
I gave birth and died

One day my mom went in the bed with my dad and made me. They said that I was a mistake and they should've left me drowning in the ball pit in McDonald's. Since I was only 5 and they said that to me I thought they said I was a steak. I was so ugly, there were yellow liquid coming out my ears, my eyes were red, my hair was messy, I had pimples, I had a Uno brown, and I had qtips up my nose. Then one day I met the most beautiful person ever they looked just like me I didn't know I was lesbian. And they thought I was hot too! Their name was mirror. Me and mirror started dating I took mirror on a date and people were staring at us they probably think that we were the most unique couple😍. Then one day I got pregnant mirror was so happy for me! Then my water broke. "Oh no!" I went to the hospital and gave birth. The doctors looked at me in a wired way when I said I dated a mirror they probably thought we were so unique🥴. Then I gave birth to a glass shard my baby was so cute! The doctors threw me in the dumpsters because my baby was so sharp I died🥰.