
I Got Reincarnated as a Goat In a Dark Fantasy World!

Im tired of emotional, character driven stories. This will be my escape from trying to write narrative nuances, peculiar plots and stellar storytelling. This story is simple! It's about a guy, who dies, gets reincarnated as a goat and must survive on a planet that is suffering from the aftermath of a cataclysmic war. ... now that I think about it, this may not be as simple as it seems. Oh well. I'll be uploading chapters whenever I feel like it! UPDATE - Here's a more serious synopsis since I'm actually quite invested in the story now: The story is about Raily. A normal, although rather nihilistic guy who dies and gets accidentally reincarnated into the body of a goat. The world he finds himself in is called Edenton and its a world that's struggling to heal from the wounds of a Great War. Raily, or Katsíki as he's known in Edenton, must abandon his old nihilistic ways to help those he can. On his journey, he will meet a colorful cast of characters. One of which is Yna. A woman with a mysterious past. Perhaps a dark secret is hidden behind her golden gaze. UPDATE FOR THE SECOND ARC: [SPOILERS AHEAD!] With some hard work and a lot of determination, Katsíki and Yna have made some allies in the Dark Expanse. However, their allegiance will soon be tested. Whispers of a coming war travel with the wind. Is Katsíki ready to witness what might very well be a repeat of the Great War? One where the skies blacken and the rivers run with blood... find out more in the [Black Summer Arc]!!!!!! UPDATE FOR THE THIRD ARC: War has come for the Expanse and Katsíki must lead his allies against an army led by demigods and their lord, the Golden Prince. Is history doomed to repeat itself? Is there a way for Katsíki and hid allies to win against an army that brought down the very dragons themselves and does this war mark the beginning of a new age? Find out in [Defending Hope Arc]!!!!!!!

The_Akondor · Fantasy
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142 Chs

The Shackles of the Past Pt. 11

The magicians moved apart the last of the darkness that blocked the seal that protected Iana.

Yna walked up to the large wall of magic before placing her hand on it.

A loud explosion from her palm almost knocked Anda backwards, but he managed to stay on his feet.

He then gasped internally upon seeing countless flares covering Yna's body.

The newly made tunnel in Eimval's third level was bathed in light as countless splinters and cracks filled the air.

Yna eventually broke through the seal and she promptly tore open the slab of darkness.

"Let's do this." She said before walking into the grand walkway that led into Iana.

Following closely behind her were her men. The nameless group of Rendaro who said and did nothing without Yna's permission.

Anda followed closely behind and as expected, several guards ran up to Yna with their weapons raised.

"Why have you returned, golden knight?" One of them asked.

"I am here to finish what Katsíki couldn't. You will coexist with those in Eimval and share resources, manpower and knowledge." Yna said.

"And if we refuse?"

"The you will all die." Yna said as her hair began glowing.

One of the guards ran down towards the Dark Citadel, but Yna didn't seem to care.

She walked forward as the guards kept their distance from her.

She then eyed the city and a panicked Anda walked up to her side.

The Dark Citadel was a pentagonal city which was filled with countless stone buildings. It's walls were made from gigantic slabs of darkness.

Anda heard that it was the old king who built the city with his own hands.

He wondered if that meant that he was the previous host of darkness, but his mind returned to his present situation as more guards ran up the long staircase to right.

Walking behind them was Tasha, who looked beyond furious. She was dressed in a dark grey dress which covered most of her body and embellishing its centre was a perfect circle.

The guards all pointed their weapons at Yna while Tasha crossed her arms.

"Have you finally decided to press your blade on our neck and make us your slaves, knight?" She hissed.

"No. Well… sorta. A war is coming. The Golden Prince plans on resuming his conquest of the Expanse and wouldn't you know it, this place is also part of the Expanse." Yna said with her dark sword sitting on her shoulder.

"Oh? If that is true, then we have already lost-"

"Ah… no we haven't. As we speak, Katsíki is hard at work trying to increase our chances of survival. We will repay his hard work and determination in full. Any resistance on your part will be dealt with swiftly." Yna said with eyes that glowed brightly

Anda knew exactly what those eyes meant.

They were the same eyes that Yna had when she brutalized the Foph leader.

"Err… I hope you understand, Elder Tasha, that we're doing this with everyone's best interest in mind." Anda said, but Tasha simply scoffed aloud.

"Fine. We will leave the seal open, but-"

"Oh, stop right there, darling. You do not get to make any of the terms. You see these people behind me? These are my eyes and ears. They will follow us into your city and they will spend the rest of their days here. Learning, watching and reporting. All while we prepare for the end game, as Katsíki calls it." Yna said and Anda could've sworn he saw veins appearing on Tasha's forehead.

"A-alright. Follow me then. I assume your… eyes will need a place to stay. How many are there?" Tasha asked as she turned around.

"One hundred."

"I see." Tasha droned gesturing that everyone follow her.

Yna did so enthusiastically and everyone else followed closely behind.

Everyone eventually arrived at the city's tall dark walls and were greeted by more guards, but Tasha told them to open the large gates and they were allowed into the city.

Anda could barely hide his awe as they stepped into Iana.

The evenly paved dark streets allowed everyone stress-free access into the city's inner parts which were all lined with tall dark buildings which were lit by the many orbs of light that hung high above.

Walking past Anda and company were the citizens of Iana.

They all wore clothes that resembled those worn in Eimval. Simple silk robes with very little in terms of accessories. The one thing that was constant or at least common was the fact that almost every piece of cloth was embellished with what Anda had deduced was the old Ia Crest.

