


/"Aspen, it's been four days. Why don't you just talk to her?/" Avery asks as Belleza and I continue to give each other sad puppy glances from afar

Today's Friday.

Game day.

Ironically enough we get to cheer at the volleyball game, which means that Belleza and I will be spending an hour together.

That's not including the pregame and postgame either.

If you haven't noticed Belleza and I haven't spoken to each other since Monday.

Every time she would walk up to Avery and I, I would make up an excuse and walk away.

There were multiple times that she would try to get in touch with me through Avery but I'd just ignore her.

I already fucked up once, I can't risk doing it again.

/"Because I already hurt her feelings, it'd be useless to try and fix it now/" I say as I nervously fidget with the edge of my cheer skirt

Our coach makes us wear our uniforms to school the day of the game.