

*Just an mtl translation of a dude that faked it till he made it* _____________________________________ Sypnosis The worst criminal in history: the fraudster Power: Turn false into true (no superior) When Lu Ming, who was sealed in the endless hell and had the unnatural ability that as long as enough people believed, falsehoods could become reality, a chat group appeared in front of him and interesting things began to happen~ Quantum Immortality Infinite Chaos Sutra Omniscient Authority · Beginning One thought of the vast verse ……… As long as I fool enough chat group members, I can control everything and be omniscient and omnipotent!

Slothful_Cliche · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

It Doesn't Matter If You Are God, Let's Throw Them Hands

[Everyone is welcome to join this group.]

[Maoshan Jiu Shu: Newcomers are welcome to join. Our group is becoming more and more active now.

Emei disciple Zhou Zhiruo: There is something in the name of the newcomer. He is not some kind of big boss, right?

Daigo, a member of the victory team: Demon Lord? It looks a bit like the fantasy sayings, is he a threat?

Emei disciple Zhou Zhiruo: Maybe, who knows, but newcomers, if they are ancient people, may not know how to use chat groups. Please click on the upper right corner to have a simple understanding of the group.

Demon Zunlou: Who is the strongest here?

The newcomer's first words are quite intimidating, comparable to a certain bloodthirsty warrior~~

Emei disciple Zhou Zhiruo: It seems that the newcomer is indeed an incredible strong man. He starts asking who is the strongest? Could it be that he is the kind of strongest person who is invincible in the world and is looking for a challenge?

Maoshan Jiu Shu: Unfortunately, the members in the current group will not show their levels. We need to judge by ourselves, otherwise it will be easy to have a basic understanding of the newcomers.

Demon Zunlou: Too much nonsense, tell me who is the strongest here!!

Emei disciple Zhou Zhiruo: If you are looking for the strongest, it must be God. No one knows how strong God can be if he goes all out.

Demon Zunlou: God you say?

Emei disciple Zhou Zhiruo: Yes, God is not just a title, it is the true incarnation of heaven, the heaven that controls everything in the world!

Demon Zunlou: Hahaha, good, good! What a god. Who is this god? Come and have a fight with me!

Frozen Breaking Ball: Insolent!!

Dark Queen Cameara: So brave!!

Demon Zunlou's words immediately set off some members of the group!

Dark Queen Cameara: Even though you are just a newcomer, you want to challenge God. If you want to find someone to fight, I, the strongest dark warrior Cameara, will indulge your ignorance!

Dark Queen Cameara: If you want to fight, I will fight with you!

Frozen Breaking Ball: Your strength is a bit low, so you may not be stronger than him. Since God gave me the body of a star god, I have never made a move, so let me do it!

Dark Queen Cameara: Huh, how about we fight first? Although you are at the astral level, if I attack with all my strength, I may be able to shake the world!

Frozen Breaking Ball: If you must compete with me for this opponent, then that's okay!

Demon Zunlou: Haha... Why pick? Since you all want to fight me, let's do it together!!

Demon Zunlou became completely excited. In his world, the strong men in the three realms were all frightened when they heard his name. Except for the Emperor of Heaven who always looked godly and cunning, no one would run away after noticing his aura!

Unless they are stopped by him and unable to escape, there are a few who dare to fight him!

Now, there is actually more than one person who dares to ask for it and take action, which is really exciting!!

Dark Queen Cameara: What a domineering newcomer, I will go first and you will come last. Anyway, this newcomer is not afraid to fight against two people, so I will test the waters first!

After saying that, without waiting for Frozen Broken Ball's reaction, he directly clicked on the martial arts arena invitation.

Demon Zunlou naturally chose to agree without hesitation!

[Group member Dark Queen Cameara officially invites member Demon Zunlou to fight. The live broadcast has been started, and other group members can join in to watch the battle at any time.]

The next moment, all the group members who were interested quickly entered to watch the battle.

In the empty martial arts arena, light flashed from two opposite directions at the same time, and two figures appeared.

The one on the left is wearing a black robe, tall, with red hair and horns. His eyes are always filled with the light of loneliness. Just standing there, he exudes loneliness and arrogance. That is the loneliness that belongs to the invincible. It is the aloofness that belongs to the Demon Lord!

An invincible to lonely supreme being in the demon world, this is everyone's first impression when they see this man!

