

*Just an mtl translation of a dude that faked it till he made it* _____________________________________ Sypnosis The worst criminal in history: the fraudster Power: Turn false into true (no superior) When Lu Ming, who was sealed in the endless hell and had the unnatural ability that as long as enough people believed, falsehoods could become reality, a chat group appeared in front of him and interesting things began to happen~ Quantum Immortality Infinite Chaos Sutra Omniscient Authority · Beginning One thought of the vast verse ……… As long as I fool enough chat group members, I can control everything and be omniscient and omnipotent!

Slothful_Cliche · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

What You think, Is What It Is

In the vast space, figures are facing each other. Each of them is filled with astonishing supernatural energy. Under the influence of the supernatural energy, even the space is rippled and almost distorted.

What's unique is that these people have different shapes. Some have horns on their heads, some have lion heads and bodies, some have wings on their backs, and some look like ordinary people. What everyone in here though had common is they are very strong!

They are all king and throne level existances originating from hundreds of tribes. Each one of them rules one side. Their power reaches the sky and their power is astonishing. It is rare to see them in the outside world, but there are nearly a hundred of them here.

And above these many kings and thrones, there are existences that look like the sun. There are twelve of them in total. Each of them is shattering the void with power blooming around them. Their divine power is amazing. The kings and thrones below can't even look directly at them. They don't dare to be disrespectful to them at all, because they are the Great Emperor, the most pinnacle existence in the entire supernatural world!

Three years ago, there were thirty-eight great emperors in the supernatural world, but now there are only twelve great emperors left. Among these twelve great emperors, two were recently promoted. You can imagine how terrible that battle three years ago was. Tragic.

There are fewer emperors, but their power is becoming more and more amazing. With fewer people sharing the cake, their power is naturally more powerful!

One of the great emperors is also the most powerful one among all the emperors. She is an old woman who was born with a white horn. She is the great emperor of the white ghost clan, which reserve a spot as one of the top races.

The White Ghost Emperor's eyes suddenly condensed, and she quickly stretched out a hand and instantly submerged it into the void.

In the blink of an eye, Emperor Yan was brought back.

Emperor Yan walked out of the passage, and the sun-protecting divine light all over his body was swaying at this moment, showing the ups and downs of Emperor Yan's mind.

The White Ghost Emperor looked solemn and said: "Emperor Yan, according to the previous agreement, you only have ten breaths of time, but you stayed in it for a full eleven breaths. I ended up bringing you out myself, so tell me, tell US what happened ?"

Emperor Yan lowered his head, his expression constantly changing, but he remained silent.

Emperor Yan's attitude made the other great emperors' expressions darken. One of them, who was as solid as a rock, said in a deep voice: "Is that guy... Still not dead yet?"

As soon as these words came out, the entire atmosphere condensed and the expressions on countless people's faces suddenly changed.

The reason why they came to the scene together was because they were the only ones who survived that station. No one knew the power of the deceiver better than they did.

Even the high-ranking Xiri Emperors all had slightly changed expressions.

After a moment, an emperor questioned: "Impossible, his abilities have already been eliminated by the joint efforts of Emperor Kong and Emperor Tong."

"Each superpower requires the sacrifice of a superpower user of the corresponding level. For this, hundreds of kings and thrones and several great emperors have been sacrificed. It is absolutely impossible for him to have other superpowers!"

"And how could a mortal survive in a place like that for three years!"

Another great emperor with two wings on his back said with a heavy expression: "Don't forget, he still has two powers left. To use his own law of purification, the Sky Emperor needs to sacrifice a superpower of the corresponding level. That guy has... Two abilities that surpass SSS!"

"That's impossible!" The questioning emperor continued stubbornly: "His initial ability is indeed strong, incredibly strong, but it has no power at all. Unless others continue to trust him, it will be completely useless."

As he spoke, he seemed to have thought of something, and looked coldly at the thrones of the kings below.

"Speaking of which, Emperor Meng used all his power to clean up the memory of the entire superpower world on a large scale. Now, in the entire superpower world, the only ones who still know about the existence of this guy are us, the emperors, and the ones in the superpower world. Everybody else has even forget he exists."

"Could it be that some of you here still believe in him and provide him with strength?"

As he spoke, the emperor's icy murderous intent spread out and the entire atmosphere began to be covered in ice. In an instant, it turned into a land of ice and snow!

Seeing that the grumpy emperor was about to get angry, an emperor opposite him took action. With a wave of his hand, everything returned to spring, and the entire frozen world began to warm up quickly: "Qing Emperor, don't be fooling around in front of everyone. We are all survivors of that war, so how could we not understand his terror? No one would want that guy to resurrect and be above us."

Qing Emperor's eyes narrowed and he took a deep look at the great emperor who had easily released his power, and then said: "If this is true, could he still survive with the help of that title of the Son of Heaven?"

"The Son of Heaven is indeed defiant, but it is just a kind of luck. It can bring him unparalleled talents, endless opportunities, etc. The effect is very extraordinary, but in the Infinite Prison where there is nothing, it has no effect at all. ."

