
Learning magic

{After 1 Week}

Its been a week and I didn't have fun at all. At first I thought it would be a great journey filled with action, drama, adventure and maybe some romance. Not with agamotto! I mean we could find a beautifull girl who needs help or some BWILA. But I forgot a very important part. They always skip the boring parts of the journey unless it is important to plot. Who would want to read just 'they saw a nice tree or they saw a deer while walking slowly' those are only at kid books and I certainly am not a kid.

I offered Agamotto the faster traveling system in modern times and he refused. To him it was, and I quote "Not about the destination but about the journey". So here I am stuck on a half naked mans deer horns on his back.

At these boring times, I really thank god for giving me a brain capacity to wish for YouTube. At least this way I can somehow pass the time. I am currently watching LPL lock picking a lock with only a twig. I start to question if that man is a mutant or something and his powers are opening locks because at this point I wouldn't be suprized if he can open them with only a look.

We arrived at a beautifull place. Sun is shining, birds are singing, You know that kind of place right? It looks like a place for main character to train under a waterfall infact i wouldn't be suprized to see one here. Oh wait there it is.

Agamotto strips and jumps in the water and starts to swim. "The water is fine Pumpkin!" He invites me to join him. I shall let him bathe with me for I am a generous king. And the water seems refreshing. Agamotto starts to swim backwards while I wonder how a human can pack 6 inches soft. How can he even fight with that thing dangling between his legs? I am sure thats gotta be magic drugs or something. I refuse to believe otherwise.

I transform into a duck and fly into water. The cold water touching my skin after fighting a war then traveling for 1 week certainly did a number on me. My body may not get tired but my brain certainly does and what is better than a cold shower or in this case, swiming in a cold river.

We swim for a while then Agamotto asks me if I want to learn magic. 'Well that came out of nowhere' I thought. Of course I couldn't answer the normal way so I start to flap my wings like excited hoping he can understand it.

"Hahaha! I knew you would be excited for it! Okay I herbly declare that you are now my first disciple! Yorokobe shounen!" He says happily.

"Yay he understood me! Wait. Did you just said yorokobe shounen?" *Chirp! Chirp. Chirp Chirp?*

"I am sorry Pumpin I cant speak bird"

"Oh you Motherf*cker" *Chirp Chirp Chirp*

"Wow. You kiss your mother with that mouth?" That son of a baguette really can speak bird I am calling it right now.

(I wont go in full detail since I know not everybody wants to learn how magic works in marvel and it would be quite boring to explain. So i am sorry if this makes some of you upset)

I learned many things from Agamotto. Nah jk i only learned how to meditade and how to make a portal to somewhere or the mirror dimention. I cant do others since i am a bird and those weird hand signs are too difficult for me if not impossible.

Dont ask how I managed to make a portal. Agamotto started laughing when he saw I was trying to do it with my feet instead of my wings which I feel stupid for not thinking that. he didnt stopped me for 2 hours and just watched me struggle. I would say I am going to get my revenge but nothing works on that guy. Well, maybe exept nukes but I havent tested it on him.

He said that at some point I wouldn't need hand signs to do magic but I am sure thats avaliable when you can actually practice them. So for now, I can make a portal only big as me and even that takes 5 minutes. Looking at Agamotto, I can see his burning desire to drop me on mount everest or in the middle of a volcano but he knew it wouldn't work on someone who can transform into a X-15.

After magic, it was my time to try some transformation. First I tried to transform into a dragon. Half way through transformation, suddenly I felt an indescribable pain and hunger for some reason and blacked out.

'Are you telling me that i can transform into A-10 but cant transform into a dragon? But they are exacly the same thing! They are both bulletproof flying death machines that can breathe fire!'

Next, I tried to transform into a fly. Nearly same thing happened but this time with pain, I felt like puking. It was like being under water and the pressure was folding me like a piece of paper.

Next lets try something humanoid like an Angel. I am not sure if Marvel has angels but if I can even half way transform into a dragon, i am sure angels exist too. I try to transform into an Angel. Suprisingly I managed it without any pain. Dark clouds starts to form on top of us. Next thing I know is being hit by a lightning that was more bright than it hurt. Thank god I was immortal or that would've surely killed me. But looks like I missed an important part. Being unkillable doesn't means I wont feel pain because i got hit by a second lightning. Fuck! It hurt so much. Out of anger, I shout at the sky that was still covered with dark clouds "Fuck you god Junior! I Personally know the one above you and i'll be sure to report your ass to him!". This time there was no lightning. After a couple of seconds 7 lightnings hit me at the same time. And lose consciousness.

I can only describe the feeling like this: imagine you are in the warhammer 40k, and you are a poor human. Now take that feeling and make it go through slaneesh's trails, then make orks gang bang it for 10 years straight. After everything is done, make it go experiments of Fabius Bile after having a slumber party in a Haemonculi pit.

This is not good. There is clearly something I am missing here since I wished to be able to transform EVERYTHING that can fly. But anything good keeps getting rejected. Am I missing something?

I try to transform into normal animals and it has no problem. I transform into various planes, exept passanger planes or bigger ones and it has no problem either. This is soo strange. I try wyvern and I get the same result as dragon but this time it was less painfull.

With my training and experiments done, me and Agamotto continue our Journey again. I have some speculations about why I cant transform into those, like maybe I need some kind of biomass like in prototype how mc needed certain kilos of biomass before he can do something. But I am not organic so I am not sure what to consume. Ahh I just Hope I can find its reason on this journey.

And thus, our little Pumpkin countinues his journey while listening to [London View Remix]

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