
I forgot I am an Evil God

(Taylor remembered things she shouldn’t and the world paid for it, because in new evil, God is about to rise ) Authors note is just for fun I don’t own anything. Also this is my first time writing so sorry for the mistakes. This story has worm au elements crossed over with, I am a spider so what.

Chinosama · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Interlude Kaiju battle

Whites point of view

Watching as Amy appeared to transform herself into a lovecraftyan monster, I was amazed by her ingenious move, my thoughts wandered over on how to counter it.

As the rain of swords and knives, continue to pour around me, I continue to wonder on how I could counter Amy's monster form, gazing at this new form that is about to be finished, a brilliant idea struck me.

Using Queen administrators, almost limitless, processing and multitasking capabilities, I gathered all the water swords around me, and turn them into a giant ever shifting, spider projection made out of water, that is completely under my control.

[Amy's point of view]

Watching in awe as my opponent transformed her deadly attack into a giant protector for her main body.

Of course, I couldn't just stand there watching her finish the construct, so I attacked her projection but, right as I was about to hit it. The construct simply flowed out of the way, creating a hole in its body allowing the clawed hand of my creature to pass right through.

Backing off to gain some distance, I then extend the uncountable amount of tentacles around my entire creatures body, and try to find the real body, by entangling the entire projections body.

To counter my move, she cut all of my creatures tentacles that were extended, by using a giant water slash, but I of course expected that too ,and so I programmed the tentacles in advance, so that when my tentacles fell down and landed on the ground ,they turned into hundreds of car sized armadillo like creatures, that would try burrowing into the water spiders body.

But I did not rejoice because my opponent had already developed a counter for this, by speeding up the currents around the entire projection to the point where the water was like blades, she killed all the armadillos that managed to burrow into the spider projection, the rest, she simply ignored or stepped on.

But I couldn't think further on my next moves as the giant water spider, simply dashed and appeared right in front of me, like a blur, I could barely even perceive the constructs movements, with my creatures thousands of eyes, that were looking right at it.

How did she become so fast, I thought to myself, before I could see her movements just fine I wondered to myself in panic, as my creature blocked the front leg shaped like a scythe, from bisecting my creature.

I couldn't think any further, as I had to create more brains to help process and perceive the barrage of slashing attacks that were coming from my opponent.

In the end, it took me 50 extra brains and 10 minutes to start countering my opponents endless slashing attacks, instead of blocking or tanking most of my opponents attacks.

And it took me even longer to figure out what she was doing to move so fast as to be almost in perceivable to my eyes, that I had to upgrade twice just to be able to perceive my opponent properly.

As for how she does it, she moves her projection in such an optimal and perfectly synchronised way, as to exponentially increase her speed, so that when she moves it is almost impossible for me to perceive it, without upgrading my eyes and my processing capabilities.

Of course, now I can perceive and react to most if not all of her slashing attacks, and sometimes I can even counter.

But of course, I didn't just sit there and take it, I of course planned on how to counter this barrage of attacks, for the past five minutes now, and I think I figured out a way I just needed to wait for an opening.

And that opening appears when my opponents construct, slows down because of a flying person, flying by and distracting my opponent for just a second.

But a second, is just long enough for the opportunity to launch all my tentacles, all at once, pushing me away and gaining me some distance and some needed time to set up my plan.

I wonder who that flying person was?

Shaking my head from the distracting thoughts, I instead focus on setting up my scheme.

I'm sure that person isn't anyone important I thought to myself.