
I Get Reincarnated Every Time I Die?!

Akai Tetsuo is a 28 year old animator when he suddenly dies by getting hit by a truck? No that's not right. He hit his head. Now we get to witness his story but not just any story a reincarnation story. Wait.. But not just any reincarnation story? A weird reincarnation story?

Nyanku · Fantasy
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13 Chs

#11 - Baby?

"What the hell is with her.."

"Wait.. Why the hell are people looking at me?"

"Look Guinevere, Gawain is so little and cute." A man said

"Who would name a boy Gawain?" I said

"But I guess I got reincarnated as baby boy?"

"Yes it is Beowulf.. Our baby is super cute." Guinevere said

"My dad is Beowulf and my mom is Guinevere."

~4 years passes by~

"It's been 4 years.. This is probably the longest life I've had."

"Son. Are you ready for your blessing?" Beowulf said

"Yes I am father."

My name in this world is Gawain Isolde-Pendragon. My mother's name is Guinevere Isolde. My father is Beowulf Pendragon.

My father is Arthur's great great great grandchild.

My father is the king.

As we got out of our castle people surrounded us almost instantly wanting to interview my father about me getting blessed.

"Knights, you know what to do." Dad said

We walk to the church.

"Welcome, your majesty." The priest said

"My son here is ready for the blessing." My dad said

"Right this way your majesty."

The priest leads us to the praying altar

"Young lord. You kneel there and pray."

"Thanks my good sir." I said

I kneel down and prayed.

Suddenly.. I got transported in a void like world.

Two gods are looking at me while sitting on their throne.

The two gods are Brahma and Chronos.

"Oh Akai Tetsuo. We finally met." Brahma said

"How'd you know my name?"

"Oh come on. We're gods." Chronos said

"Eh. I guess so."

"We brought you here because of your blessing. We're returning 2 of your lost powers. Time Manipulation and Creation."

They said in union


"But on one condition." Chronos said

"What's the condition?"

"You need to kill Majin, The Demon King."

They both said

"The demon king?"

"Yes. That's right." They said

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"The demon king. You need to kill him." Chronos said

"What can't you understand about that?" Brahma said

"Why me?"

"Is that even a question? Amaterasu sent you!" Chronos said

"I'm alone? I can't possibly kill a demon king alone!"

"Don't worry. Baal's prophet will help you."

Brahma said

"Well that's a relief."

"Peek at Brahma's stats." I whispered

Name: Brahma

Species: Error

Tier: Error

Titles: God of Creation

HP - Error

STR - Error


SPD (ATTACK) - Error

IQ - Error

DUR - Error

MP - Error







"You peeked at my stats?"

"Yeah.. uhh.."

"I blocked your peek."

"What do you mean?"

"It's a skill that can block other skills."

"What's the skill called?"

"The name is ..."

"Huh..? I've never heard of that.."

"Of course you've never had." Brahma said

"Only gods, or someone that gets it as a blessing can have it." Chronos said

"Man.. That's not fair."

"So what if it's not?" Chronos said

"Anyways. Another god wants to give you a blessing." Brahma said

"Another one?"

"Yes. We're going to send you to her." Brahma said


"Yea. Alright. Goodbye." Chronos said

I got transported in a new world. It's a grass land full of flower and clovers.

"Good day. Prophet of Amaterasu."

"Good day. Miss goddess."

"My name is Fortuna, The god of luck. I am here to give you my blessings as well."

"Oohhh. What blessings? Good luck?"

"No. But a skill."

"A skill?"

"Yes. You can try it after I give you the blessing."

"Can I take a peek at your stats?"

"Sure go ahead."

"Peek at Fortuna's status."

Name: Fortuna

Species: Error

Tier: Error

Titles: God of Luck

HP - 100,000,000

STR - 100,000,000

SPD (MOVEMENT) - 100,000,000

SPD (ATTACK) - 100,000,000

IQ - ∞

DUR - 100,000,000

MP - ∞






"Why can't I see your skills?"

"I just don't want you to look at it."


"I'll bless you now, oh prophet."

"Luck shall be your friend and guardian! El Dice!"

As she blesses with luck, I glow with a light green aura.

I go back to the real world..

"Father. I was blessed by The God of Creation, God of Time, and God of Luck.."

"Oh my. My son is blessed by three gods?"

"My lord is blessed by three gods?" The priest said

"I wanna see your stats son.."

"Alright father. Status Open!"

"Oh my.." Father said

"Oh lord!" Priest said

"Your stats is..-"

To be continued

I enjoyed writing this so much. Thank you for reading guys!

Nyankucreators' thoughts