
duel battle lord geno

kena was fine, i had told her of my situation with lord jackass i make it half way back 'home' when i see a wepons dealer's shop being curious i walk into the shop i see many short swords and what i wanna call katana's on display along with big brute type weapon that looked designed for a tank class i continue browsing eventually i see a few set of daggers and wizard priest weapons equipment i see a staff similar to what ive used before thanks to kena skill i give it a good tets swing "hey there thats a intermediate weapon for a mage type user are you perhaps interested in it young lady" a sturdy man said his skin tanned he appeared to be the blacksmith as well as the shop owner i hesitate and knod he looked up and down at my appearance then spoke "are you the disciple that sergeant yuiel was escorting earlier ? your name must be min right?" he asked "um yeah i am im min" i totally lie but i try to make it sound professional. "ok how can i help you there, does the goddess need a weapon for something i could make her a special order one if you are here on her behalf or are you here on her request to get a weapon for yourself?" stunned that t lie worked i ponder about what he siad letting out a quick sigh i speak. its kinda both but its more of the second one. he knodded . we both need a wepon similar to a staff and preferably a dagger for about any use that we do se fit as in defense or offence. he smiled and leaned back giving off a relaxed vibe. i see so that wepon there might not be to either of your standards it has a great offense stat but terrible defense i can improve it for you within 20 minutes if you want that specific staff and do any of the daggers appeal to you at all?. he asked as i looked at the daggers glancing over them he spoke again . "how about i enhance that staff while you look at the daggers." i look at him then smile . "sure thanks so much." i give a nod of thanks as he chuckled receiving the staff from me. none of these dagger work i sigh slightly disappointed unrealizing that 20 minutes had gone by he caught my attention. "does this work." he asked handing me the wepon as soon as i grab it i see copper wrapping the top and bottom of the staff in a spiral motion the wieght of the staff felt balanced to me it seemed sturdy as well i nod after giving it a good look over . "yes but um i dont have any real means to pay for this quite yet you see i just quite literally became a adventurer and i haven't gone any quests yet so-." he cut me off answering my question and statement for me. "since this is a request from the goddess i can easily have a waiver of bill sent to the church and then they can pay for it." "yes please." i say not to sure how react to the church quite yet so i knod to him accepting his offer . "ok then i will send a waiver to the church for you so have a good day." it felt weird but i might have just got my first i.o.u to this shopkeeper.

"hey you there boy." the blacksmith called out as he saw a young kid drawing in the dirt with a stick across the back of his workshop. "wanna earn a few extra coin?" the boy knodded and came over to him. "yes sir. " "good then i will give you 5 copper pieces ahead of time can you run this to the church for me and once you come back i will gif you 5 silver pieces is that alright." excitedly the young boy accepted he grabbed the letter and the 5 copper and started to run off down the path the boy had to run down a few side streets to make it to the church uninterrupted but as he took this path soon after he had started it he saw a hooded figure wave him over he approached him and explained why he was running along the back streets for they are not always safe the hooded figure nodded to him and spoke. "well i will pay for this waiver please go tell that blacksmith that you have delivered it." he had taken the waiver from the boy and given him the money the boy had nodded and went to deliver it to the blacksmith only after the boy was gone did the clocked figure remove his hood his human appearance was of a tall slender tan gentleman jet blue hair and raptilion like eyes glowed slightly he spoke "well my youngest sister wants a weapon i know this does not pay her back form all those years ago but its a start from stealing over 3 hundred scrolls from her hut to safe keep them but i hope to see you soon sister." he replaced his hood and walked away.

i mentality prepare myself for a tough fight with lord jackass geno as i walk towards the guild. kena and enha had reluctantly agreed to me that i will fight this battle alone i want to test out my skills and how efficient i can fight even with my rage stat still in the negative. a entroge of shouts made me stop in my tracks shoyurts could be heard about bets being placed and the guild was crowded i noticed yuiel and lord edgar shouting trying to keep many people back. "ah min there you are."yuiel called out as she broke away from the croud and came over to me i just blinked at her with pure confusion "lord geno isn't tight lipped as soon as the time was set for you're duel he went and told over half the city many people want to sere the sheer strength of godess nefra'a disciple 'goddess' also they want to see geno beaten up so alot of the nobles have come to watch as well as two other gods." yuiel said with a hint of envy she honestly sounded exited for this duel btu i didnt expect a audience i hope i don't get stage fright. i sigh and smiled at yuiel "well since everyone is waiting, lets get this started." i said changing my expression and mood as i walked past yuiel and forced my way though the crowd and past lord edgar i patted him on the shoulder as i passed silently thanking him.

