

*Just an mtl translation of a dude that faked it till he made it* _____________________________________ Sypnosis The worst criminal in history: the fraudster Power: Turn false into true (no superior) When Lu Ming, who was sealed in the endless hell and had the unnatural ability that as long as enough people believed, falsehoods could become reality, a chat group appeared in front of him and interesting things began to happen~ Quantum Immortality Infinite Chaos Sutra Omniscient Authority · Beginning One thought of the vast verse ……… As long as I fool enough chat group members, I can control everything and be omniscient and omnipotent!

Slothful_Cliche · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

The Lord of Hell: The Ghost-Faced Demon

Lu Ming tossed it smoothly, and the entire system rose into the air. The next moment, countless lines on the surface of the system appeared, as countless patterns were assembled and formed.

After a moment, a ray of light suddenly flew out of the system and disappeared into the void.

Following this, Lu Ming moved, transformed into a stream of light, and followed the light.

The final hell is the real dimension of hell and the source of all concepts of hell in all worlds.

The final hell is divided into countless levels. In each level, at every moment, "there will be countless demons, demons, evil spirits... all evil attributes living and fighting!"

The 45th floor of the Final Hell, this is the shallow layer of the Final Hell, which belongs to the territory of a very powerful Hell Lord.

At the center of the 45th floor of the Final Hell, there was a place surrounded by deathly silence without any breath of life. At a certain moment, the earth roared, and then, a large mountain suddenly split from the middle, revealing a pair of bloody, violent, and endless killings. Eyes of interest and anger.


"Food...is ripe~"

The murmuring sound spread in all directions.

Those pair of eyes looked up at the sky, and the magnificent will soared into the sky, linking to the supreme will of the final hell.

Then, a bloody six-pointed star curse mark appeared directly above the pair of blood-red eyes.

The blood-red light, the blood-colored six-pointed star, and the unknown connection consciousness, the three forces converged. Suddenly, the void began to twist, and the next moment, a void passage was completely formed.


In the void passage, the tempting smell of food became stronger and stronger, and the sound of rapid breathing sounded throughout the world.

Suddenly, a voice as low as thunder sounded.

"No, the smell of food is not pure!"

"Something is following the passage across the border!"

At the same time, the pair of blood-red eyes began to become more and more scarlet and violent.

The majestic king of hell is naturally not afraid of danger!

Instead, this moment is full of interest and... greed!

Before enjoying the delicious food, it's not a bad idea to soothe your throat with a pre-dinner appetizer.

The next moment, the void passage was completely opened, and the fragrance of the food had spread. However, what descended here was a divine light that penetrated the sky and the land.

Vast and dazzling light gathered on the sky, forming a hundred-foot-long hand, facing the ground, pressing down with one palm.


The entire land was shattered to pieces, and the violent aftermath spread in all directions, destroying everything in its path.

The next moment, the void collapsed, and a god-like figure, wrapped in immortal divine light, descended from the sky and stood in the void.

Lu Ming looked around and frowned gradually.

Weird, very weird place, desolate land, filled with dead silence, forest, and evil atmosphere. At the rule level, you can't feel any positive laws at all. What you can feel is bloodlust, darkness, curse, disease, etc. And other vicious laws, even some basic laws of good and evil: water, fire, wind, thunder, etc., have been alienated into extremely weird forms. Water is dark water, fire is poisonous fire, and wind is violent wind. Thunder is blood red magic thunder.......

It seems that the entire world here is a huge center of corruption, everything is corrupted, and even the laws are completely corrupted into the laws of mutation.

Not only that, the repressive power here is also unprecedentedly strong!

Different world levels have different suppressive forces on living beings. After all, the gravity of the higher world is completely different from that of the lower world. Just like a god in a high-level world, he can easily tear apart the void and split the sea in the original world. If he were thrown into the primitive world, or some super martial world, he might not even be able to destroy a house.

Different worlds have different rules, different gravity, and even the nature of matter is different. An ordinary stone in a high-level world may be an incredible treasure if thrown into a low-level world.

Lu Ming has always known this.

However, he has been to so many worlds, and although each world has different inhibitors, in fact Lu Ming almost ignores them, doesn't care at all whether the poison has similar inhibitory power to him or not.

But this time it was different. He clearly felt that the suppression power of the whole world was completely different. It was a terrifying suppression force. Even his destructive power was greatly suppressed. The blow he just made was enough in the ordinary world. Breaking a world apart, the attack range can easily destroy an area of ​​thousands of miles, but here, it can only form an attack covering a radius of a hundred meters. Compared with other worlds, the difference in suppression power is at least tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of times.

The level of this world is definitely unprecedented, surpassing all the worlds Lu Ming has ever encountered!

"What on earth is this place? Hell? Abyss? Underworld? Netherworld??"

The names of regions symbolizing darkness or extreme depravity appeared in Lu Ming's mind. Unfortunately, there was too little information to know what they were.

