

*Just an mtl translation of a dude that faked it till he made it* _____________________________________ Sypnosis The worst criminal in history: the fraudster Power: Turn false into true (no superior) When Lu Ming, who was sealed in the endless hell and had the unnatural ability that as long as enough people believed, falsehoods could become reality, a chat group appeared in front of him and interesting things began to happen~ Quantum Immortality Infinite Chaos Sutra Omniscient Authority · Beginning One thought of the vast verse ……… As long as I fool enough chat group members, I can control everything and be omniscient and omnipotent!

Slothful_Cliche · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

The Box Cannot Hold the Elephant

Lu Ming reached out and patted Ming Yanwei's soul which quickly fell down and finally returned back to herbody.

With another stroke, Ming Yanwei's body seemed to have been deliberately separated from the original world and entered a special dimension. At the same time, Lu Ming got a toad from nowhere. It's quite ugly, covered in poisonous bubbles. It makes you sick just looking at it, and you don't want to look at it a second time.(Tl: looks like the summertime saga toad)

Ming Yanwei looked at Lu Ming with some doubts but Lu Ming stretched out his finger to Ming Yanwei and tapped it lightly, and the ugly toad turned into Ming Yanwei's appearance.

With a snap of his fingers, 'Ming Yanwei' flew up and finally landed where she originally was.

The next moment, time recovered from the freeze frame, and a group of gangsters pounced on the toad like crazy.

Ming Yanwei turned around and looked at Lu Ming resentfully: "Didn't you say there are only two ways?"

Ming Yanwei couldn't tell what she was feeling, she was feeling resentful and a little bit inexplicable...lost?

Lu Ming raised her finger again and tapped Ming Yanwei lightly.

"Who made you so bold as to think of letting me play a supporting role? Now I am just a ray of consciousness. How could I have done such a thing? I can only take a risk and give it a try. As for whether you can succeed, you can pray for it~"

Ming Yanwei curled her lips: "Okay."

She turned around and glanced at the group of gangsters and the toad... Although she knew it was a toad, she was still a little unhappy because it was using her own appearance.

"Don't worry, that poisonous toad is just like you in size. In this environment, its size is enough. Moreover, that poisonous toad is very powerful..." Without further words, Ming Yanwei already understood, this time she completely let go of the discomfort in ger heart, and then... cautiously took a peek~

At the same time, Ming Yanwei's boyfriend was watching everything in front of him, starting, happening...and then ending~

Although it was impossible to see clearly because of the darkness, the vague scene was enough for a man to understand everything.

The five fingers sank deeply into the palm of the hand, and the teeth were almost crushed.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

All he can do is keep repeating these words. This is the only thing he can do now.

But as everyone knows, his girlfriend is not feeling bad at all now, and is watching the drama with great interest.

Finally, everything is over.

Ming Yanwei's boyfriend staggered away like a zombie.

At this time, with a wave of Lu Ming's hand, everything began to return to its original state as if going back in time.

Ming Yanwei's face was a little flushed, and she naturally reacted after watching a big show: "Is that enough now~"

Lu Ming did not explain, but pointed in the direction where Ming Yanwei's boyfriend left.

In an instant, the familiar fate line appeared again. This time Ming Yanwei no longer needed to explain, she would take the initiative to watch it.

And in these fate lines, there is a strange result in the end.

"Do you want to understand the true meaning? Do you want to truly live~"

The next moment, all the pictures ended and were replaced by darkness.

Ming Yanwei bit her lip: "So, this is what we have to achieve even if I have to sacrifice myself? Let...him enter that strange thing?"

Lu Ming did not explain this problem anymore, but looked deeply into the distance, at the void, or to be more precise, at the illusory yet real God Space!

There has been a speculation before, whether the God Space is a true multiverse that truly connects the multiverse, or a virtual multiverse that derives its own multiverse in its own world.

The result, unexpectedly, seems to be being cleaned up again.

The main god space is neither a real realm of pluralism nor a virtual realm of pluralism. It is a very weird individual existence. If you have to give it a name, it seems that it can be called: small plurality?

