
first encounter

as my alarm got higher the air around me seemed to get more and more sinister feeling i brace my self to defend and to run away I signal to Kena my actions she nods briefly "Kena, Enha go" I say as they both dash off obeying me with no questions Kena realizing that what ever this threat is i wanted to face it first. they mainly went to scout a safe route for me to escape if i needed to. I have come to realize that most creatures will pounce on me like Enha first did but it doesn't take much coaxing for them to let me up I went and straightened up my posture so I'm now in a upright fighting stance moments later I get a confirmation message from Enha that they have found a escape route if I need it.

'hmm is it mind manipulation she could be under she clearly sent those beasts away is this girl still under there affects we need to speak to her but I'm believe my fathers aura has alarmed those creatures we should be very careful' the sergeants tail smacked a nearby bush witch caused most of everyone to look at her besides my dad as he just kept looking at this girl. "sergeant yiuel I would make yourself known and see how she reacts she might be under the affects of mind manipulation and you just alerted her of your position so go ahead and talk." Logan whispered sighing yiuel nodded and stood up slowly she had a genuine smile that would make a lost kid aknolwlage her with kindness but this girl posture didn't change as she looked at yiuel the only thing that changed was her back foot turned toward the side building energy. " hey there are you lost I can help you lets get you away from those monsters and to somewhere safe."

I groaned softly 'monsters' I fumed at the word why would she call Enha and Kena monsters there not monsters if anything there animals plus what is she, is she a beast race or a demi-human race i ponder or does it really not matter. I hesitate still unsure how to react. then lord Edgar stood up felling a strong dark emotion coming from this man I ran unwilling to test my chances following the escape route that Enha and Kena had found following me all the way to my hideaway as i calmed down the koi fish swam to the surface greeting me as i sat down watching them pretty sure i was safe from the group of people.

we were all shocked on how fast she fled but given the word i tracked the shadow tiger again it has been several hours before we see the girl again but as we do we see giant monster fish swimming near her i run out ignoring lord Edgar's shout and the reaction from the group as i dogged the wolf witch had snapped at me, as soon as I ran out and dogged the wolf I had grabbed the girls shoulder and pulled her only to quickly doge a fist delivered by the girl as it almost hit me it created a small indent in the ground. now the fish monsters were gone but the tiger and the wolf still remained nearby.

{system notification: limitless rage strike has leveled up +2, -112 rage points} sighing i had acted out of self defense Kena and Enha was both ready to attack as well until I had seen who it was it was that weird person making me avert my punch by just a little bit to not hit her "who are you" I simply say not moving from my now hunched over striking position knowing full well if I needed to i could easily punch her more accurately just by moving my one arm " I'm yiuel I'm not a threat I promise" she spoke not moving but the pressure behind me was alot more concerning than this person beast ah ill just call her a person "I'm Nefra" I say cautiously as her eye's seem to light up in recognition after hearing my name "so your lady Nefra and these two beasts must be the high wolf Kena and the elusive tiger Enha am i right?" she asked as her posture seemed to lessen to where se seemed to slightly leaned back not fully understanding I slowly stood up and gazed behind me the pressure seemed to lighten up a bit with was good enough for me I sighed and spoke offering a hand "yeah I'm Nefra but how do you now of me I've been here for quite a while here let me help you up."i finished as yiuel took my hand and smiled but didn't look at me just kept her gaze down felling weird with this situation i spoke "is there something wrong why is there a small platoon of people out here? did i disrupt the ecosystem of the forest here , i really hope I didn't I hope I did-" I trailed off and looked down Kena noticed the change in my mood as she slowly crept away from behind me defending my back from the other people and came up to me nuzzling my leg but not saying anything I knelt down and just hugged her as a silent thanks but i still braced myself for reitivly anything from the group behind me.

stunned by lady Nefra reaction I looked at lord Edgar and nodded briskly his demeanor vanished at that my tail has a mind of its own I swear it has basically tried to hug lady Nefra despite my best efforts I speak trying to defuse the situation "no you haven't lady Nefra "I knell down to be eye level with her "we just came out here to see about your shadow tiger we didn't realize that its Enha for that we are sorry but would you like to travel with us and get out of the forest because now is the season when the arachnids start coming out. would you like to travel with us to the town of hijo?" I finished just now realizing that she was looking at me with a clear look "yes please" she responded with almost no emotion. I then gave her a genuine smile witch she returned in kind as if accepting my offer.