
The Beginning

Thud* Thud*

The thundering hooves of the horses echoed through the open field, their rhythmic gallop creating an eerie sense of impending doom. The riders, clad in gleaming armour and wielding various weapons, formed a formidable yet desperate army. Banners of different colours billowed in the wind, a testament to the unity of this last line of defence.

As the man, aged beyond his years by the weight of the impending battle, spoke, his voice trembled with fear and determination. "An unknown enemy is invading our home," he declared, his gaze sweeping across the faces of his comrades. "They are brutal... relentless... unstoppable."

The memories of loved ones lost, and the pain of missing family, friends, and acquaintances all weighed heavy on their hearts.

The man's voice grew more robust with each word. "Many of our people have already died. We carry the weight of their sacrifices. We are the last of our people against countless enemies."

Tension hung in the air, thick as the impending storm clouds when suddenly, an otherworldly occurrence shook the heavens.

The fabric of reality seemed to tear open as rifts appeared in the sky, gaping voids into the unknown. Gasps of terror escaped the lips of the warriors as something horrific emerged.

A colossal monster, towering at 500 meters, stepped forth from the gaping maw of the rift. Its body was a grotesque tapestry of deformed flesh and bone, and its eyes, glowing a malevolent red, pierced the hearts of all who gazed upon them.

Two wickedly sharp horns jutted from its skull, and each step it took seemed to make the earth itself tremble. Its massive claw, dripping with an eerie, iridescent substance, glinted ominously in the dim light.

The soldiers stood frozen in awe and terror as the giant monster raised its hand, and with an earth-shattering BOOOOM, a shockwave of pure, destructive power radiated outwards, knocking many of the warriors off their horses and into the unforgiving ground.

Amid this chaos and despair, their courage would be tested like never before, for they were the last line of defence, standing against an unimaginable force. The fate of their world rested on their shoulders, and they had no choice but to meet this monstrous, unknown enemy head-on in a battle for survival like no other.



Amidst the bustling city, the steady rhythm of footsteps echoed through the streets, a testament to the fast-paced lives of its inhabitants. People of all ages strode confidently along the busy thoroughfares, dressed in the latest fashion trends - baggy sweatpants paired with fitted shirts and sneakers, emblematic of this generation's style.


Yet, amid the cacophony of urban life, a distinct cry rang out, cutting through the hustle and bustle. It was the plaintive wail of a baby, a sound that usually went unnoticed, for many people had grown desensitized to the heart-wrenching echoes of newborns abandoned on the streets.

However, on this particular day, the air in the dimly lit alley fluctuated slightly as if the very fabric of reality was responding to some unseen force. In the blink of an eye, a woman materialized out of thin air. Her beauty was otherworldly, a striking contrast to the urban landscape, as if a Goddess had descended from the heavens to cleanse the world of its impurities.

The woman's waist-length hair was a deep, obsidian black, so dark that it seemed an endless abyss, with hints of glistening stars scattered throughout. Her luscious locks had a deep reddish-purple hue that shimmered like an amethyst crystal when touched by the sun's gentle rays. Her eyebrows matched the colour of her hair, framing her stunning visage.

Her nose was perfectly sculpted, and her glossy, plump lips radiated a rich reddish shade, adding to her allure. Her pale face, framed by her captivating features, held an air of ethereal grace, and she stood tall at an astonishing 205 cm.

The instant this captivating lady set foot in the alley, the newborn's cries ceased as if the universe held its breath. The woman approached the abandoned infant with a grace that seemed to defy the laws of nature. She gently picked up the baby, cradling it in her arms, her presence radiating a profound sense of protection.

Without uttering a word, the woman and the child vanished as swiftly as she had appeared, leaving the bustling city behind, their destination and purpose shrouded in mystery.


In the ethereal realm where time and existence intertwined, the lady, Elizabeth Dracul, appeared before a magnificent, ancient throne. In her arms, she cradled a newborn child who squirmed and fussed as if trying to escape her gentle grasp.