Suddenly, Lu Ming lowered his head, with a strange color in his eyes.

"He's not dead yet?"

He used some strength in that palm just now. At the astral level, he can definitely kill blockbusters with one palm!


There was a roaring sound on the ground, and a big mountain began to tremble violently.

The next moment, the whole mountain stood up!

No, that is not a big mountain at all, it is simply an extremely huge creature. Because it lies on the ground for a long time, it will eventually form a so-called mountain.

When the creature stood up completely, a creature with a height of a thousand meters stood in front of Lu Ming.

This is a huge lava giant, its whole body is made of pieces of dark red stone, and in the middle of the stone, there are veins formed by the lava.

As soon as this huge lava giant appeared, its scarlet eyes fell on Lu Ming.

"Human, you smell very good~"

"It even smells sweeter than food!" At the end of the sentence, there was already some kind of liquid salivating at the corner of his mouth.

It is also a kind of coveted liquid, but unlike ordinary people, the liquid dripped by this lava giant instantly burns the earth into a piece of coal. You can imagine the blazing high temperature mixed with it.

Lu Ming was silent for a while, and then his figure began to rise rapidly. In an instant, he formed a figure similar-sized to that of the lava giant. Then, with a flash of light, his whole body was covered with a silver-white metallic color.

Body of Steel, this ability that Lu Ming once liked to use, has been thrown into the corner for some time, and now it has been revealed again.

No nonsense required!

It is clear from the naked greedy eyes of the other party that there is no need for communication between food and predators.

Two giants engage in the most primitive physical fight on the earth!

One punch after another, the ground was shattered, the power of the fist penetrated the mountains in the distance, and the wind of the fist turned the ground open.

Boom! Boom! Boom......

The only thing left in the whole world was the deafening sound. This was the most primitive fight, a battle between emperors!

Finally, with a terrifying explosion, the lava giant's body was punched in the chest by Lu Ming!

The rolling lava flows down the river, dissolving and engulfing large areas of the ground!

After being punched in the chest, the lava giant did not show any pain, but instead let out a weird laugh the next moment.

"Kihu, ku, human, you are very strong, but... you were fooled!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire body of the lava giant exploded. The rolling molten liquid in his body exploded instantly, forming a river of lava, which rushed towards Lu Ming in an instant.

In just one breath, Lu Ming's steel body was left with only endless molten lava. From a distance, it looked as if he had turned into a molten giant.

This molten slurry not only has an astonishing high temperature, but more importantly, it is filled with an extremely strange power, eroding every piece of Lu Ming's skin crazily.

Lu Ming froze on the spot and remained motionless. He didn't know whether his body had been completely eroded, or whether he was trying his best to resist the erosion of that strange force.

At this time, a throne completely made of lava rose up from the rolling lava. On the throne, a figure sat.

On the surface, it looks like a human figure, but the main picture is not a human face, but an extremely ferocious and terrifying ghost face. The body is covered with a layer of ferocious gray-white bone armor. The ghost face and the bone armor fit together, giving the whole person a unique look. It feels like facing the word fear directly. Every part of the body makes people feel fear.

This ghost-faced monster sat on the lava throne, slowly floated to Lu Ming's head, and said with a smile.

"Human, you're confused, right? What's going on you wonder?"

"It's very simple. That lava giant body is just a small tool for me. In the endless years, everyone, whether it is a demon or an evil spirit, when they see that figure, the first thing they will think of is a stupid giant and will laugh at it, look down upon it, and then kill it and break the lava giant's body."

"However, in fact, this stupid body is not important at all. What is really scary about it is never that appearance. The huge body is the black devouring force within the body that has already been fused with all the molten magma."

"This kind of power, as soon as it comes into contact with life, will quickly erode everything about them. The erosion cannot be violated. Even astral-level life forms cannot resist this corrosive power. In the end, they will be completely corroded into a puppet and finally become my thing~~"

"This process cannot be violated, cannot be resisted, cannot be resisted at all"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, over the past billions of years, twelve star-level beings have completely fallen to this move and become my food."

"How about it, are you afraid? Are you scared? Do you want to surrender??"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you don't have this chance. I won't give my food a chance to escape. Which part of you should I eat first~~"

"The head seems to be a good choice~~"

"Your head seems to be very delicious. When I bite it, chew, chew, chew, it is simply the most delicious taste in the world!"

"Don't worry, I won't let you die, I will let you taste this wonderful taste with me, tut tut, tut tut tut tut..."

Suddenly, the next moment, the ghost-faced monster who was originally laughing strangely stared at Lu Ming.

He saw that the body that was originally wrapped in countless molten magma suddenly collapsed completely, clattered into countless pieces, fell into the molten magma, and was finally swallowed up by the magma.