As soon as these words came out, the other emperors fell silent.

Indeed, although they are quite afraid of the talen of the Son of Heaven, they also know that the Son of Heaven is just a title, equivalent to a noble identity, and does not have any actual abilities. It is extremely contrary to nature to turn falsehood into truth, but it's useless in the Eternal Prison.

What exactly is that...

All the great emperors who couldn't figure it out suddenly looked at Emperor Yan. Under the eyes of all the emperors, Emperor Yan finally broke away from the silence.

"I didn't hear anything personally, but before entering the Infernal Prison, I brought a fire spirit with me to keep an eye on that guy just in case."

As soon as these words came out, the emperors had different expressions.

Just in case, they still didn't know. They didn't dare to listen to the deceiver's words, so they brought a fire spirit to pay attention to the other party. If what the deceiver said was not important, they could just come out and slap the fire spirit to death. If there is any important information, you can also get it with the help of Yanling.

All I can say is, it's a good plan.

"Then what?" The White Ghost Emperor spoke again. She was not interested in any flame spirits, or even any calculations. She just wanted to know what happened.

Emperor Yan took a deep breath: "None of us have considered that even if there is no substance in the Infernal Prison, there is still one person who he can still deceive and that is himself!"

"Now he has regained the third power. Not only has he survived, he can continue to become stronger!"

"His third power is..."

"Shut up!!!" The White Ghost Emperor suddenly shouted loudly, interrupting Emperor Yan's words.

Then, he shouted angrily: "Emperor Yan, you have been tricked by him!!"

"Once you say the name of that kind of power, it will sprout and take root in our hearts like a seed, and he will use it to regain power. He may not have really gained the third power at all!"

When Emperor Yan heard this, his expression suddenly changed, but soon, he frowned again and said: "Not necessarily. Although Wujianji is immune to the spread of all mental power, I can feel that his current state is not that it is exhausted. To the extent that he did survive normally, and it is very likely that he will continue to live!"

"The Mask of the Pretender, you should still remember his special ability, which can prevent everyone from seeing through his true face. This is the top disguise ability. Even if it has been eliminated, there may still be some power left. Maybe, Emperor Yan, you have really been deceived."

Emperor Yan wanted to say something more, but was forcefully interrupted by Emperor Baigui.

"Okay, don't continue talking. Since he is not dead, then we will continue to work together to bless Infernal Affairs. Isn't this our original plan?"

"Emperor Yan, after you're done, go back and find someone to clear your memory. Don't think about anything and don't believe anything. Otherwise, you will definitely fall into his trap. You are in danger now!"

Emperor Yan's expression kept changing. In fact, how could he not be clear about the consequences of saying these words? However, he had to say that the fraudster could continue to live and continue to grow with the help of a new power. This matter was too serious. If it was just him who had to bear it, he couldn't afford it. If the Deceiver escaped from Infernal Prison one day, they, the strong men of the human race, would be considered traitors. Will the other party let them go? As the great emperor of the human race, he cannot allow this possibility to occur, even if the possibility is only one in ten thousand.

Therefore, even if he knew he couldn't say it, he still had to say it. He said it not to let everyone understand, but to put pressure on everyone, and then to completely end the fraudster before the other party fully recovered. This was his real purpose.

The terrifying character of the Son of Heaven is no longer irrelevant in the face of the possibility of a recoverable deceiver.

Unfortunately, he only spoke half of his words, and could no longer continue. The White Ghost Emperor had already begun to warn him that although he was strong, he could not compete with the other emperors present.

At this time, Emperor Yan's heart was as cold as ice.


In the darkness of the Infinite Prison, Lu Ming, who was leaning his head on his side, slowly opened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly: "It prevents the spread of meditation. It's a pity that you don't understand at all~~"

Reopening the attribute panel. This attribute panel derived from the innate ability changing from false to true will never disappear.

Name: Lu Ming

Title: Fraudster

Talent: Turn false into true

Super powers: Super S-level Son of Heaven (30%), SSS-level meditation (0.02%)

The large number of abilities that had been cleared but still had records were directly deleted by Lu Ming. In addition to these two abilities on the attribute panel, a new ability appeared at some point.

Third ability (unknown level): 86%

Lu Ming's gift can make everything he says come true, but what if he says something paradoxical or unclear?

For example, he only has two abilities now. What if others believe that he has a third ability?

In this case, when the ability to turn false into real is stimulated, he will form an anonymous new ability, just like this newly emerged third ability, and the completion degree of this anonymous ability will be shown later. It is a completely free degree of completion, controlled by Lu Ming. Lu Ming likes to call it: free points!

Those guys outside thought that Lu Ming's purpose was to let Emperor Yan spread his new abilities. Little did they know that Lu Ming's purpose had been achieved the moment Emperor Yan opened his mouth.

Whether he mentions the existence of meditation or not, it has no impact on Lu Ming~~