it wasn't long before i was in the court yard i decided to put my staff away for now apparently enha can hold items for me like inventory there were about 4 tables with wepons on them i grab two fighting gloves and put them on my main attack skills right now are punch gentle touch courupt pision and fire grip i have no idea if I can use kena and enha's skills without them nearby. "well disciple lets get this duel over with im sure it wont take long before i win." i dont anser him i just stare emtly at him he takes a step forward before lord jackass geno speaks. "this duel is between me and the disciple of nefra no interference." i take a step fowards at him wiating for some kind of signal to start, only for him to rush me anittlly caught off guard i momentarily pause then dash forwards dogging him as he tries to strike at me with a short sword and and a bracer. in this motion i could see that he was wide open he was protecting his head and lower body but his chest was wide open i went ahead and took the chance i hit him square in the chest he grunted as we both backed off of each other i sighed as he panted trying to get his breath back. {system notification host has received +1,000 rage points.} geno roared as he charged forwards toward me i dogged repetitive blows.

luke and sanico had watched their sister doge many blows from josh's stepson they were bored to say the least but they wanted to see how their sister fought . 5 to 8 blows managed to hit nefra causing her to reposition herself mutable times after losing 50 heath points she had jumped back giving her a distance the onlooking crowd grew more exited when she did this "ok its time to get serous" nefra said quietly but her siblings heard her clearly she had been dogging fr over thirty minutes now. it was clear that geno was constantly teasing nefra making her more annoyed at him by the second and she had enough she tightened her posture drawing her fists close to her chest as she crouched slightly and cragged forward landing a solid punch along with the skill courpt piosin purple mist seeped from her fist and engulfed geno quickly as she then jumped ands kicked him away from her she rushed him not giving him a chance to recover from being piosned or heal from any of his wounds, what scarred geno the most is when he caught a glimpse of her snarling dragon form that form blew fire on her hand as just then nefra had used her fire grip skill slaming geno into the ground geno at this piont had 20 hp left. a tall man wearing a clock came rushing in he used a long shaff to remove his sister off of his stepson steam escaped his mouth sa his hood fell reveling none other than the god of wisdom josh sanico and luke stopped slouching and focused there attention on the fight more knowing that if there youngest siter got quite serous all of them there would not stand a chance aginst her but they wanted to know the reason for why there sister was soo keen on fighting, the church noticed the god of wisdom but aftr seeing lukes and sanico's reaction they wiated piantently to act.

geno scoffed to himself seeing min choose a close wepon set quite similar to his own. he shouted rudely after seeing his step dad in the crowd wearing a cape that hid 'most' of his presence "this duel is between me and the disciple of nefra no interference." she took a step towads me i want her to reveal herself to the church so she can be maintained hehe i wonder what laws the church will put to restrain her movements since she is foreign to their rule. after her first step she seemed to stop so i rushed her full charge she seemed surprised by my actions as she had dogged my first blow, unfortunately her movements were too fast she hit me in the chest hard when i heard my system go off i knew i could no longer play around.{systam notifcation: barrier of heath, barrier of mental stability has been destroyed host is now verible to mental attacks notice spell has failed rejvanating health host will no longer receive additional hp.} i roared as i rushed her she repositioned her self in order for defense i could recognize this due to me sparing with my dad this is how he would defend himself against me "to afraid to fight little Disciple" i mocked managing to get a hit in as she just repositioned her self it coutened on like this for a good 20 minutes and i have managed to land a few more blows pushing her back until my system rigs again {wearing host is advised to flee skill has been passively canceled unstoppable will.} sudden panic surges though me as i decide to mock her again quite loudly "is this all the disciple can do i though all that training with the goddess might have meant something but i see that its just trash and useless advice to a weak disciple such as yourself haha no wonder that dog was so easily killed haha" i see her forehead twich. she had jumped back from me but not before i managed to get a few more hits in i clearly heard her say "ok its time to get serous" my dad and his sister and brother seemed to also hear this as well i dont know if she did that on propose but something told me that i am Not winning not the system fore say but thinking back my dad told me not to agivate her and push my luck but i suddenly got nervous towards her someone who knows nothing about the church's hierarchy. she tightened her posture drawing her fists close to her chest as she crouched slightly and cragged forward landing a solid punch knocking out a third of my heath points along with destroying another barrier that my dad had placed on me with stopped my heath from getting lower than 50 pionts. purple mist came out of her lower arm seeping it the spot she just made contact with as my system yet again notified me that i had been piosned i hade 200 hp left at this moment so i wasnt too worried until i saw a glimpse of her dragon form her light green body shone with a mix of purple and red sparks alll around her she blew a steady stream of fire on her hand egnighting it just then i was snapped out of my trance as she grabbed my thought and slammed me into the ground hard causing the earth to crack i have 20 hp left how? is this the reason my dad told me not to fight her? why my dad is the strongest fo all the dragon gods but he even told me not to go against her she is the youngest out of all of them so why? looking up i see my dad rush out of the crowd quickly snatching a staff that lay on the table striking his sister in her shoulder she backed off immediately as i scouted away to heal the piosion and regain my hp back when i noticed that the church and the other two gods present became more alert from my dads actions but why?.