The newborn let out a sharp cry, his feeble voice muffled by the fact that he was a mere newborn with underdeveloped vocal cords. Yet, the lady understood his unspoken words. "Who are you, lady? What are you saying? Where am I?" his cries seemed to ask.

"Interesting," Elizabeth mused, a sly grin touching her lips as she gazed down at the child. "Someone escaped those old foggy eyes, not once but twice. You've reincarnated twice. First as a 20-year-old and then as a 24-year-old."

The baby, his cherubic body shaking as if in agreement, nodded slightly. Elizabeth couldn't help but find his chubby cheeks and double chin adorable, and she pinched his little chin playfully.

The newborn, now protesting, cried out, "WAAH* Stop pinching me. I know I'm cute, but please stop. It hurts."

Elizabeth, struck by an idea, revealed her intent, "I'll make you a teenager. What do you think?" The baby eagerly nodded, giving his consent with a simple cry.

With a wave of her hand, a bright green light and a shimmering silver light enveloped the newborn, their hues symbolizing life and time. A profound transformation began as the infant's body proliferated. In a mere five seconds, he emerged as a striking 18-year-old teenager.

Elizabeth conjured a mirror before the newly transformed teenager, who stared at his reflection in sheer disbelief. He had become a devilishly handsome young man with long black hair cascading down his tall back. His eyes, amethyst-coloured, held an enigmatic allure, and his 185cm-tall, muscularly toned body exuded an irresistible charm.

Distracted by his own reflection, he was snapped out of his daydream by the lady's voice. "How long are you gonna keep staring at yourself?" she inquired.

Startled, he responded with a hint of arrogance, "Ah, oh, my bad. I just can't believe how handsome I am. I almost fell in love with myself."

The lady couldn't help but giggle, charmed by his confidence. "Now, I will give you your name, and I will be your mother from today onwards," she declared.

With a more serious tone, she continued, "First, allow me to introduce myself. I am Elizabeth Dracul." She snapped her fingers, summoning a woman who bore a striking resemblance to her, albeit in her early 20s.

The summoned woman, who resembled Elizabeth in her twenties, appeared with a startled cry. "Mom, what are you doing? You could have just called me..." Her words were cut short as she sensed another presence.

Elizabeth, with an amused smile, introduced her daughter, "This is my daughter. She's over a thousand and 3 years old, in short, your sister, Elize Bethania Dracul."

Both siblings exclaimed in unison, "What?"

Elizabeth relished their surprise, "Fufufu, look at you two, getting along already."

With a raised eyebrow, Elie, the newly transformed teenager, questioned, "How could I have a mother who looks so young, not even in her thirties, while I was a 44-year-old guy?"

Elizabeth, aware of her son's skepticism, reassured him, "I'll explain it all to you later, my baby. Let's finish the introductions first."

She revealed her astonishing age, "I, your mother, Elizabeth Dracul, am over a billions of years old."

Elie, though taken aback, remained somewhat composed, having already experienced the surreal nature of reincarnation in his previous world. Yet, the idea of his mother being a million years old was undoubtedly overwhelming.

Elizabeth noticed Elie's astonishment and nudged him gently to regain his attention. "Elie, for you to be my true son, I'll reincarnate you again. You'll be born in my womb, so you'll share my blood. I could just make your blood the same as mine, but I would prefer you to be my real child and share my blood."

With her celestial powers, she orchestrated his rebirth within minutes. Elie found himself in his 18-year-old form again, with a striking resemblance to his mother.

Elize couldn't contain her joy and immediately embraced her new brother. "Finally, I have a little brother," she exclaimed with heartfelt delight.

The family's unconventional bonds forged across time and magic promised a future filled with surprises and adventures, and the enigmatic Elizabeth Dracul held the key to unlocking Elie's destiny in this extraordinary new world.

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