than the light was revealed.

" My eyes!" Iris screams as the reflection directly affects her eyes.

" It's Not That Shiny!" John fumes and then looks at Jin who was sitting without any reaction. " What do you think?"

" About what?" Dave asks.

" About my face Of Course!" John speaks.

" I am sorry but I can't see anything..." Dave blinks his eyes as if he had suddenly become blind.

John once again puts his helmet back on his head.

" The light is gone! I can see everything." Dave speaks.

" Let's forget about whatever happened just now and talk about what I have come here for," John speaks in a loud tone, " Are you Jin?"

Now, Dave was even more suspicious of this man but since Iris was believing in him. He decided to do the same and trust the man in front of him.

" Yes, I am Jin. What's the matter, Sir John? " Dave asks.

" I have come here to help you so tell me what are you planning to do and what do you need help with?"

Out of nowhere asking him about what did he need help with. Dave scratches his head because of the confusion. He was sure that he doesn't need to pay for damages as he designated the payment of that bill to Oscar and the guild in the Capital.

' Why would the right-hand man of the duke come to help me?' Dave wondered. ' Whatever I should not deny some free help.'

" You see, I am going to the Jade garden to complete a Public Quest and I need a guide, so can you arrange a guide for me?" He asks.

" I shall be your guide as the most powerful human in the Aurilion Duchy." John proclaims.

So I tried some comedy in this chapter and maybe failed (^^')\

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