
I Fuck, Lick & Cuck Everyone With My Reality Manipulation Powers

What does Alex do, when one day, all of a sudden, he receives the power to manipulate reality and bend it to his every desire? He does exactly as the novel title's suggests. _________________________________ This is a project that I'll be writing since everyone is horny, and you all need a good actual #fucktheplot porn novel to wank ur stuff to. Or, schlick ur shiz. Support this shiz and get it to the top of webnovel's rankings guys. Also, make sure to comment down y'all's fantasies and kinks down in the comments too cuz who knows? I might add that shit to the book.

Zeus_Machina · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Side Story, The Black Hole Sword (2)

Yuto's heart was pounding as he lay shrouded in his blanket, trying to calm himself down. He couldn't believe what was happening. A floating, pitch-black sword, talking to him in his bedroom? Was he going crazy? Or was it some kind of prank? He couldn't tell. All he knew was that he had never seen anything like this before and it was freaking him out. The room was completely silent, except for the low hum that seemed to emanate from the strange object.

He peeked out from under his blanket, trying to get a better look at the sword. It was still there, floating in mid-air, its sharp edges glinting in the dim light of his room. Yuto couldn't deny the strange pull he felt towards the sword, almost like it was speaking directly to his soul.

His mind raced with questions. How did the sword get here? Was it some kind of prank? Or was he losing his mind? Yuto couldn't understand what was happening, and he felt a shiver of panic run down his spine.

As he tried to calm himself down, Yuto noticed that the sword was pulsating in a strange rhythm, almost like it was alive. And then, to his astonishment, it spoke.

'Do you desire power?' The sword repeated once again, its voice deep and commanding.

Yuto gasped, clutching his blanket tighter. It was definitely talking to him. His mind raced as he tried to make sense of the situation. How was this possible? Was the sword some sort of supernatural entity?

Yuto's heart raced as he looked around, trying to find the source of the voice. But it was clear that the sword was talking to him. And before he could even process this fact, the sword's power seemed to intensify, causing the light bulbs in his room to burst and shower the floor with glass.

"What the fuck?" Yuto exclaimed, his voice shaking with fear.

He quickly scrambled off his bed and hid under his blanket, still clutching it tightly around his trembling body. He had no idea what to do or how to handle this bizarre situation.

The sword's voice rang out again, breaking through Yuto's thoughts. "Do you desire power?"

Yuto's initial shock and fear turned into curiosity and wonder. What was this sword? Where did it come from? And what did it mean by power?

Feeling a sudden surge of courage, Yuto pushed aside his fear and cautiously stepped out from under his blanket. He cautiously approached the floating sword, trying to keep his emotions in check.

Gathering his courage, Yuto tentatively spoke to the sword. "Where are you from? Why are you here?"

But the sword didn't reply. Instead, it just kept repeating its question, "Do you desire power?"

Yuto couldn't understand why the sword seemed fixated on this one question. Did it have some kind of power that it wanted to give him? Or was it just toying with him?

Yuto's mind raced as he tried to figure out what to do. Should he call for help? Should he run? But before he could make a decision, his mind was flooded with memories of the bullying he had endured in high school. Being the only Asian kid in a predominantly white school, he had been an easy target. He was constantly made fun of for his appearance and mocked for his heritage. It was a never-ending nightmare that Yuto just wanted to escape from.

And now, this sword was offering him power. With power, he would never have to endure the pain and humiliation again. 

He remembered the countless insults and physical attacks, all because he was different. The thought of having power to protect himself from such bullies was tempting. But at what cost? His rational mind tried to reason with him, telling him that this was all a fantasy. But deep down, he couldn't deny the desire for power that was slowly growing inside him.

But could he really trust this sword? What was the catch?

Despite his doubts, Yuto found himself drawn to the sword. It seemed to be radiating an aura of strength and authority, and he couldn't help but feel enchanted by it. His heart was still racing, but the sense of enchantment was growing stronger with each step. He could hear a voice whispering in his mind, urging him to take hold of the sword, to claim the power that was being offered to him.

Almost in a daze, Yuto stepped closer to the sword. He could feel the powerful energy emanating from it and he couldn't resist reaching out to touch it.

"Do you desire power?" the sword asked again, as if waiting for his answer.

Yuto hesitated for a moment, his mind still struggling with doubt and fear. But then, something inside him snapped. He was tired of being weak and powerless. He wanted to be strong and stand up for himself.

Nodding firmly, Yuto spoke the words that sealed his fate. "Y-yeah." 

He reached out and gripped the sword, and in an instant, there was a blinding flash of light as the sword and Yuto fused together. Pain shot through every inch of his body as his bones and blood were transformed, making him stronger, more powerful. 

His bones and muscles shifted and contorted, and his whole being felt like it was undergoing a metamorphosis. A few moments later, the light and pain subsided, and Yuto found himself standing in his bedroom, his body now completely different.

It was morning. 

"What the fuck was going on?" Yuto said, noticing how his voice was an octave deeper now. "Wait, seriously?"

Light glinted off his mirror, as Yuto went to check himself out. Why did he feel so. . .virile?

He glanced at himself in the mirror, and his eyes widened in shock. His body was tense and muscular, but not overly buff. He felt a newfound strength coursing through his veins, and he could sense the power radiating from his very being.

"Holy shit, I look like fucking Adonis."

He flexed his arm and marveled at the newfound power he had. He could feel it coursing through his body, a boundless energy that was just waiting to be unleashed. He felt like he could take on the world.

Amazed but also terrified, Yuto realized that he had been permanently transformed by the mysterious sword. He wondered what other changes had taken place.

But where had the sword gone? Yuto closed his eyes and thought about it, and suddenly the sword appeared in front of him, glowing the same eerie black. It was then that Yuto realized why the sword was pitch-black in the first place. It was alive, pulsing and beating like a heart.s

He stumbled backwards in shock. This was all real. He wasn't dreaming or hallucinating. But what did this mean? Was he some kind of chosen one, destined to wield this powerful weapon? Or was he being controlled by its dark magic?

Yuto started to hyperventilate, the fear and uncertainty overwhelming him. He didn't want to become a freak, a monster. But just as panic was about to consume him, the sword glowed black once more and suddenly his mind was clear. Another one of its abilities, he realized. The sword could calm his mind and refresh his thoughts.

Feeling more in control now, Yuto started to think about what he was going to do with his newfound power. But then, the first thought that came to his mind was revenge. Revenge against Jake, Brad, Sarah, Crystal, and all the other racist bullies that had made his life a living hell for the past two years.

But he couldn't just kill them. Could he? The sword seemed to know what he was thinking and it glowed black again, showing him an image in his mind. A cruel smile spread across Yuto's face. He didn't realize the sword had this ability as well.

Scratch what he had previously thought. Revenge wasn't enough. He was going to make them suffer.

Just as he was making plans in his head, his mom's voice interrupted him, calling him for breakfast. 

"Coming!" Damn, he really needed to get used to his new voice.

Anyways, read more fucked up chapters like this on my patreon-----> http://patreon.com/Sorobo

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