
I Fight Alien Invasion With Fantasy Class

Az is an avid enthusiast of the fantasy genre, losing himself in the pages of epic tales and the magical realms they conjure. However, his dreams of enchanted kingdoms and mythical creatures come crashing down when he is thrust into a harrowing and unforeseen reality—an alien invasion has shattered the world he once knew. As the world faces an impending extraterrestrial onslaught, the question of what's needed to fend off these cosmic invaders arises. The answer, it turns out, is far from conventional. Forget about AK-47 rifles, B-12 military airplanes, or nuclear bombs. In this fantasy world, survival hinges on the whimsical and the extraordinary—a dragon rider to dominate the skies, a mage wielding the forces of magic, and a healer to mend the wounded.

muzix_lover · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 23: I Like That

The air crackled with tension as Az faced the formidable captain of the alien forces. Their gazes locked, a silent understanding of the impending confrontation passing between them. Az, known for his unwavering determination, stood firm, his eyes fixed on the alien captain.

"I'll admit, you humans are resilient creatures," Journ remarked, observing Az with a blend of curiosity and wariness.

Az smirked, his eyes gleaming with a mix of confidence and mischief. "You haven't seen the half of it."

Their movements were a dance of precision and strategy. Az dodged a flurry of swift strikes from the alien, showcasing his agility and speed. "Your species really packs a punch," Az quipped, parrying a powerful blow with his makeshift knife.

The captain's stoic demeanor cracked into a faint smile. "I could say the same about you." His strikes were calculated, each move designed to test Az's defenses.

As the fight raged on, Az couldn't help but admire the alien's combat prowess. "You're good," he admitted, sidestepping a series of rapid attacks. "But not good enough."

The alien captain chuckled, acknowledging Az's skill. "Impressive, human. But do you really believe you can defeat me?"

Az's grin widened. "Worth a try, isn't it?"

Their banter was punctuated by swift movements and clashes. Journ's agility proved to be a challenge for Az, who had to adjust his tactics to match the captain's unpredictable style.

"You fight well, for a human," Journ acknowledged, a hint of respect in his tone.

"Likewise," Az replied, darting around, looking for an opening. "But I've got something you don't."

Journ raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "And what might that be?"

Az's eyes flashed with determination. "It's a secret... " With a wink, Az lunged forward, aiming to exploit any weakness he could find in Journ's defenses.

The flurry of blows between Az and the alien captain echoed in the desolate surroundings.

The confrontation with the alien captain was unlike any other Az had faced. The Colossal Aliens he faced in the simulation power was raw, untamed, and devastating, while the foot soldiers operated with basic weaponry and equipment, relying on numerical strength. Despite their ability to think and adapt, their predictability was their weakness. 

This encounter with the alien captain, however, was in its own league. Az recognized Journ's calculated approach; it wasn't just about the physical confrontation—it was a test of each other's strategies and mental fortitude.

This was a strategic dance, a mental duel woven into every strike and dodge.

"You're holding back," Az remarked, sidestepping a series of precise strikes from the captain.

Journ's expression remained impassive, but his eyes betrayed a glint of acknowledgment. "You're observant. I'm gauging your strengths."

Az couldn't help but admire the captain's tactical precision. "You're a strategist. I respect that."

Az pondered his strategy. Maybe engaging in a sensitive topic could unravel some valuable on defeating the alien standing in front of him. It could be a long shot, but it could potentially offer a clue or reveal a vulnerability.

In the heat of their intense battle, Az found a moment to utter a single word. "Byurn... You know where that fucker is?" His query hung in the charged air, an unexpected disruption in their rhythmic combat.

The alien captain's demeanor shifted. The once measured and calculated movements turned sharper, deadlier. It was as if Az had struck a nerve, unearthing something beneath the captain's composed exterior.

The attacks became relentless, each strike carrying an extra edge, a ferocity that contrasted starkly with the earlier strategic dance. The name had ignited a fire, prompting a shift from calculated moves to aggressive onslaughts. 

Az realized he had stumbled upon a sore spot, a hidden vulnerability that fueled Journ's sudden change in tactics.

The name had ignited a fire, prompting a shift from calculated moves to aggressive onslaughts. The captain's focus sharpened, his attacks intensified, revealing a hidden depth to their prior conversation.

Journ stopped his assault, his demeanor twisted by Az's mention of Byurn, and flipped back his hood, baring a face twisted with fury. "Don't you dare belittle that name!" His voice echoed through the hall, vibrating with an electric fervor.