The demons and monsters were stunned. The most important thing in the magma was the power of black vortex. The intensity of the magma itself was not very high. Not to mention the astral level, even the lower creatures below the astral level could resist it.

The strength that this guy exploded in the battle with him just now has reached the astral level, and theoretically it will not be directly dissolved no matter what.

But now, it has just melted away? It has melted!!!

Then what did he just waste his words on!!

He is a ghost-faced horror, a ghost-faced horror that feeds on the fear of living beings!

Do you really think he is used to talking nonsense? How is it possible? The reason why he talks so much is just to make the target feel fear. The constant fear fills every inch of the body. The food at that time is the most delicious!

As a result, before any fear was born, this delicious human food went bad? It was swallowed up by the lava he usually used to bathe?

And just when the Ghost-Faced Horror was speechless and angry, and was about to reach its peak, suddenly, a hand shot out of thin air, grabbed the Ghost-Faced Horror like a small chess piece.

The palm of his hand rose, revealing the appearance of the other party.

After seeing the other party's appearance clearly, the ghost-faced horror suddenly shouted: "How is it possible, human being, how could you appear again? Didn't you just die?"

Lu Ming kneaded the ghost-faced horror in his hand like a toy, and said calmly: "From the beginning, you have been deliberately inducing me, and then directly secretly tricked me." Lu Ming's actions are perfect.

"But why haven't you thought about a question~~ Since you can use various methods, why don't you suspect that I can do the same? Do you really think that the person who just appeared in front of you is my true body?"

"In addition, the method of deliberately inducing fear in others is too outdated. Not long after I started practicing these tricks, I was too lazy to use them anymore~~"

"One more thing, you have always regarded me as a human being, so you have never thought about the question: must what you see be true?"

"You have always regarded me as food, haven't you ever thought about why you couldn't have confused the identities of food and predator from the very beginning? Maybe~~you are the real food~~"

"Look, this is my true figure!!"

The next moment, Lu Ming's entire appearance suddenly changed, becoming even more demonic and terrifying than the devil.

Then, he opened his ferocious mouth and was ready to swallow the Ghost-Faced Terror entirely!

At this time, the Ghost-faced Terror, who originally had a look of fear and horror on his face, suddenly calmed down.

"It turns out that you are also a demon, but I underestimated you. You don't really look like you."

The ghost-faced horror at this time even sounded completely different from before!

And along with this distinctive voice, a power far beyond the previous one burst out in an instant.


Terrifying demonic power soared into the sky, and Lu Ming was instantly blown away.

At the same time, the figure of the Ghost-faced Terror began to grow inch by inch. His body, which was originally only three inches, soon turned into a tall body of more than two meters. It was completely different from the original condensed body. At this time, he was covered with blood. The muscles are bursting, and the momentum is even more terrifying. There is a majestic cloak behind him, and the body is wrapped in majestic jet black armor. The only thing that is the same is that he still has that ferocious ghost face.

At the same time, his strength began to skyrocket!

One star level, ten star levels, one hundred star levels...all the way to the nine hundred and ninety-nine star level, and then, suddenly broke through the barrier and set foot on another dimension: the star field level! !

At the same time, he stepped on the ground and walked towards Lu Ming step by step. His speed was not fast, but every time he took a step forward, the earth within a hundred meters would directly collapse. Just by moving forward, the earth would collapse. It can no longer bear his mighty power!

When he walked in front of Lu Ming, a cold and majestic voice came into Lu Ming's ears.

"I, the Lord of Hell: Lord Ghostface the commander of the 45th level of Final Hell declare your insubordination!"

"Now, you deserve to die~~"

Obviously, everything before and the form of the Ghost-faced Terror were just forms he had deliberately created, in order to thoroughly test Lu Ming, the unknown guy who was chasing after his food.

If he is transformed into a ghost-faced terror, if the opponent is killed right away, then it is all over and there is no need to bother anymore. If the opponent defeats the opponent, it will just reveal the true face of the enemy.

Now Lu Ming has revealed his trump card and revealed his identity as a strange monster. Now that he knows all the answers, there is no need to continue acting as the Ghost Faced Devil~

But at this time, facing the majestic Ghost Faced Demon, Lu Ming suddenly laughed softly.

"What are you laughing at? An unknown monster?" The Ghost Faced Devil was a little confused.

"You're not going to continue acting, but I haven't acted enough yet~~"


"Wrry!!"(Tl: there was only an R here)

Under the horrified gaze of the Ghost-faced Demon Lord, a power that was not inferior to him at all, and even faintly stronger than him, soared into the sky!

Unfortunately updates won't be the consistency u have had as I'm sure u've noticed but work choke holds me as always(not the kinky kind too) and it's draining my satisfaction in anything, even something as 'simple' as cleaning a mt so u guys can get a better reading experience than mine. Even got chapter of a new polished fic but meh, we'll c how my motivation for life pans out

Slothful_Clichecreators' thoughts