
I Found A Planet

Through a mysterious portal, Chen Jin arrived at this strange place - a post-apocalyptic world where civilization had been destroyed. Consequently, he found - A piece of metal scrap A robot trash collector A battleground A city A ton and more of gold A copy of high-tech documents A... In short, Chen Jin found a planet.

Ming Jian · Sci-fi
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493 Chs

The Second Project

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

On the 28th of May, online sales for the Wa-wah robot 1.1 began. In less than 8 minutes, 20,000 units of ready stock for all editions were all sold out. 1.1 billion in sales revenue was almost immediately achieved.

But, it was the same day that Youying Motors called to give feedback on a situation. Zhang Dawei said, "President Chen, our company received a call this afternoon from Japan. It was made by the Assistant Director of Yaskawa Electric. He said that Youying Motors violated their technological copyrights, and they demand that we stop all actions contributing to copyright infringement. He wants us to stop the sales of the motor components. He used very strong words, saying that he will take legal action to protect their interests."

"Because we produced something as good as theirs, we must be plagiarizing them or violating copyrights?" Chen Jin smiled coldly. "They must be insane to fabricate rumors out of nothing! Simply hang up the next time they call!"