
I Get Reincarnated Every Time I Die?!

Akai Tetsuo is a 28 year old animator when he suddenly dies by getting hit by a truck? No that's not right. He hit his head. Now we get to witness his story but not just any story a reincarnation story. Wait.. But not just any reincarnation story? A weird reincarnation story?

Nyanku · Fantasy
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13 Chs

#6 - Blob Blob

~Before Reincarnation~

"I'll reincarnate you as a fish!" Amaterasu said

"Man, fvck you"

"But not just any fish. A fish that can trap predators, prey and basically anything in a bubble."

"Wait now.. That's kinda overpowered no?"

"Hehe. It's my gift to you for entertaining me"

"I'll finally be overpowered"

~After reincarnation~


"I'll look into my stats I guess."

"Status Open!"

[Blob opened his status]

Name: Blob Blob

Species: Blob Fish

Tier: F-

Titles: None

HP - 50

STR - 3


SPD (ATK) - 7

IQ - 103

DUR - 2

MP - 1000



Copy - MAX

Overdrive - 999

Crafting - 999

Maximize - 999

Moonlight Judgement - 999

Water Spoof - 12

Atomic Bubble Prison - 50

"Wait.. IQ and Potential? That's new."

"And I think the skill Amaterasu was talking about is the [Atomic Bubble Prison]. Just hearing the name makes you scared for real.."

"Hey Blob come with us. School is about to start." A fish said


"Peek at his status"

[Blob peeked at Blub's status]

Name: Blub Blob

Species: Blob Fish

Tier: F-

Titles: None

Relationship with you: Brothers

HP - 52

STR - 12


SPD (ATK) - 4

IQ: 130

DUR - 2

MP - 10



Water Bubble - 12

Water Cannon - 21

"Oh right. Blub my brother!"

"Yeah.. You're weird today huh?"

"Nah I'm normal."

"Alright then. Let's go to school!"


~After swimming for 10 minutes~

"We finally reached school.." I said

"That felt so long.." Blub said

We enter

"Alright Blob. My room is this way."

"Alright then. See you in recess."

I walk to my room when I see a shark bullying a fish.

"Hey stop that."

"What are you going to do about it? Huh?" Bully said

"You better stop now.." The bullied fish said

"Peek at the bully's status"

[Peeked at Krahs' status]

Name: Krahs Snif

Species: Starlight Shark

Tier: B

Titles: The Bite

Relationship with you: None

HP - 250

STR - 50


SPD (ATK) - 15

IQ: 84

DUR - 73

MP - 0



Bite - 50

"He only has one skill huh?"

"What did you say you loser blob fish?" Krahs said

"Just stop it or.."

"Or what?"

"Or the Moonlight will judge you.."

"Ohh scary."

"Alright.. WATER SPOOF."

[Water Spoof - User unlocks a form that gives 2 temporary skills]

[Blob used Water Spoof]

[Because you used Water Spoof you will receive two skills that can be used until Water Spoof is turned off]

[Wave learned]

[Trench Illusion learned]

"Water.. Spoof..? PFFT" Krahs said as he laughs at me

"Trench Illusion.."


"Heh. Get out."

"That felt like I was falling in an actual Trench.. It was.. Scary as sh!t.."

"Cry about it."

"I'm not done yet. Let's meet after school."

He finally went away

"Hey.. Thank you for saving me."

"Not that big of a deal.."

"I'm Phin."

"I'm Blob."

"Nice to meet you Blob."

"Nice to meet you too."

"Anyway. My room is that way. I'll go now. Bye."


~After the worst 2 hours of my life~

"It's finally recess.."

"Hey Blob."

"Oh hey brother."

"Ey! Blob good sir!"

"Oh Phin."

"This is my brother, Blub. Blub this is Phin."

"Nice to meet you brother of Blob."

"Same for me."

"What's the food here like?" I said

"It's pretty good." They said in union

"Hahaha. Alright. I'll try it."

~After waiting in line~

"Can I get a Fried Worm and a side of Fish Food?" I ordered

"Sure coming right up."

"Thank you."

~After waiting for my food~

"This worm is good." I said

"Uh huh" Blub said

"The side is good as well!" Phin said.

"OOHH it is." Me and Blub said in union

~Bell Rings~

"Oh the bell. Let's go now." I said

"Alright bye guys!" I followed

"Bye!" They said

~After the most excruciating 3 hours, 2 minutes, 43 seconds and 16 milliseconds of my life~

"I'm beat." I said

"Hey you. Remember me?"

"Oh. Krahs.."

"That's right. Fight me."

"Oh I forgot about that."


We heard a boom. Inside the school premises.

"What is that?" I said

"Let's go in." Krahs said

Terrorists bombed the school and Phin died in the process.

"Hey you terrorist crabs." I said

"Come on bring it on." Krahs said

"Such brave children. I like it."


[Crab used Claw]


[Krahs used Bite and Claw was ineffective]

"I have an idea."

I whispered in Krahs' ears

"Alrighty that's a good plan."

Krahs rushes to the crabs and bit them all using Bite one by one.


[Blob used Atomic Bubble Prison]

[The crabs are now locked up with YOU]

"Wait what? NO."


"I don't know bro.. But.. you better give Phin a proper burial."

"Of course with yo-"

The Bubble Prison exploded killing everybody in it. Including.. Me.

~Back in Paradise~

"Being a fish is tough." I said

"Mhm." Amaterasu said

"But I didn't know that you can do that.."

"I didn't tell you?"

"Nope you didn't"



"I can.. do this..?"

[Would you like the bubble to explode?]

"I don't know bro.. But.. you better give Phin a proper burial." I shouted at Krahs

"Yes I would like it to explode." I whispered

[That means killing you in the process]


[Bubble Exploding]

"Of course with yo-"

[Bubble Destroyed]


~Back to present time~

"This time I won't pick a skill. They are all useless."

"Alright. I won't tell you what you're getting reincarnated as in return."

"Alright. That's fair."

"I'm reincarnating you.."



"Now why is she laughing?"

~After Getting Reincarnated~

"Oh.. That's why she was laughing.. But isn't this pretty normal..?"

"I got reincarnated as G-"

See you next Sunday!

Author - Nyanku