
I got Isekaied with OP Abilities

A College Student was killed by God and was given overpowered abilities and sent to another world for entertainment

AbyssalChaos_King · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Let's just get over with the cliches

The Name is Kain Keegan 23 Years old born and raised in Florida and is honestly just your regular old college student well I am Obviously average to the point when you look up the definition of average well that will be me and I am surprised that I was able to scrap by and made it to college with my average grades.

But I was content with the fact I was average well my personality though at front I am just that average person you see a piece of bland bread.

But my personality is more of a type who desires to be more than just being a piece of bland bread!

Sorry I was getting riled up for being average anyway as I was minding my own business eating cereal for the sixth time in my life actually I think I never eat anything but the most blandest of foods but it was basic for me just basic.

Out of nowhere I died? Well I wasn't sure how but everything went blank no color just blank  until I heard a voice once again.

???:"Finally I got your attention let's get past those cliches this internalized blankness  you see is merely your soul and Kain to put it forward I am God and I planned for your death early as I gotten bored.

Kain:"Bored? Well I guess you would be bored afterall I am pretty average well the most average."

God:"Stop with your blabbering and self doubt it gives me a headache as your next lines are just repeats on how average you are."

Kain:"I'm sorry for being a talkative average guy God."

God:"Tsh Your bland actions is the reason why I killed you, you are such an boring person taking no risk nor opportunities I saw the next years of your life and you just work in a boring office with the same expression of pure blankness it's like you have zero sense of anything you don't even have your own beliefs! I love when Humans think there own thing but you just believe on whatever someone else is believing the time your so boring that your presence is unimportant!"

I was silent on what God told me but he was right i am just a very bland person I actually think that....I have no soul sometimes because nothing excitement nor scares me I am super apathetic to everything and just give myself self doubt for being painfully average.

God:"Now your inner monologuing GET A GRIP! Get a Grip with your Humanity Kain! I know you have a soul there is no such thing as a person who is soulless but I see excitement in everyone as everyone do actions differently and it never gets boring but you do the same thing over and over! So I think you need a makeover as your just a blank slate all I care of but I see that Slate will be filled."

God:"I'm sending you to another world."

I was expressionless as always I act suprised to him saying that but honestly I felt nothing and the only words I can mutter through my fake suprised expression was,"Really?" it was monotone no sound or expression.

God seemed a bit angry at my actions even though I can't see him but he had a angry sigh.

God:"I am going to give you 5 Abilites Teleportation,Invincibility,Invisibility,Telekinesis and Time Stop."


I heard a snapped in his fingers as my conscious disappeared I guess this is my life now if I remember correctly this is something called Isekai right?