
I Found A Planet

Through a mysterious portal, Chen Jin arrived at this strange place - a post-apocalyptic world where civilization had been destroyed. Consequently, he found - A piece of metal scrap A robot trash collector A battleground A city A ton and more of gold A copy of high-tech documents A... In short, Chen Jin found a planet.

Ming Jian · Sci-fi
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493 Chs

Atomic Clock

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The next day during lunch break, in a production department of the Commercial Aircraft Corporation, Chen Gang was trying to solve his mystery.

"Be careful with it, Technician Zheng! It was a gift from my son. Please don't break it." Standing close to the operating station, Chen Gang kept reminding the technician how important the watch was, even though it was just a $12 watch.