


/"Belleza, I've been instructed to escort you to the meet and greet/" the stage director says

/"Do you want to come?/" Charlotte asks me as she leans back enough to see my face

/"Yes/" I reply without a second thought

My main reason for saying yes is because my girlfriend seems very sad and worried, as if she's waiting for something.

I really hope that she tells me what's wrong soon.

I'm worried for her.


/"Have a nice day/" Charlotte says to the tenth person in the last five minutes

/"She doesn't look good/" Bella comments from beside me as I continue to carefully watch Charlotte

She's gotten worse.

Her hands are shaking, they have been since we left the lounge except it wasn't this bad earlier.

Charlotte suddenly grabs her head, as if it hurts.

/"This isn't good/" Bella says with a panicked tone of voice as she walks away to go get someone