
I Fight Alien Invasion With Fantasy Class

Az is an avid enthusiast of the fantasy genre, losing himself in the pages of epic tales and the magical realms they conjure. However, his dreams of enchanted kingdoms and mythical creatures come crashing down when he is thrust into a harrowing and unforeseen reality—an alien invasion has shattered the world he once knew. As the world faces an impending extraterrestrial onslaught, the question of what's needed to fend off these cosmic invaders arises. The answer, it turns out, is far from conventional. Forget about AK-47 rifles, B-12 military airplanes, or nuclear bombs. In this fantasy world, survival hinges on the whimsical and the extraordinary—a dragon rider to dominate the skies, a mage wielding the forces of magic, and a healer to mend the wounded.

muzix_lover · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 12: Watch Your Step Fool!

Az's impatience got the best of him, and he couldn't hold back any longer. He turned to Beatrice, his curiosity getting the better of him, and questioned why they had to wait another day before initiating the raid on the alien base.

Beatrice offered a whimsical response, "Of course, we need some team bonding before the raid. It'll help us cooperate more efficiently."

Az, his tone laced with frustration, retorted, "All we did yesterday was eat and shit!"

Beatrice just whistled, feigning ignorance. Az was determined to move forward, declaring, "If we don't take action today, I'll call this whole thing off and raid the base by myself."

Beatrice's demeanor quickly shifted. She started to cry, "Noo, we have to do it together!" Then, with newfound determination, she exclaimed, "Fine, we'll do it today!" Her spirit was reinvigorated.

As they continued their journey towards the alien base, half a day had already passed.

As the group approached the alien base, they were met with a formidable sight. A substantial number of aliens guarded the entrance, making it nearly impossible to identify any potential openings for infiltration.

The odds were stacked against them, and Az couldn't resist turning to Beatrice with a hint of frustration in his voice. "I told you we should have done some scouting yesterday," Az muttered under his breath.

Beatrice's expression underwent a noticeable transformation. Her eyes gleamed with a mischievous glint, and a wry smile played on her lips. She was ready to reveal something that might just turn the tide in their favor.

Beatrice couldn't contain her excitement and promptly pulled Elodie closer, her face beaming with pride. "Hehe, this is our secret weapon!" She declared with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes. Elodie, as usual, was quick to ask Beatrice to stop teasing her.

Az's eyes widened in disbelief as he watched the two of them. He started to question everything about Beatrice and her group.

"Are you kidding me..." Az began to protest, but before he could finish his sentence, Beatrice took charge.

"Elodie, do your thing!" Beatrice commanded with enthusiasm.

Elodie retrieved a book that appeared strangely familiar to Az, resembling those carried by him and Hex. However, there was something distinct about Elodie's book.

Elodie activated a skill from her book, and Az was left in awe. "O, Mind Books of Watcher Art, Reconnaissance Skill activate!" Elodie chanted, and as she completed her spell, a soft light enveloped their surrounding area.

Az quickly realized that he had been wise not to underestimate the newcomers.

Beatrice's enthusiasm was palpable, her eyes gleaming with excitement. She turned to Az, her voice filled with eagerness, "Did you see that?" Without waiting for a response, she quickly enveloped Elodie in a tight, proud hug.

Az simply gave a nonchalant nod and replied with a casual, "Yeah."

However, beneath his composed exterior, Az's mind was racing with a whirlwind of thoughts and possibilities. The sight of Elodie's skill activation had opened up a Pandora's box in his mind.

He pondered what skills he might unlock, how powerful Beatrice and Arnold could become if a survivor like Elodie had already unlocked her skill, and how many more skills they could potentially access.

Az's contemplations were abruptly interrupted by Elodie, who urged them to follow her toward the bridge. She explained that the bridge was their entry point to the alien base.

As they trod along, Elodie informed them that the alien base was substantial, and her scanning skill had limitations when it came to its depth.

She warned them to be cautious, as they couldn't fully anticipate what lay beneath the surface.

Upon reaching the bridge, they encountered a massive pipe with a ventilation lid that seemed to block their path.

Hex, using his immense strength, attempted to pull the lid off. His muscles bulged with effort, but it remained stubbornly in place.

Then, Arnold calmly stepped up behind Hex. With a swift, powerful motion, he not only removed the lid but also tore away a section of the concrete surrounding it.

The concrete chunk soared through the air and splashed into the river beside them, leaving an opening for them to access the alien base.