In a swift motion, he withdrew a javelin from his back, crackling with raw energy that danced along its length.

As the javelin tail struck the ground, an explosive thunderclap reverberated through the chamber, the force of it rattling the very foundation of their battleground. Sparks danced around them, painting a dramatic aura amidst the charged atmosphere.

As Az beheld the intricately carved javelin, ancient glyphs, and symbols etched across its surface, he couldn't help but marvel at its design.

Az stood, pointing at the menacing javelin with a grin. , "Nice javelin," he grunted between sharp breaths. "I think it'll look better in my collection... eventually."

But before he could react, however, the air crackled with a sudden surge of power. In an instant, like a bolt of lightning striking from the heavens, the spear pierced through Az's body.

A deafening clap of thunder reverberated through the hall, the sound resonating as if it were the very heartbeat of their conflict.

Az felt the searing surge of energy coursing through him as the Journ's attack struck true. The air hummed with charged electricity, and Az staggered back, the impact sending shockwaves through his body.

"This is Allveigandi," Journ sneered, his tone dripping with superiority. "For your kind to wield it, it's like chasing shadows in the moonlight. Don't make me laugh."

Az felt the javelin being wrenched from his body, his consciousness wavering as he slowly opened his eyes to find the weapon returning to the captain's grasp.

Journ's voice pierced through the haze, "You really can't die, huh?" As the alien readied the javelin once more, Az scanned the surroundings urgently.

In a tense moment, Az found himself reevaluating his options. As he got caught off guard earlier because he underestimated the alien captain's power, time was fleeting.

Az's hand still clenched around his knife, but he knew it was futile against the weapon's speed.

Az wanted to save this as a last resort, but he didn't have any other option, dropping his knife, Az sought to enhance his dexterity through his weapon's passive skill, yet the javelin's strike was swift, outpacing his enhanced reflexes.

In a swift maneuver, Az narrowly evaded the lethal javelin strike, the weapon grazing his leg and causing a searing pain. The resounding impact reverberated across the hall, signaling the captain's relentless attack.

As the javelin seamlessly returned to the captain's grasp, Az found himself hobbled, his injured leg sapping his mobility. With nowhere to escape, he braced himself for the next strike.

Az felt the javelin pierce his body once more, the excruciating pain cutting through his senses. As the alien captain withdrew the javelin, a cruel challenge rang out, "Let's see how long you can endure."

As Az regained his senses, he sprinted to grab his knife, seeking cover behind a nearby wall. Journ, uttering "Futile," hurled his javelin towards the wall.

The impact obliterated the barrier, sending Az hurtling across the hall, crashing into debris.

Sensing an anomaly, Journ noticed something unusual about his latest strike—his javelin didn't penetrate Az's body as it had before. Perplexed by this unexpected turn, he scrutinized the situation, trying to discern the cause behind the uncharacteristic outcome.

Amid the chaos of the battle, Az recognized the peculiarity of the situation. In a sudden flash of realization, he remembered he dropped the knife, and its passive effect, which seemed to have triggered once more even though he already used it.

The searing pain, coupled with this newfound knowledge, prompted an unsettling but useful revelation: the passive effect was seemingly reset each time he faced death.

"Well, this is new... and, painful," Az muttered to himself, the implications of this realization dawning on him amidst the intensity of the fight.

The captain dismissed his suspicions and prepared to strike Az once more, poised for another attack.

However, Az's gaze shifted toward the fallen foot soldiers of the alien army. A sudden glint in his eye revealed a newfound determination, a glimpse of hope amid the chaos.

With a sly smirk, as if struck by a brilliant idea, Az seemed to have found an opportunity in the dire circumstances he faced.

Az dashed toward a nearby wall, seeking cover, but Journ anticipated his move, hurling his javelin with a mocking sneer. "You are predictable," he taunted as the javelin hurtled toward Az's makeshift hideout, shattering the wall and engulfing the area in a cloud of dust.

As the javelin returned to the alien captain's hand, he was startled to witness Az gripping the javelin, his other hand wielding a modified hammer from the fallen alien soldiers. The hammer appeared to have undergone some modifications, its metallic surface reflecting an uncanny glint of cunning and strategy.

With a resounding "Bammmmm!!!" the hammer struck the captain's face. Az couldn't help but smirk, murmuring a quick thanks to Beatrice.

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