Tasha eventually led everyone to an enormous dark building.

Guarding it were several men and, after getting briefed by Tasha, they allowed Yna and company into the building which Anda assumed was the Iana equivalent of a high office.

The walls were all covered in books and countless scholars could be seen studying under small orbs of light behind their desks.

Tasha stopped before turning around while spreading her arms.

"This is the central hub. Your people will get all the information they need here. They can even start now. It will keep them occupied while we converse. After all, my office is not spacious enough to house a hundred people." Tasha said.

Anda could see the sweat forming on her forehead, but even though she looked quite distressed, she did a good job at appearing composed.

"You heard her. Spread out and read everything on everything. Oh, but be respectful of the people here. Otherwise… well, you know." Yna said and like golems, her men spread out into the hub, startling nearby scholars.

Tasha nodded before leading Anda and Yna up a short fight of stairs that led to a pedestal which was guarded by two men.

"My office, please." Tasha said as she, Yna and Anda stepped onto the pedestal.

Anda didn't even get a chance to blink before the world around him changed.

Instead of a gigantic chamber filled with light and noise, he was now in a small office which was almost completely silent.

Tasha walked towards a small table before sitting on the soft carpet.

"Please." She said prompting Yna and Anda to sit opposite her.

Tasha rubbed her temples for a moment before deeply sighing.

"How much time do we have?"

"Six months at most, three months if the worst comes to pass and the vanguard arrives early." Yna said while Anda looked at the ornate wooden sculptures that lined the room.

They were made from complex and strange shapes that Anda couldn't figure out.

Hanging silently above were dim orange orbs of light that gave the room a warm feel to it.

Anda also noticed that the room had no door.

The only holes were the small rectangular ones in the roof.

Anda's eyes then fell onto the portrait behind Tasha.

It was of an old man dressed in rather elegant dark clothes and although he looked rather wise, Anda could feel a deep sadness in his eyes for some reason.

"Just what do you have to gain by subjugating us? We Ia are not a brutish sort and our use in the frontlines would be negligible at best." Tasha said.

"Ah, what you lack in raw physical power, you make up for in other things. I'm sure you have magicians, knowledge and various other things that could help tip the odds in our favour, even if it's just a little."

"Mmm… Pardon my saying, lady…"


"Yes, but I find it hard to belief that those things are the only reason you came here. We both know that it takes far more than the things you mentioned to fell, let alone harm a golden knight." Tasha said with narrowed eyes.

Yna smiled before leaning forward.

"You're right. Another reason why I wanted this place was for the secrecy. You see… Katsíki doesn't know we're here. We're going to use this secrecy to create a Legion of men capable of felling golden knights."

"I… see. We have several empty bays that you can use to conduct whatever tests you need, but I still feel as though you are not telling me everything. I understand that I am beneath you in every way, but please… I… if… if we can work together… I feel as though that may lead to more fruitful results." Tasha said through gnashed teeth.

"Oh? Are you sure you want to know everything?" Yna asked.


Yna nodded before telling Tasha most of what she told Anda although she added some details.

Things like how she was secretly mining Cavumium out in the Expanse.

"My goodness." Tasha gasped as she messily rubbed her hair pins out of place.

Her long black hair messily fell onto the table as her breaths became erratic.

"Yep. Fortunately for you, Anda said that I could only take those who resisted. So if everyone behaves… I'll have no one to sacrifice." Yna said with narrowed eyes.

"I see."

"Yep. Now, I'm needed back at the base, so I'm gonna leave you here with Anda. I'll expect detailed reports from you at end of every week. The word is cooperation. If Eimval needs something give it to them and vice versa." Yna said as she stood up.

"Understood. Umm… Anda could you wait here a moment while I escort lady Yna out?" Tasha asked as she joined Yna on a stone pedestal on the other end of the room.

Anda curtly nodded and the two vanished in an instant, leaving him in a mind numbing silence.

He looked around and couldn't help but feel like he was being watched.

He tried fiddling with his thumbs to entertain himself, but his anxiety wouldn't die down no matter what he did.

He turned his attention to the portrait of the old man.

With the way it was framed, it looked like he was a great man, but there was something off about his eyes.

Anda saw nothing but sadness within them.

He wanted to stand up and inspect the portrait further, but the sound of movement behind him killed off those thoughts.

Tasha returned to her spot by the table where she deeply sighed as she pressed her fingers together.

"How… how many of your people did she s-sacrifice?" She asked.

"None." Anda said, but Tasha shook her head.

"I refuse to believe that there is any sort of kindness or benevolence in that… that thing." She said.

Anda didn't respond.

"I suppose you will tell her everything I just said. Maybe it would be best if I kept quiet-"

"Lady Yna may not be the best of people, not to mention her past, but she is working just as hard as the rest of us to prepare for the coming war. She is also not the one who brought back hope to the Ia." Anda said. He was still nervous, but he reasoned that it would be best if he made it clear to Tasha how he felt about everything.

"Were it not for the efforts of lord Katsíki we would still be stuck in Eimval waiting for our deaths. The Golden Prince's armies would have found killed and or subjugated us-"

"Is that any different from now?" Tasha spat, but Anda shook his head before smiling gently.

"You'd have to see it for yourself."

Tasha frowned.

"See what?"

"How do I put this elegantly? Mmm… the fruits of the tree that grows in the cradle of hope."