
I forgot I am an Evil God

(Taylor remembered things she shouldn’t and the world paid for it, because in new evil, God is about to rise ) Authors note is just for fun I don’t own anything. Also this is my first time writing so sorry for the mistakes. This story has worm au elements crossed over with, I am a spider so what.

Chinosama · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

interlude transformation

I wake up to see a white haired girl besides me , normally I would freak out, and yes, I am freaking out on the inside, but my oute appearance seemed as calm as ever no expression, no nothing.

But inside I was freaking out nai wa.

What do I do? What do I do? I mean who even is this lady did she break into my room? Does she know I'm a cape.

Wait, she called me master does this mean she is?

I want nothing from you right now Queen administrator,

I told her despite my anxiety.

Oh, right why'd you wake me up.

With the confirmation of her identity my inner panic disappeared.

With my inner composure, returning I remember that she was just a scythe before, I wonder why she's changed form.

It's not like I can just ask her well I could but I really don't wanna talk right now nai wa this is so troublesome, I just wanna lie down and think about powers all day.

My inner struggle was interrupted by my servant, asking me why I have been staring at her for two minutes.

What do I do in this situation? you may ask, well of course I stare harder to assert my dominance.

And look away, because I realise my dad's gonna wake up soon.

Panicking, I asked her to turn back into a scythe.

And surprisingly, it actually worked she turned back into a scythe, and I quickly hit her under my bed but on second, thought hiding people under your bed, seems like kidnapper behaviour.

Thinking about my immoral actions, I do the most logical thing that I can do, which was to go down and make some food because food is the most important thing in the world.

And I'm quite hungry from yesterdays, debacle.

Walking down the stairs, I see dad in the kitchen he then asked me why I woke up so late, and of course answered him honestly.

Mentally, that is in reality, I just stare at him. I didn't want to talk to anyone and I'm determined to not do that.

My stare might have intimidated him or something because he just shut up and kept cooking.

I mentally gloated on my victory, thinking thoughts like work, my slave give me the food, I desire and more thoughts along those lines.

While eating, he asked me why I was acting so weird today I used the tried and true method of staring and not saying a single word and it worked again.

He just looked away and eat faster and after that he ran away, intimidated he did this by going to work.

[Queen, administrators point of view]

While my master was sleeping, I heard an unconscious ping from her, and it was to turn into entity Shiraori, obeying her command.

I then scan her memories.

And change the form of the scythe projection into entity Shiroari.

But right as I was about to do that the fork of master.

Ask me to update her body to become like entity Shiroari and of course I obliged her.

Then I quickly use my connection to master to locate the precise coordinates of the fork and use matter manipulation to change her form, which took quite a lot of my energy.

The fork appreciated my help and sent a little bit of MA energy as repayment.

And write as the fork repaid me , I was successfully able , to transformed into the entity Shiroari of course, I don't have her powers or her amount of MA energy, but hopefully my master will be satisfied and not punish me.

Possessing this new projection body is quite strange, for example, smell and sight, why would you only need these limited senses of course I can add some extra features to my multi pupil eyes.

I do that, hopefully master won't punish me for doing something behind her back.

Using my multi pupil eyes, I wake up to see my master, staring at me. I asked her what she wanted me to do, while noting the strange feeling of this human like projection.

She responded that she didn't want anything from me, and so I stayed silent, but she just kept staring and staring for two minutes.

And I asked her why she was staring, and she kept staring more.

Then suddenly she asked me to turn back into weapon form, and I obliged her but that was strange behaviour from master. Could she have been subsumed, no it can't be, she could even pierce my defences, which was one of the best in the network, so there is no way she could be subsumed that is simply impossible.

Maybe it's because she just rebooted, I heard that humans are strange when they just have been rebooted from my network.

You guys have probably figured out that dreams influence Taylor to act either like D or Shiraori.

and sorry for the late update. I had to do some tests in school.

And thank you for reading the book.

Hopefully you can add some power stones to this book .

Or you can just not.

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