
I Found Everything In Him

Fyona Stone, a 24 year old independent woman with a pride bigger than most men. A woman with a past full of pain, regret and disaster. She came from literally nothing but was saved by a man whom she has grown to call father for the pass seven years of her life, but along with every single being she has ever cared for, she lost him. John Stone. John was a good-natured, conscientious and astonishing man. Loved by all his employees and adored by Fyona. Fyona lost John, but he left everything he had worked for in her capable hands. Though Fyona was the most fearless, powerful woman known to those who've had the gratification of meeting, she was not complete. Not until she met Becc White. Becc White was a man no more than two years older than Fyona. His past dark and bitter. Becc was a man of many secrets, ones that will some day have the power to ruin the most precious thing in his life; but only if he makes the wrong decisions.

kacyann29 · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter four


We had been in his office for almost two hours now. Going over plans and every thing I will have to do and learn. He would be testing me to see how much I already know about running a billionaire company before we head into the learning aspect which proceeds the following morning. Little did he know that John taught me almost everything.

As I went to get up and go on with my day he called for me.


"My assistant that was suppose to collect you from the airport is currently in hospital due to an incidence she had yesterday."

"Oh my god is she okay?"

"She'll live." Did he really say 'she'll live'? Sick bastard

"I have an offer for you."

"What would that be?"

"I want you to become by assistant for the next six months that you are here. I can find someone else and would have but I think you being my assistant will give an advantage in your training. Maybe even lessen your training period to roughly four months instead of six. It will do both of us some good."

"Uhmm...." I didn't know what to say.

"You can think about it today and let me know by tonight."

"Okay. I'll let you know."

He nodded and I left to finally get my stomach stuffed.


I was sat in a café not far from the Whites' company building. I had ordered a milkshake and two burgers and fries. I normally eat a lot more than this to be honest but the dress seemed a little tighter than it usually was on me. I didn't want to not be able to walk when I'm finish.

"Hey." I looked up to see a beautiful girl standing in front of me. She had hair black as midnight, blue eyes and purple manicured nails. She wore a black pencil skirt and red long sleeve blouse and a three or four inches black heels.

"Uhm, hi." I said unsure of what to do.

"Can I sit here?" She asked pointing to the seat on the other side of the table I was at.

"Yeah, uhm, sure."

She sat and placed her food on the table. She was having the same thing I was except one burger instead of two.

"My name's Chiston but you can call me Chissy.  I saw you walking out the White's building and was wondering if you were Mr. White's new assistant or something?"

"That is undecided."

"Cool. What's your name by the way?"

"It's Fyona."

"Like Fyona from shrek the ogre?"

"What? No." I laughed.

I could tell this girl was hyper. She wouldn't stop talking, she was even bouncing in her seat.

"Ha, okay" she laughed as well.

We both ate in quiet after that. I was about to excuse myself when she got up to leave.

"I have to go. I work at the company and lunch time's up. Maybe we can hang out sometimes if you get that assistant position."

I was about to tell her I don't think we can when John's voice echoed in my head.

'Fy, you need to let people in. At least try. I won't be here forever my dear. Not everybody is like him. Just try, please, for me fy.'

He had said that to me multiple times. Back home whenever people tried befriending me I would always push them away deliberately. My walls always high, never wavering. Soon they became tired of trying and gave up on me. It didn't take long either. John was the only person who stayed around.

Now I was stuck in delimma. Should I try for John and maybe myself or should I tell this girl the same thing I told every other person who's tried to enter my life.

'Just try, please, for me.'

"Yeah sure, why not." I finally made up my mind.

We said our goodbyes and left to go about our businesses. Maybe I should take up Mr. White on his offer. I mean, It's not like I have anything better to do.

I hailed a cab over and jumped in when it stopped. I gave the driver the address of the hotel and he took off in that direction.

"Thank you." I said handing the driver a ten dollar bill as the car came to a stop.

I strolled up the steps and into the building and got onto the elevator. There was a couple in there making out. Gross.

I turned around as I felt a slap on my ass.

"What the hell?!"

"I couldn't resist. You got a fat ass. Very sexy. I wish one of my girlfriends had your body. And face... Yummy." The red head girl said looking at me and bitting her nails. "You look like a woman of my kind."

My eyes widen. She took a step to me reaching out to crab my arm and it was at that moment the elevator doors opened. I slapped her across the cheek.

"I don't play for that team bitch." I clarified as I made my way to my room.

I felt disgusted and annoyed. I didn't judge people. There was nothing wrong with being a lesbian or bisexual or gay. What got to me was she assuming things about me. Back home everyone I worked with taught I was a lesbian. I didn't date except for one time John set me up on a blind date. They've never seen me with a man in any way that did not involve business so they just assumed. But they've never seen me with a woman either so them just assuming and judging me like that was foolish.

As I opened the doors, Mr. White had given me the code, I quickly locked it back and began taking of the dress. I needed to breath properly. I threw it, my blazer and my bag onto the couch I was lying on yesterday and fell asleep in, leaving me in nothing but my underwear. I didn't see the point of getting dressed, I lived alone and was so hot.

I picked up my phone and went to my playlist. I connected it to the speakers that I saw laying on the table in front of the couch. Call out my name by The Weekend was the first to play. I started singing and dancing, standing on the couch and jumping up and down. I found myself on the kitchen table, the kitchen was connected to the living room with steps leading up to it. The song came to an end and Happier by Marshmallow and Bastille started playing and I was really feeling the beat. I was dancing and laughing to myself when I turned around to go and restart the song when I saw Mr. White standing on the steps staring at me with his mouth hang open.

I was so frightened when I saw him that I tried jumping off the table to hide myself from him when I slipped and landed on the ground front first. My nose was throbbing like crazy.

"Shit. Are you okay?"

I looked up to see Mr. White looking at me with panic.

I tried getting up but I felt so weak.

"Stop." He said but I didn't listen to him. I didn't want him seeing me like this. I was practically naked.

"I said stop." He bent down trying to hold me still. "Your nose is bleeding."

I went to reach for my nose and surely enough it was bloody.

My eyes began to shut. I tried my best to pry them open but they kept closing. I was drifting in and out of consciousness. Before I could utter another word to the man who was now calling out to me the darkness took over.


I was speechless when I saw her on my kitchen counter half naked and dancing. Her body was perfect. She had a fat round ass. She wasn't tall, maybe five foot two or five foot three, but her curves where very preeminent. She had the kind of body you would describe as thick. As she turned around I noticed that her breasts were high in her chest and I could tell that without the bra she was wearing they would still be stiff.

She had caught me staring at her. What was I suppose to do? Before I could come up with something I saw her hurrying to climb down the counter. I didn't even realize she had fallen until I heard a load and painful groan. I went to see if she was okay. She didn't even fall that far so it's no big deal. She was a uptight little bitch anyway, maybe she deserved it. I was only helping her because I did not like the idea of someone dying in my house.

I kept telling her to stay still so I could assess her for damage but the stubborn little brat wouldn't hear me out. She looked up at me and I saw that her nose was bleeding. Damn. Now she'll get blood all over my floor.

"I said stop. Your nose is bleeding." As if just realizing it herself he reached out to touch her bloody nose. Woah, that looks nasty.

She began to drift in and out of consciousness. I kept calling her name but there wasn't any answer. I could see her trying to fight it though. Her body finally gave in and let darkness took her over.

"Dammit. Now I have to take care of a stucked up spoil imp." I groaned as I lift her into my arms and begrudgingly walked to her bedroom.