Opposite him is Cameara, who feels both contradictory and somewhat similar.

She is also dressed in black, with an unfathomable power surging all over her body. She has the same proud gaze, carrying a high and aloof majesty. The difference is that she is a woman. Although she is a woman, her arrogance is not inferior to that of Demon Zunlou.

Zunlou showed admiration in his eyes: "Although you have not yet entered the Tao, your magic power is the most profound among those I have ever seen who have entered the Tao. Moreover, I admire your eyes very much. They are the eyes of a truly strong man!"

"You are not my opponent, but with such strength and vision, I recognize you. Among all my opponents, you are the strongest woman!"

Cameara snorted coldly: "Whether you can survive the beating or not, you won't know until after I've begun!"

However, before the two of them could take action, phantoms began to appear on both sides of the martial arts arena, which were the phantoms of the audience.

Zunlou glanced over.

Mouri Kogoro is too lazy to comment~

Maoshan Jiu Shu, an ant!

Emei disciple Zhou Zhiruo, dust!

Wing Chun Master Zhang Tianzhi, decent level!

The Leader of Tianxiahui, not enough!

The first five passed by at a glance, without even wanting to take a second look.

When the sixth audience member arrived, Zunlou paid a little more attention.

"Interesting, I feel the immortal essence like myself. Are you also an immortal?

Scathach's eyes were sharp: "Want to have a fight between the undead?"

Demon Zunlou laughed: "The fight between the undead is interesting, but you are still too far away from entering the Tao. You can be defeated by my single move. I look forward to your growth!"

Next, it was Daigo. Zunlou glanced at him twice over. He was not strong, but the purity of this bright power was unprecedented. It actually felt like there was some mutual restraint with him. Unfortunately It was just too weak and boring!

Then came Aizen. This time, Zunlou's eyes were a little deep.

"It's interesting. You have never entered Taoism, but you actually made me feel a sense of danger. It's really interesting. I look forward to fighting with you!"

Aizen's eyes were gentle: "If you have a chance, maybe I can ask for guidance. The overlord of the demon world with such power is also very interesting to me~"

The next moment, when he saw the next figure, Zunlou's eyes lit up: "The Taoist is actually a Taoist. This group is really interesting. There is actually a Taoist like me. I am eager to fight with you. !!"

He was so excited. In the original world, apart from Feipeng, there was only one Heavenly Emperor who always shrank and never showed up. He was suspected of being a Taoist. The old fox didn't fight with him at all, so Demon Zunlou was so lonely but in here he actually met a new initiate. What an exciting thing!

The Frozen Breaking Ball, who looked like a god made of stars, just glanced at Demon Zunlou coldly: "It's not easy to fight me. When you win this game, the next one will be between me and you!"

Zunlou's lonely eyes suddenly brightened up. At this point, he still didn't know that this Taoist was the other person in the group who wanted to fight him earlier.

It's great, it's so exciting!

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Mo Zunlou cast his eyes on the last figure. He did not forget that there were suspected to be super masters in this group. The woman in front of him was close to the Taoist level, as well as the Taoist guy in the audience. The violent reaction was all because he wanted to challenge the strongest person in the group.

Under such circumstances, Demon Zunlou's interest in the strong man named God was greatly increased.

However, the next moment, when Zunlou cast his gaze over, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Strange, how could this be?

If this last person is viewed with the most superficial eyes, he is similar to his female opponent. However, a Taoist should not be treated with that attitude: "How can it be possible to have such experience?"

Moreover, he had a vague feeling that the gesture shown by the other party did not seem to be the real gesture. Zunlou's excitement became stronger than ever before.

In his eyes, a red light flashed, and the world-destroying Devil eyes opened wide, trying to see clearly the inner truth through a false disguise. The next moment, the devil Zunlou's eyes bloomed with an unprecedented intensity of energy!

Strong, too strong, unprecedentedly strong! Stronger than any Taoist he had ever seen. The Tao Yun blooming around him seemed to make the whole world dim.

Such a powerful existence, such a powerful existence!

Even before the fight, Zunlou was trembling with excitement.

However, the hazy light in the world-destroying demon eyes made Demon Zunlou feel suspicious in his heart. Why did he feel that this was still a disguise?

Could it be that this god has a stronger essence?!

With this thought, there was no need to hesitate at all. Demon Zunlou instantly opened the World-Destroying Demonic Eyes to the maximum, making sure to spy on the opponent's true nature.

