
I Fuck, Lick & Cuck Everyone With My Reality Manipulation Powers

What does Alex do, when one day, all of a sudden, he receives the power to manipulate reality and bend it to his every desire? He does exactly as the novel title's suggests. _________________________________ This is a project that I'll be writing since everyone is horny, and you all need a good actual #fucktheplot porn novel to wank ur stuff to. Or, schlick ur shiz. Support this shiz and get it to the top of webnovel's rankings guys. Also, make sure to comment down y'all's fantasies and kinks down in the comments too cuz who knows? I might add that shit to the book.

Zeus_Machina · Fantasy
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25 Chs

I Turned Myself Into A Big Booty Bitch (1)

Alex woke up with a sense of boredom that had become all too familiar to him. Ever since he discovered his reality manipulation powers, he had been able to do anything he wanted, anytime he wanted. The excitement of having such limitless power had quickly worn off and now he found himself searching for new ways to entertain himself. As he lay in bed, he contemplated the possibilities of his powers. He could make anything happen, but what was the point if he had to use his powers to make it happen? He longed for something to happen organically, without him having to intervene.

But then reality hit him. He was over 30, stuck in a dead-end job at a terrible company, with no friends or social life to speak of. He was a loner, spending his days watching anime porn and using his powers to manipulate women into sexual encounters. It was starting to wear on him, the guilt and lack of fulfillment from his actions. He craved something new and exciting, something that would push the boundaries of his powers and give him a rush like he had never experienced before.

As he laid in bed, he started thinking of other things he could do with his powers. But he wanted something different, something that would push him out of his comfort zone. He wanted an event to happen without his intervention, just to see how far he could go from it.

But then, he remembered his reality manipulation powers. He could just create an event himself, without any effort or risk. However, that didn't feel satisfying anymore. He wanted to feel the thrill of the unknown, the excitement of not knowing what would happen next.

That's when an idea struck him. What if he could change himself into the most beautiful, desirable woman in the world? The thought excited him, and he couldn't help but feel a stirring in his pants at the idea. But there was one problem – his physical body, particularly his male genitalia, was the one thing he couldn't change with his powers. Would he still have it when he transformed into a woman?

The thought alone was enough to make him feel a tingling sensation all over his body. He could transform into the hottest, sexiest woman in the world and experience pleasure in a whole new way.

He couldn't contain his excitement as he started to imagine all the things he could do as a woman. The possibilities were endless. And the best part? He could still keep his powers.

With a mischievous grin on his face, he walked over to the mirror and stood in front of it. He cleared his throat and said, 'Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the sluttiest, hottest bitch of them all?'

A bright light surrounded him as he used his powers to transform himself. He made sure to add a catchy theme song in the background, complete with glitters and sparkles. After all, if he was going to transform, he might as well do it in style.

As the light faded, Alex couldn't believe his eyes. He was now a woman, and a smoking hot one at that. He couldn't help but let out a low whistle as he checked himself out in the mirror.

Alex couldn't help but smirk at her reflection in the mirror. She was a bombshell, a walking fantasy come to life. Her tiny frame was barely covered by the skimpy black bikini she had put on, the thong barely covering her plump ass and the triangle top struggling to contain her perky breasts. She ran her hands down her toned stomach and over her hips, admiring how the fabric of the bikini hugged her curves in all the right places.

'Fuck, what a hot-ass bitch,' she muttered to herself, running her hands over her hips to emphasize her assets.

She turned to the side, admiring her hourglass figure and the way the thong disappeared between her round cheeks. 'Damn, I look hotter than all my ex with this fat ass,' she whispered, a sly smile spreading across her lips.

But it wasn't just her body that was transformed. Her hair was now a fiery red, cascading down her back in waves. Her face was perfectly made up, with long lashes, a smoky eye, and bold red lips. She couldn't help but giggle at the added glitter and sparkles that adorned her body, courtesy of her powers.

Her hands moved to cup her breasts, feeling the weight of them in her palms. They were bigger and fuller than ever before, and Alex couldn't help but let out a low moan at the sensation. She pinched her nipples, sending a jolt of pleasure through her body.

He couldn't resist the urge to touch himself, to explore every inch of his new body. And that's when he remembered his original question - would his male anatomy still be there?

He looked down and was pleasantly surprised to see that it was. His new body was a perfect combination of both male and female, and it only added to the excitement. 

He was a she now, and one of the hottest 'she' he's ever seen. 

As Alex admired her transformed appearance in the mirror, she couldn't help but feel a surge of arousal wash over her. She ran her hands over her toned stomach and down to her shapely hips, reveling in the feel of her new body. Her breasts, now perky and full, bounced with every movement, drawing her attention to them. She couldn't resist giving them a squeeze, feeling the weight and softness in her hands.

With a mischievous grin, she began to dress herself in the skimpiest clothes she could find. First, she reached for a black lace bra and slipped it over her perfect breasts. The delicate fabric hugged her curves, accentuating her ample cleavage. As she fastened the clasps at the back, she couldn't help but run her hands over her new breasts, feeling the weight of them and how they fit perfectly in her hands.

Anyways, read more fucked up chapters like this on my patreon-----> http://patreon.com/Sorobo

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