
Chapter 1 - Black Beat

It's dark.

The darkness envelopes all, preventing me from seeing any shape or figure.

Where am I? Besides, what happened?

Wasn't there someone making fun of me, oh yeah that's right that Dark Reunion Executive..

With that thought, I regained consciousness.

My name is Shun Ishigami. A 18 year old, Highschool student.

While fighting an Evil Doer from Dark Reunion, He somehow was able to transport me to an another world. I underestimated his power..

Alright~, remembered. I'm okay. No time for panic. wait I remember Fumiko was with me——


What's this.. A soft sensation.. W-a-i-t

「Uh... What do you think you're doing..」(Fumiko)

「Fumiko!? Sorry I didn't see you ther—」


That hurts.. this girl is scary.. Why do i have to be with her..

「Anyways! Where are we? is this some kind of cave and it's so dark」

When we tried to look around, we finally noticed. That this isn't some normal world. it has monsters we haven't seen before.

That problem aside, when I attempted to touch my head… I noticed that i can't see my left arm. And even more perplexing is the fact that I see my other arm.

Alright, time to panic.

「Hey what's wrong with you shun, Stop panicking」(fumiko)

「M-my left arm i-its completely BLACK!」

「Whoa your right and it's reaching towards your face!」(Fumiko)

Oi, oi, give me a sec what is this?! am I cursed?! but my body feels light like i can run lightspeed.. also my strength..

A stooped postures, low foreheads, large muscular bodies, and porcine faces that featured lower canines that resembled boar tusks Appeared. Shun and Fumiko quickly recognised this since it appeared in many fantasy games and anime

「I-Is.... Is that a ORC!?」(Fumiko)

What the hell?! is this some kind of nightmare!? Why is there an orc here.. No doubt about it I GOT ISEKAI'D

「Stay back, Fumiko I got this..」

「Are you crazy?!」(Fumiko)

The ORC saw Fumiko and Shun and charge towards them with an Hungry expression

Come on, Black beat, <Absolute Destruction!> Activate!

< Activate Black Beat Skill『Absolute Destruction』>

A large explosion shaked the whole cave. causing the death of the Orc, Shun and Fumiko was shocked on what had happened.

「W-what....What the hell was that, Shun!」(Fumiko)

「I..I don't know!」

What the hell.. I really do have superpowers! Just you wait Dark Reunion Executive, You will die by my hand—

「Look! There's passageway from the underground lake to the surface.」(Fumiko)

It's actually a cavern.

We slowly wiggled our way toward that passage.

Though, moving around is easier than we had expected.

After we've walking for a while, we we're blocked by a huge door in front of us.

「A man-made object inside a cave.」(Fumiko)

「How suspicious. However, it's not too surprising if one had played RPG games before.」

After all, what kind of BOSS room doesn't have a door.

「Then, how should we open this door?」(Fumiko)

「Should I destroy it using <Absolute Destruction>?」

Just as I was thinking about it, the door was opened with a *Gii* sound.

we quickly hid in a corner of the passageway.

「It finally opened. This keyhole is totally rusted…」

「That can't be helped, right? No one had entered here for a whole three hundred years.」

「That's true, there aren't any records of entering this place. Actually, is this really okay? We won't be attacked right after we walk in, right….?」

「Gahahaha! Relax! Although it was unbeatable three hundred years ago, I'm a man who has soloed a Basilisk before, just leave it to me!」

「That's obviously a lie isn't it? No matter what you say, aren't Basilisks still B+ ranked demons? For Karl-san, isn't soloing it totally impossible?」

「Idiot! I'm at least a B-Rank too, okay! A mere over-sized lizard, is not an opponent for me at all!"」

「Alright alright, I understand. Don't get careless, okay? Well, just in case, if something were to happen, use my imperative escape magic to run away…」

「I know you two are pretty close but isn't it about time to quiet down a bit? I'm about to activate stealth, okay?」

The noisy trio entered.

But this is really inconceivable, we can actually understand what they are saying.

That's great. I, am the worst at English. I stayed in Japan like a snail, so there was no need to study foreign languages at all. It was okay as long as those who had plans of going overseas worked hard.

