
I Got Reincarnated In Other World With Nothing

AnimePortal · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Kingdom Guards

I need a guardians to protect this place when im not here. Einz announced it there's so many people applied but they're all not qualified to be guardians so he thinks again, should i just travel and find it on my own? He asked Hercius and Rin about it they don't have any objections about it, also Rin volunteered to guard his Kingdom when he's still out for finding new guardians he thanked him and accept that offered. He thinks where he should find a new guardians , his first thought is the elf who saved him when he's still weak but he just laughed because that elf is so strong she might decline the offer , I'll just think about it tomorrow I'm so sleepy.

He started traveling. After a long time of traveling he found a village in the middle of jungle, Ooo this village looks so old , he explored the village , no one are there but he found some stones he stored it and left. It's already night so he made a little house and sleep there. Next day he continues traveling until he found a town he disguised so the people won't recognize him. He explored the town the found an Inn he stopped and drink there suddenly someone approached him that seems have a bad plan but when that guy is about to touch him and when hes about to move to fight back someone stopped that guy and all people from there are scared when they see that man who stopped that guy, People: I-is that Dark Badge from the guild?? Einz mind: What's that Dark Badge thing? Why people seemed to be scared to that man? The guy looks to the man who stopped him with a brave face but when he sees the badge his body starts shaking so fast and he got fainted. The man is gonna leave but Einz stopped him and asked who is he? the man looked to Einz ,didn't say anything and just left. Einz got excited and explored the town and finally found the Guild, The receptionist explained many things and the rank he found out there is a 2 type of the strongest in the guild the Darkness Badged and Light Badged. you can only get Darkness Badge if you have no mercy on any of your opponent and If you kill a thousands of A class monsters and atleast 1 S Class Monster brutally, you can get Light Badge by bringing alive A thousands of A Class Monsters and atleast 1 S Class Monster. Currently there is only one strongest in the guild no one has ever got Light Badge. Something popped in Einz mind I know now how to get close to that Dark Badged I need to get the Light Badge to get his attention!! I can also get stronger there if i accidentally killed a strong monster I can use my necromancer magic!! Thats a very genius idea! He grinds the low class quest until he reached the A class monsters quest , he rested and just gonna start the quest next day.
