


I need to apologize to her.

/"Sweetheart, with this kind of information we can't let you leave the house/" my mom says with a worried tone

/"What?!/" I question in disbelief

/"Your mom is right, if you leave there could be a possibility of someone following you back here/" Bella supports

Are they serious right now?!

/"I have to stay inside all day?/" I ask them

/"Yes, but I'll inform your teachers and tell them to email you your class work/" my mom says

/"Can I invite anyone over?/" I ask her

/"Yes, but you have to be cautious/" Bella responds

I nod my head and quickly run upstairs towards my bedroom.

This isn't good.

Aspen is probably getting mobbed at school.

All because I couldn't keep my feelings to myself.

I quickly call Avery since I can't necessarily call Aspen.

/"Hello?/" She answers with a breathless voice

/"Hey, it's me/" I say