
0002 exploring the hut

I stood up and turned my body 360 degrees to take a good look of my surroundings. In my front I saw the rising sun which appeared slightly red due to dawn. The scenery was nothing but beautiful. There lay a vast grassy plain of undulating surface with some trees, going up and down with gentle slopes. Vast snow covered mountains could be seen at the horizon. Expanding to the south in a slight curve the mountain gradually faded as I turned right towards south.

The south side was also plain but rather than undulating it was more on a flat side. Distant roads were visible running through the plains.

Due to the lack of trees and generally flat area I was able to see a road some distance away from the cabin. I wondered how wide the road would be if it's visible from this distance. It may be some kind of highway. Vast expanse was only visible at this side with a hint of fencing and probably their army personnel present at some distance on the road. This might be some kind of checkpost.

I turned my head towards the north to see what appeared to me as small buildings with a faint glimpse of a flat area, probably their road. This might be the start of the town of Draka. I put aside the thought of exploring the town for now and turned towards the west direction to see fencing covered with shrubs of 1.5 meters at a distance of 2 meter.

I walked towards the fence and entered it. As I entered the fence I clearly saw a cabin at a distance of 10 meter from the gate of the fence and realised that I was lying on a grass patch outside the fence near the trail leading out of the cabin towards the road of town.

The cabin was of decent size made with wooden logs. It had a small porch at the front before entering the cabin. The cabin was made in square shape with a size of about 30 feet by 30 feet. There was fencing at an equal distance of 10 meter from all sides. The fence was in good condition with no damages so it might've been put up recently. I walked towards the cabin and after climbing 4 steps I was at the porch. I unhinged the lock and entered the cabin.

With a creek sound the gate opened and I was greeted with a slightly damp smell but it was not offensive. The living area of the cabin was a wide one with a completely empty right side with a huge window showing the town. On the left side there was a storage room and adjacent to it was a kitchen. The storage room was empty with one window to the porch and the kitchen was rather plain with a countertop and sink with one window towards the highway. At the right side of the cabin in front of the kitchen was a small toilet/washroom.

There were 2 bedrooms of equal size, one adjacent to the kitchen and one to the toilet. Both rooms had 2 cupboards enough to fit the clothes of 2 people. Both rooms had a gate to the back porch. As I exited one of the gates I again saw a huge expanse of green plains with tall trees at some distance. Thinking it might be a dense forest at some distance I went inside to check out the cabin.

I thought of checking out both the cupboards but I opened the porch door of the left side bedroom and lied on the 6 by 6 feet double bed which was only present in one room and without knowing I dozed off.


I woke up and realized I slept. I went outside to see the sun and realized the sun wasn't up fully. "So it's around 8am now. Alright let's wash up". I entered the cabin, closed all doors and windows, removed my clothes and entered the washroom. As I entered I saw a small mirror on the wall to see a caucassian 12 year old boy. Though my skin was brown, it was on the white side because of my non Indian parents. I was a little brown due to tanning only. On the thought of parents a shock hit me as I said "I remember everything from my past life… ."

On earth my name was Dave Patel, heir to the multinational company running a worldwide famous, successful grocery and jewelry business. My great-great-great grandfather came to British ruled India in the late 1800s. He sold everything in London to set up a business in India and started his first branch in Bombay. He made a fortune and started expanding business but lost his family during the partition of 1947. Only my great grandfather and his one son, my grandfather remained. My grandfather started expanding the business to make it a huge success and had 4 boys. The second one being my father.

I was born in 1978 and had 2 elder twin sisters. My father's name was Justin and his wife, my mother was Mary. My grandfather died in 1990 and left everything to his worthy son, that's when things turned sour and the other 3 brothers started putting my family's lives at risk. Thus, my parents and sisters lost their lives to planned "accidents".

"I guess what's done is done. But I don't want to keep the family name of 'Patel'" after thinking a lot "alright from now I will be Dave Martin". 'Mar' from Mary and 'Tin' from Justin.

That's how Dave Martin came into existence on this unknown planet Godwin. I looked around to see a bucket of water and let go of my thoughts.


After washing up I sat on the only chair at the back porch seeing the distant forest. The sun was above the cabin but I was protected because of the roof of the cabin.

"huhhh…..i want to drink tea so bad." I never craved this much for a cup of tea. The tea back in India was specially handpicked from Darjeeling and supplied to me, which was made by a top chef. "I wonder about the food and tastes of this place. I hope tastes aren't bland." Living in India, I ate spicy and savoury food everyday. I just wish to eat well and tasty food.

"But for that I need money. " I said, pondering upon my situation. "I don't have decent clothes and food. All I need is money. Thankfully I remember my past life so I'll be able to use my business and interpersonal skills, along with money management techniques to earn money." as I ended my thought I remembered the 2 cupboards. With the goal to check out the cupboards I stood up and entered the cabin from the door of the left bedroom.

I opened the 2 cupboards in the left room. One cupboard was empty and the second one had a brown colored backpack. It was not too heavy, so I checked the cupboard again and took out the bag and kept it on the bed. I ran to the other room and opened both cupboards. One was empty and one had an envelope, probably the size of letter paper, sealed from top to bottom. I checked once again to make sure the cupboards were empty and took the sealed envelope to the bed in the left room.

I opened the backpack first and found clothes, one pair of black jeans, the material was very soft and the color was decent. There were 2 pairs of boxers as well, I took off the sheet I was wearing and put on a boxer and then the jeans. There was a black t-shirt as well with full sleeves, as I took it out of the backpack and wore it, surprisingly it fit perfectly as well. I looked in the bag to find a pair of boots along with a pair of Socks. I put on socks and shoes. They fit perfectly, in fact the clothes fit perfectly. Removing any indecent thoughts towards God I rummaged through the bag to find 3 green colored Pills. The pills smelled like flowers and put the packet away. As the bag got empty, it's size started to change and it vanished completely, only a ball of light remained.

The ball of light moved fast towards my jeans and disappeared after hitting my left thigh. I was startled by the whole experience, I ran my hands on my thighs and checked for any marks but there were none. I was bewildered but moving the thought away I opened the sealed envelope.

From there as I took out 2 papers the empty envelope vanished completely, but didn't leave behind the ball of light. First paper was kind of a letter. I started reading it --- "Dear Dave, these are a few gifts I left for you. The clothes are embedded with magic to fit themselves accordingly. " So that's what happened, as Dave giggled he continued "The clothes will clean themselves if they get dirty and if they get torn, they'll repair on their own. Same goes for socks and shoes as well." That's pretty decent, thinking how it would give garment owners a run for their money, I continued reading "the bag is also a magical item as soon as it gets empty it will become a ball of light and will stick to your pocket. Thus making your pocket a storage space only accessible by your hands." Oh that's what happened, as Dave thought about this he put his hand in left pocket and felt like he was moving his hand in the air rather than a tight pocket. That's pretty neat.

He continued "there are 3 pills of the same color, these pills are health recovery medicines. Until you learn healing magic, use these on yourself, if you get seriously injured or get ill from infection." Thank you God for these pills, I will make sure to use them properly.

He continued "the envelope contains 2 letters, one you're reading and the other one is a skill, to be precise a magical skill called 'Search'."