But, I won't be able to find any excuses this time. Seems like I'll have to find sometime to learn a little…

「Who were those guys?」(Fumiko)

「Well, that kind of stuff doesn't matter right now.」

What do I do? This is much more difficult than opening the door…

「Although I don't know what they are here for, it seems like… they're adventurers.」(Fumiko)

「Are they here to hunt for treasures?」

「For the time being, they're also the first humans We've encountered after coming to this world. I kinda want to follow them and see…」(Fumiko)

「But… A random person that doesn't look like from this world also a chuuni with a demon like arm is no different from a normal Monster, so if we was carelessly discovered… we'll definitely be mercilessly killed. Safety first, let's forget about it this time.」(Fumiko)

After hiding and waiting for a while.

After the trio's presence completely disappeared, we started moving again.

There is no need to hurry, there will always be chances to meet humans later.

Advancing solidly step by step. As the saying goes: Haste makes waste.

we quickly went through the door before the trio came back, and left that place.

After crossing the gate, we moved forward for sometime and reached a complicated fork in the road. Which side do I need to go in order to reach the surface? Forget it, there's no way for me to know anyways.

we randomly chose a road and continue onward.

Something met my eyes.

I couldn't help it and diverted my line of sight… Before my eyes, was a really scary enormous black snake. Its entire body was covered with tough scales that couldn't even be compared to the small snakes in my past life. And I, am nothing but a frog that it was eyeing. Oh wait, that's not right, I'm a human not a frog.

「What the hell is tha—」(Fumiko)


Is it possible to do something if we're not discovered? Sneakily, we tried and retreated a little; however, it seems that we are too naive. Following my movements, the black snake slowly raised its head.

Its tongue hissed as it flicked, and its gaze was full of threat.

「Not good, looks like it's not going to let us go!」(Fumiko)

I could understand this without someone telling me.

「Should I fight!? It's now or never Activate Black Beat <Absolute Destruction>!」

. . . .

「Huh? Nothing happened!」

「You Idiot!」(Fumiko)

Damn it! But what could i possibly do against something like that? can <Absolute Destruction> Even kill this monster?

That being said…. To fight a monster like this, one would still need the appropriate amount of determination.

After all, I'm extremely scared right now.

But there is no need to panic. Thinking closely, how did I able to manifest my powers.. I close my eyes and start thinking.. Alright let's do this

Isn't this okay? The me that had calmed down, started to observe the black snake.

The black snake seemed to be a bit careless about us who was frozen stiff from fear. It's probably pondering about how to cook us. Is he not planning on swallowing us raw?

Then, taking this opportunity…. I focused my power and imagine a dark blade..

< New Skill has been unlock Black Beat Skill『Death Scythe』>

Without any hesitation, I shot a <Death Scythe> toward the black snake's head.

The Dark Scythe that emitted a sharp aura, arrived before the black snake's face as it carved through the air.

In the next moment, we couldn't help it but doubt our own eyes. <Death Scythe>, had easily chopped off the black snake's head without any resistance.

That was clearly a huge snake that could've swallowed us alive.

<Death Scythe>… Seems like it's a skill that's even more powerful that I had imagined.

If I had used it against a human adventurer… It would be too horrible to directly look at. It's really fortunate that the first target was a demon.

The amount of energy used in <Death Scythe>, should be around a little less than a cup… Looks like even if I shoot a few thousand shots, there would still be no need for me to mind at all.

Feels like it'd be even more useful than <Absolute Destruction>.

If more demons appear, I'll temporarily deal with them using <Death Scythe>.

「Hey you have nice skills and all but about this snake when i start pointing my view on it there's a system that's keep on appearing like on SAO and it said use skill <Predator> Would i be able to use its skills after predating? Let's immediately try it...」(Fumiko)

The snake was immediately swallowed by fumiko's hand.

How the f- even tho it was large as hell. and that's straight up a cheat skill...

<Heat Sensing> …. Innate skill. Can perceive objects by using the surrounding response of heat, can ignore the effect of stealth.

<Water Mist Breath> …. Innate skill. Releases a powerful water attribute (Blast). The effective range is a conical area of 120 degrees that's seven meters in length.

「Woah? Is this for real I acquired these two skills」(Fumiko)

This water seems like it also carries a corrosive effect. (Corrosive to equipments, caustic to flesh) If a normal adventurer went against this, I feel like it would be pretty troublesome.

But magic also exists in this world, so it might not even be a big deal.

Fumiko spent a bit of time analyzing the black snake's abilities.

After all, it's better to have more usable cards in hand.