The main god space generally follows the path of multidimensional virtual realm, but its reach level cannot reach the level of multidimensional expansion at all. If you want to start the real multidimensional diffusion, you first need to reach the peak of the unit universe level in terms of individual strength, regardless of the real realm. This is still required in the virtual realm, but the energy level of this main god space obviously cannot reach this step.

The main god space takes the path of diversity, but what expands is not the universe, but worlds. In other words, this thing has part of the essence of diversity, but the energy level is obviously not up to it, and it can only be like playing house. Also mimics true multivariate expansion.

This thing, speaking of it, is more like some kind of imitation~~

"Remember, in the setting of the main god's space, it seems to be the hands of some saints~~~"

However, the level of combat power in the main god space is very low. The strongest so-called fifth-level gene lock is only a little stronger in concept, but its real combat power cannot even smash a planet. Maybe it can be managed in the end. It is rated as a star level, but this is the pinnacle. The so-called saints behind it are at most top stars, box makers and so on. They may be able to go one step further and reach the galaxy level.

At this level, we should never be able to touch true diversity, so...

This main god space may not be as simple as imagined. It is both simple and rich. The most important thing is that Lu Ming discovered that this main god space, which can be created at the galaxy level at most, can actually isolate his omniscience. This is interesting, quite interesting.

Lu Ming's level of omniscient authority is somewhat higher than his strength. In theory, even a true galaxy level cannot completely escape his analysis. However, the main god space in front of him has done so. This is abnormal.

"The main god space is getting more and more interesting~~"

"Is it a strong person who fell from the peak level of the unit? Or is it a treasure obtained by some kind of coincidence? Or is this main god space simply an accessory or replica?"

At this moment, Lu Ming thought of the Palace of Reincarnation. Compared with the petty atmosphere of the God Space, the Palace of Reincarnation that penetrates the real worlds and swallows up billions of worlds to strengthen itself is much more grand


After thinking silently for a while, Lu Ming turned around and looked at Ming Yanwei.

"Want to gain power~"

"I want to!" Ming Yanwei's answer was very straightforward. She was abandoned like a worn-out sandbag and controlled like a chess piece. She had had enough of this kind of life. She wanted to become stronger.

Want to control your own destiny!

"Then submit to your fate and enter that box together."

Ming Yanwei was silent for a while: "So, this is your real plan~"

"I'm just an ordinary person. Logically speaking, I can't attract too much attention from a being like you, but you spend so much..." At this point, Minwei's face turned slightly red.

"Actually, what you really care about is the thing you call the box. You need a chess piece to explore that box, and I... am just a little chess piece who was honored to be chosen."

"It's just that I'm curious. With your strength, can't you enter that by yourself?"

Although she said this, there was no expression of resentment on Ming Yanwei's face. She could be used as a chess piece, which in itself is a reflection of her own value. Ming Yanwei, who has been climbing in the society for many years, is not naive. Some people think this is a bad thing. The real bad thing is being worthless in the eyes of others. That kind of person will never get ahead in his life.

"Not bad~~" Lu Ming did not hide his thoughts.

"I need you to help me lead the way, and he will not take action against you before he has discovered my reality. And this is your opportunity, your chance to reach the pinnacle of life. It only depends on you, whether you can grasp it~"

"As for why you don't enter the box yourself, a box can hold biscuits and keys, but you will never try to hold an elephant or a dragon. That's not what a mere box can carry~~"

As he spoke, Lu Ming's figure began to gradually disappear.

Looking at Lu Ming's disappearing figure, Ming Yanwei stood there for a long time and did not leave.

Finally, she slowly clenched her fist. Too many things happened today, which completely changed her whole life. At the same time, it also brought her unprecedented impact and desire, the desire for power!

If she follows this path, she may be on the edge of danger every day, but this person will never let her die before achieving her goal, and this is her chance. Her boyfriend will enter even if he sacrifices her. That box represents absolutely extraordinary opportunities inside.

How can we get a better future without making sacrifices? At this moment, Ming Yanwei's will is stronger than ever!