
I got reincarnated as a extra villan

yujijin · Fantasy
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Chapter 3 I got reincarnated as a extra villain

I who was bed written for life now have to fight a stranger who I don't even know? what should I do!?

yujin: excuse me?


yujin: aren't you going to introduce yourself? since you know me but I don't know you.

???: oh yes ! I forgot to introduce myself! I am roen De Mayo and I don't think you are qualified for teaching us!!

yujin : really! then you suggested to fight me even though you don't know what I am capable of?

roen: why would I want to know if you are capable or not I can tell that you are weak just by looking at you!

yujin : really than prove your self right by defeating me in the arena then to talk endlessly hear !

roen :alright then !

principal : wait a moment isn't to dangerous for a student to fight a teacher!?

yujin : do not worry about that!? I won't Hurt a student!?

roen :you think I am weak!?

yujin :well how about this you atack me 5 times with your best attack while I will only use one spell?

roen : your on!? old man!

yujin : I am not old!! I am just 20 years old!

well after we bickered for a while we went to the arena and the I heard a familiar voice and I realized that it was rin. rin had a very angry face and lectured me to why I was even fighting a student and I explained the situation and rin became opposite and said I should beat him to a pulp.

as I entered the arena people who knew that I was gonna win because I actually didn't loose a single battle till now they knew that roen was a dum and ignorant person so they couldn't even tell him to give up.

roen :these people think that I am going to loose but I am gonna prove you wrong.

yujin : be prepared for a beating!

as I said these words I saw a huge fire ball coming towards me but I simply moved to the side dogging it easly as after that I saw another fire ball but it was smaller I doged as I was cut off gard when he use a light elemental burst which blinded me but I could still hear his foot and sence his mana so blinding me did nothing to my vision as he tried to punch me! I dogged and said you have one more chance to attack me.as I tantued him he became angry and I was surprised when I saw him cast a elemental spell (an elemental spell is a spell made up of two elements or more)

yujin :oh!! looks like you have talent kid why don't you say that after this ends you become my disipal

roen: well if you live after this attack the I might consider it! ! the storm of the night which blows away every thing in its path the fire which burns eternal hell flame storm lotus!!!

yujin : well looks like playtime is over! god's eyes!!

as I activated god's eyes I dozed all of roen's fire and then roen fanted because of the god's eyes ability, after the incident. I went to my mansion as I was given a weak off, I wonder what will come next towards my journey.

[new quest ]

[make a group who seem evil but are good ]

[reward:cp50 random talent ]

yujin :huh!? what the hell!! you dog pice of a system!!!!

chapter 3 end