Then, how powerful is he?

However, the next moment, he flew backwards, coughing up blood, and terrifying cracks appeared on his body. The World-Destroying Demonic Eyes were forcibly closed and rolling demon blood flowed from his eyes. The vitality suddenly dropped a few chips.

At this time, Cameara, who had been standing on one side with her chest folded, squeezing out an exaggerated and lonely expression on her chest, smiled coldly: "With your strength, you try to peep into the nature of God. Do you want to die?"

"If you hadn't acted quickly enough, you might have been assimilated to death by the power of heaven!"

Zunlou didn't pay attention to Cameara's disdain. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, then covered his eyes, raised his head, and began to laugh wildly.

"hahahahahahahaha....…"(Tl: Soka... SOKA *Brazilian funk starts*)

"It turns out that there is such a strong person in this world!"

"It turns out that I was just a frog in a well!"

"All this is so interesting, hahaha..."

People who don't understand Zunlou's crazy state will simply think that he is a madman, while those who understand will have a particularly solemn look on their faces.

Facing the powerful, the power that oneself cannot understand, there is no fear, but indescribable excitement. This kind of guy, either cannot see a higher world, otherwise, with this kind of Taoist heart and attitude, sooner or later he will break through himself and step into a higher level!

Even Lu Ming, who had been expressionless before, could not help but show admiration on his face at this time.

"With that kind of conviction, you're funny."

"If you want to challenge me, just work hard. When you reach a higher level, I will give you a chance to challenge~~"

"Okay! Sooner or later, I will challenge you personally!" Zunlou said with great solemnity.

At the same time, after hearing Lu Ming's praise, the eyes of Frozen Breaking Ball and Cameara became sharp almost at the same time.

Of the two of them, one regards Heaven as an existence like a reborn parent as Frozen Breaking Ball and Tian are of the same race under certain circumstances. In this case, one can imagine Frozen Breaking Ball's attitude towards Lu Ming. That is like a father acknowledging the adopted more so much that he suddenly felt itchy and wanted to hit him!

The same is true for Camearaa. Whether it is the indescribable shadow in her heart or her identity as a warrior of heaven, Carmilla has a completely different attitude towards heaven.

Hearing God's praise of Demon Zunlou, Queen Cameara also wanted to hit someone, and there was an opportunity right in front of her!

She glared sharply at Zunlou: "Can you still fight? If not, then next time!"

"No need~~" Collecting the blood from his eyes he said proudly: "This is the best. What I need is an evenly matched battle, not to suppress you with my realm.

I planned to suppress my realm and fight with you. This is better. My body is injured and my realm fell. I don't need to suppress it, but it makes me more happy. "

"Come on, come and have a good fight with me! The excitement in my heart can only be vented by a good fight!"

"Come and fight!!!!"

"Humph, if you die accidentally, don't resent me!"

"Haha, if you can really do it, then kill me and grant me my greatest long-cherished wish in this life of dying in a battle!"


Two vast forces soared into the sky almost at the same time, and a big battle officially broke out. As soon as it started, the entire martial arts arena was filled with devastating attacks, each of which was close to tearing everything apart, and its power is extremely terrifying!

A seventh-level person whose realm has fallen, and a powerful sixth-level person who is only one step away from breaking through. This battle will make even the seventh-level people turn their attention, let alone a group of people in the audience.

The group members, who had never set foot in the seventh level, looked at it in ecstasy.

But at this time, Lu Ming's eyes were filled with vast starlight, which was a sign that his omniscient eyes were open. He was constantly analyzing Zunlou.

His strength is only adequate for Lu Ming at this time. What really interests Lu Ming is not his strength, but his essence!

Demon Zunlou can be regarded as the most orthodox side for Xianxia cultivation. Those who have entered the Taoist world should be called immortals in all Xianxia worlds.

Demons and immortals are in opposition, and yet they are considered the same.

The system is not excessive.

As for immortals, one of the most widely spread advanced life forms in the world, and the system of cultivating immortals, they are essentially different from Lu Ming's astral level. This is what Lu Ming is really interested in.

Although the incarnation of the sky is strong, it belongs to the way of heaven and the path of the world. Lu Ming is essentially a human being. It would be a wonderful thing if he could gain new insights by taking a peek into the new system.


Tl: I won't be able to update till Monday (maybe Tuesday) since shifts will be a bit intense at work so Yh, see u then