After making sure their weapons were at the ready, they navigated solely by touch and sound, as their sight was rendered useless in this darkness. As they ventured further into the pipe, the pitch-black road stretched out before them, with no visible pathway.

Their vision was practically useless in this inky void and all they could hear are the eerie, constant sound of water flowing inside the pipe. The pitter-patter of rats' feet echoed around them.

As they ventured deeper into the dark, cramped pipe, they started a hushed conversation to ensure they maintained a safe distance from one another. Their voices echoed slightly in the confined space.

Az began, "Stay close, but not too close. We don't want to risk accidental friendly fire."

Lumi replied softly, "Got it, Az. I'll keep my distance."

Hex chimed in, "I'll stay at the back with Arnold to cover our rear."

Beatrice added, "Elodie and I will be in the middle. Elodie, stay right here."

Elodie replied with a timid, "Okay."

With their positions clarified and their spacing maintained, they continued through the dark pipe relying solely on their other senses.

They continued to move forward in the darkness until, at last, they spotted a faint glimmer of light ahead.

Az immediately instructed everyone to maintain their vigilance, "Watch your step!" reminding them to proceed with caution. The soft glow of light was a welcome sight, but they couldn't afford to lower their guard.

As they ventured closer to the source of light, the tension grew palpable. It was then that they heard an ominous cracking sound, and a sense of unease began to spread among them.

The pipe they were traveling through appeared unable to bear the collective weight of the group or, perhaps, it had already suffered damage during the alien invasion.

Elodie, gripped by anxiety, involuntarily slowed her pace. Her hesitation disrupted their formation and coordination, causing a ripple of fear to spread.

The sudden mishap sent shockwaves of panic through the group, each of them scrambling to secure their own safety.

Amid the chaos, Az desperately reached out into the darkness, his fingers fumbling as he searched for Lumi's hand. "Lumiiiii..." he called out in a voice filled with concern and fear.

The situation was growing increasingly dire, and their descent into the unknown was punctuated by a chorus of terrified screams, the sounds echoing through the pitch-black abyss.

Az was jolted awake by the blaring alarm, his eyes snapping open in a panic. As he gradually regained his senses, he found himself lying on a pile of debris, a cloud of dust settled around them, causing him to cough. Small pieces of debris had fallen on his face, making him grimace and swipe them away.

Disoriented and bewildered, he looked down at the hand he was clutching. To his utter disbelief, it was Beatrice's hand. In a mixture of surprise, embarrassment, and desperation, Az couldn't help but scream, "Lumiiiiiii.....Where are youuuuuuu!"

His outburst startled Beatrice, who shot up from her slumber, her eyes wide with confusion. She joined Az in his frantic cries, "Elodieeeeee.....Where are youuuuuuu!"

To make matters worse, their hands were still intertwined, and the two of them looked like a bewildered couple in the middle of chaos, screaming together.

Lumi, Elodie, and Lee began to stir from their slumber. They exchanged confused glances, the memory of their dramatic fall slowly seeping back into their consciousness. Looking around, they saw the chaotic scene of debris and darkness that surrounded them.

Lumi quickly checked on Elodie, "Are you okay?" ensuring she was unharmed, and Lee remained silent and observant, her mind ever calculating.

On the opposite side of the chamber, Hex and Arnold were among the few who hadn't lost consciousness during the fall. The two sat upright, regarding each other.

Hex's competitive nature automatically labeled Arnold as a potential rival in strength, but Arnold appeared nonchalant as if he barely registered Hex's presence.

Unbeknownst to Az and his team, their sudden intrusion had not gone unnoticed. All the alien foot soldiers stationed in the base had already sprung into action as soon as the alarm sounded, quickly equipping themselves with their unconventional and fearsome weapons.

These devices took the form of long hammers, which could transform into advanced blasters, unlike anything ever seen on Earth.

Within the alien base, a foot soldier frantically sprinted through the metallic corridors. His mission was to report the breach and summon assistance.

In response to the alert, the base's command team was quickly mobilized. Four powerful beings emerged from the shadows, their presence exuding an overwhelming menace.

The group consisted of a captain, a higher-ranked officer, and three fierce lieutenants, each highly skilled and experienced in repelling threats.

The ominous aura that surrounded them indicated that Az and his team had unwittingly stirred a hornet's nest.

Thank you for taking the time to read my work. Your engagement is greatly appreciated.

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