
I Gain 10x The Skill Of Any Heroine I Tame

He was nothing but a trash in his life but that trash was in love with the Heroine and even though the world was falling apart, he saw no better time to confess his love to the Heroine he looked up to so much. However, that resulted to a heartbreaking realization. The Heroine he respected and loved is a hypocrite and a slut!! Caelan died and swore to have his vengeance if fate permitted him. In the tremendous darkness of his demise. Caelan met a ray of light. The Heroine Taming System Lemons promised... I shall reveal no further information

FaLlen_smith · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Heroine Taming System

"You want to bring a god down? Wait did you actually believe in all those god nonsense?"

He could have sworn he thought it was just a facade the guild used to portray an image to the people and for the relationship they had with the Church of Atria. Or was there something that he was missing?

Lya grimaced. She placed her hand on her sword and gently walked closer to him.

"Those that are not granted understanding by my god will forever be blind to the light that his knowledge casts."

Caelan carefully rolled his eyes down and up looking at her stern gaze. He sighed tiredly.

"Okay, fine. I will accept your god. If that is what it takes. Can you just be my girlfriend?"

Her face contorted to a pale irritation.

"You still don't get the point do you?" She started, talking down on him- her mouth like she had tasted something bitter. "I see… I heard that you had a history with girls. Some people say having girls fall for you is the only talent that you have and even when it came down to it, you are not strong enough to please them on bed"

Another arrow of words shattering his broken heart. Caelan's mouth fell.

"Ahhh! Where did you hear something of sort? Me? I'm not strong enough? Who are the people? I know it is that damn witch that scammed me of my money!"

She looked at him and drew a blank expression on her face.

"You and I can never be a thing Cael. You are not my class. Besides, I have a man already…"

Just as she spoke, something…? fell to their side, wrecking a net crack onto the unsteady ground. It shook with tremors but was still sturdy enough to hold the man that landed.

Caelan frowned the moment the dust cloud revealed the man's face.

"What are you doing with this dimwit."

"Who the hell are you calling a dimwit?"

Caelan sounded with a fearless scowl.

"Who else? Dimwit." A smirk curled on the man's lips, "What are you going to do? Ask your saintess to save you." He grabbed Lya by the waist and pulled her closer.

"Or do you want me to smack your saintess from the back for you so you can watch and enjoy her being ate by me?"

Caelan was speechless. His lungs burned with flames of hatred. His hand was tense, begging to swing to his back and draw out his sword, harvesting the man's head in one swing.

But Caelan knew how impossible that was. He'd probably lose his head before even drawing out his sword completely. Because this man was one of the very few that were unmatched.

Tearing his scowl away from the man, he gave Lya a pitiful look.


She immediately retorted with a harsh tone.

'Honestly… you could have done better. Why take this scum of a human for a boyfriend.'

He wished he could say it but there were limits. He valued his precious life. He used his hand to push back the bangs of his hair in a helplessly tired manner and turned away.

"Yea… run away coward. Dimwit!!"

Irrespective of what the hunter was saying he just walked away, taking his heavy steps down the broken stairs of the cathedral.

Beads of sweat suddenly began to form on his heat. Not just that… everywhere was hot. Hotter than it had been just a second ago - and the transition speed was quick. One that should be worried about.

Naturally, as every other person did. Caelan lifted his head and there it was… coming. The end of the world.

The center of the sky convulsed, it became hollow as if it was being sucked in by some unknown force that lay beyond it.

Caelan frowned. His hand moving over his shoulder to grab his sword.

Whatever the source of this heat was. It was from there.

Soon hot breeze began to swivel around, serving as a diligent apostle of the raging land, and brushing flames onto the skins of people.

Caelan's armor was sturdy despite its looks. Plus a small quantity of the flames only reached his side. The people that found themselves closer to blazes were more victimized.

What worried Caelan more was the hollowness of the sky and the fact that a disaster of this level had not breed a critter - not even one abominable critter.

A fiery light began to glow from the hollow space created in the sky. It dyed the crimson sea with an orange glow and slowly came out.

Five fingers, long and massive, slowly revealed themselves from the hollowness. The fingers were spread, blazing with orange incandescent flames that seemed to burn even the crimson sky.

The clouds that obstructed its path were caught up in flames and burned to nothing, crisps of fire falling like rain and bathing people in blaze scars.

