
:My mum

I adore my mum. I really do. She does absolutely everything she can for me, that is why I told myself I would never leave her side, I never have, honest. I felt like I could tell her anything. Absolutely anything! My thoughts, my friends, my enemies- you name it. However, there is one thing she never told me, that was that the house wasn't going to be with us forever. I know what homeless means but I never actually thought that me, myself would be homeless, keep listening and you'll see the story of my life.

"Liz! Liz! Wake up!" someone was shaking my shoulders. I mumbled and slowly opened my eyes, the light was flashing in front of me and there was my mum shaking me. I could hear two men and a woman chatting from downstairs.

"Morning mum, what's going on??" I asked, trying my hardest not to show how nervous I felt.

"Look, your friends mum agreed that you could stay with her." My mum replied.

"I don't u-understand!" I stammered. "what are you on a-about??" Just as she was going to answer me, a call from downstairs:

"LIV MAE!" (That is my mums name.) I'm not one to assume things but I'm sure that was the woman.

"Look, I'll explain later, just pack your things!" my mother told me. I didn't want to pack my things, I wanted to know what was going on! I decided to follow her. The woman was very tall and the men were all mucily, ew!

"OUT YOU GO MRS MAE! OUT WITH YOUR DAUGHTER TOO!" Mrs. 'Im tall and cool' scolded. I ran out.

"Mum, now is later, please explain!" I pleaded.

"Alright." She said "You see, we have been kicked out of our house by the landlord because the neighbors spreaded roomers about us but your friends mum agreed to let you stay."

"That's nice of her, let's go then!" I said cheerfully. She looked at me concerned. We had a place to stay now though!- Or so I thought.

"No, only you sorry." She told me.... calmly. I promised to stay by her side though.

"I'm not going then, we'll go to the park and rest there, we have sleeping bags so we should be fine." I told her just that.

"If you're sure, your only 12." She looked worried but I had made a promise- plus she is 20, still young right??

"Of course I'm sure!" I told her. As we set of to the park, I thought about this. We were actually. Homeless.