
I got reincarnated into a cat

A short fun story of a guy who died and got reborn as a cat in a strange place. Come enjoy the messed up life of Kage as he stumbles through his little cat life.

Dragonslust · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

[6] New Mission

While Akio was in a world of her own with her mother, Kage who was enjoying the warmth of her bosom was once again checking his system. Scrolling through his stats Kage was a bit dejected by how low his stats were.

[Name: "Kage"]

[Level: 1]

[10/50 EXP]

[HP: 80/80]

[MP: 30/30]

[AGI: 7]

[STR: 5]

[INT: 6]

[DEX: 3]

[VIT: 6]

[SP: 30]

[EP: 3]

Skills: {Dash lvl. 1} {Weaker bite lvl. 1} {Weaker Claw lvl.1} {Lesser Hearing lvl.1}

<"Tsk. Weak."> He said while scrolling through his stats, little did he know his system was quietly listening to his complaints. {"Host can upgrade stats using Evolution points."} <"Evolution points?"> Kage looked confusingly at his transparent screen when it caught his eye. <"Oh so this must be it. But how the hell do I use them? Damn it!"> Kage stared at his screen trying to figure it out. In Aiko's point of view it seemed like Kage was starting of into space in a daze. She smiled and continued to talk to her mother. Kage on the other hand finally figured out how to use his Evolution Points.

[Name "Kage"]

[Level: 1 ]

[10/50 EXP]

[HP: 80/80]

[MP: 40/40]

[AGI: 7 -> 8]

[STR: 5 -> 6]

[INT 6 -> 7]

[DEX: 3]

[VIT: 6]

[SP: 30]

[EP: 3 -> 0]

Skills: Skills: {Dash lvl. 1} {Weaker bite lvl. 1} {Weaker Claw lvl.1} {Lesser Hearing lvl.1}

When Kage looked at his status he put on a cat-like smile (Well he is a cat after all). Just as he was starting to feel proud of himself the system's voice rang in his mind again. {"Mission: Retrieve the Life Essence from assassin. Reward +40 SP +1 EP Mission failure: -20 SP -2 EP"}

<"Eh? A Mission? Wait, hold up! An assassin!? What the f***!? God, do you want me to die early!?"> Kage screamed in his mind. {" Host mission cannot be rejected. Starting mission timer."} Said Ena.(A/N: Though if Ena had a physical appearance she would have looked like she had absolutely nothing to do with his misfortune.) <"F***"> Kage cursed in his mind. Suddenly a read arrow appeared infront of him pointing in a specific direction. Kage then jumped out of Aiko's embrace and walked towards were the arrow was pointing. "Ah. Little one, where are you going?" Aiko asked looking a bit surprised. Just then her father walked into the garden and heard her question. "Maybe he got tired of you already." He said with a sly smirk on his face. At that moment both Aiko and her mother turned to him simultaneously. "Father!!" "El!!" Both she and her mother said at the same time. El, Aiko's father, shrunk back. "Haha, just kidding, sweetheart, he's probably going to do his buisness." He said while laughing nervously.

Aiko turned back to Kage and asked, "Is that true?" But all she got was a meow back from the black kitten. As if satisfied with her answer she smiled and turned to continue scolding her father along with her mother. Kage on the other hand sighed and continued to follow the red arrow.

No worries I'm not dropping this any time soon, nya.

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