From this point the disaster grew. Caelan's eyes widened as he saw the hand cover the entire expanse of land, reaching the horizon and beyond.

It had happened in a fraction of second, he didn't even capture it. He wasn't sure if anyone did. The hand came closer with riding faster than the ticks of every second.

And soon, everything was consumed in the impact of demolition as rumbles of dust clouds spread across all direction chasing and consuming everyone like the hateful fangs of death riding on the back of a colossal storm of desolation.

From something to nothing. Everyone was covered, destroyed by the mysterious hand before they could even tell what was going on. Those that were heavily favored by luck that found themselves in between its fingers were consumed by the raging storm of dust and the force of impact ripped their formidable bodies to shreds.

At the tip of the middle finger, lay Caelan. It had all happened in an instance but he tried to escape. With his agility, the best he could do was keep his upper body. His lower back and legs had been crushed by the titanic hand.

'...ahhh fuck.'

Caelan's eyes slowly dimmed, blood washing upon them from injuries incurred by the force that split his head like blades.

His eyes were glassy. They glinted with a subtle desperation to live… in fact that desperation seemed to be fading so quickly.

"The god Atrish's first descent is complete. Now the reawakening shall begin"

The sound was distant and muggy but Caelan couldn't fail to recognize her voice. Even in such a dire situation he could still feel his heart wavering and beating so hard.

His life flashed before him.

Caelan. One who was destined to strife, to ride on the storm of struggles all his life.

His mother had named him with every hatred to his father who ran away like a coward and left her to struggle for nine months.

They were nine months of hell, sorrow, sufferings that made her want to die over and over again. But death was a harder choice when your life didn't belong to you.

She was a temple slave who fell in love with a handsome man. Gave him her heart and virginity only for him to run away.

She was regarded with disdain and was a stain to other temple slaves. She was treated as a rag and the only times people looked at her was when they cast pitiful gazes on her.

She was hated, rejected by her mates, disgraced on several occasions and unable to end her own life… it was against the temple's law.

Eventually she gave birth and abandoned the child in a damned sanctum. A paper containing his name and its meaning folded on his chest.

From that point until now when his life waned and slowly faded - was a story that his lazy mind couldn't pick…

Heavy footsteps sounded and a familiar figure towered above him.

Battered and scathed, small pieces of wounds over her face from trying to withstand the impact of the hand. For an SSS rank hunter like her it was possible.

The difference between an SS and SSS rank hunter was vast.

"This is the end for you. I will ease your pain and let your soul dissipate. Although I doubt you will find peace in the realm beyond."

She said and sank her sword into his back making a vile squelching sound.

With a trembling body and shaky movement of his hand… he managed to raise his middle finger at her.


The small light in his eyes was extinguished completely.


All he felt was nothing.

'Uh? I can still feel? I thought death was supposed to kill one's consciousness. Maybe everyone was wrong….'

'...but hell. It's dark in here'

[Host candidate found]

He suddenly heard a monotonous tone. But he still could not see anything. The voice continued:

[Accessing host candidate compatibility ratio]

[Accessing host candidate's @imp for Heroine history]

[Simp for Heroine history… 790% simplord]

[Accessing host candidate's pushover history]

[Pushover history… 300% People Pleaser]

[Accessing host candidate's sex history]

[Sex history 409% three-seconds man]


[Accessing host candidate's control of emotions]

[Control of emotions… 100% lover boy. Falls in love on the fly]

[Accessing host candidate's detach game history]

[Detach game history… 1000% a bowl crier. Cannot detach after a break up]

"That's a lie! Maybe just one time… I cried. Wait, was it twice, I remember there was another time with Elvena."

[Accessibility ratio has been determined]

[Host is perfectly compatible with system]

[Creating passive condition Simp Resistance]

[Simp Resistance(AA)lv.1 has been successfully created]

[Special Condition Bold Maverick(S)lv.1 has been successfully created]

[Permanent Condition Strong Man(S)lv.1 has been successfully created]

[Inherent Skill 'Tame Heroine'(SSS)lv.1 has been successfully created]

[Based on your history with ladies you have received a new title]

[Title Slut Lord has been successfully acquired]

[Due to title, common skill Slut Identify(F) lv.1 has been identified]


[You have acquired the HEROINE TAMING SYSTEM]