
I fell in love with a werewolf chapter one

Clara is running fast , faster the she has ever ran before .She is running out of breathe something is chasing her but she can't see it .

All of a sudden when she turned back she saw a yellow eye then without thinking or giving the thing she saw a second thought she continued running .shit ...wait is that a no no no ...it can't be ...they are not real then she hears a growl from behind her .....shit shit it's real .All of a sudden she fell down and twisted her ankle and couldn't run any more she cries for help then the werewolf said in a deep voice"now you're mine Clara" she screams out her lungs.

Clara wakes up sweating and she is scared to death thinking about her dream that she has been dreaming for over a year every night .she cries out in frustration ,then she lies down on her but she didn't dare to sleep fearing that she the dream will come back.


Clara Benson is a seventeen years old teenager whose mother when she was just four years old ,her father is has been protecting her since then by being both her father and her mother.

Jack Benson is a forty years old cop and he is also Clara's father .He adores and loves his daughter so much that he hardly says no to her .Clara looks just like her mother, blonde bright blue eyes with two cute dimples and a pointed nose .

what!! ....but dad do we have to move said Clara

yes honey we do I have some important work to do.

But dad you can go and come back anytime

Jack gave his daughter a look that means that's the end of discussion.

Clara groans in frustration ..urgh walking away.

We are moving in two days time Jack shouted to Clara .

After two days Clara is with her dad in the car looking at the window and breathing in the fresh air and admiring the mountains thinking if she could explore them but she knows her father will never allow her so she drops the idea and continue to admire the mountains .

After driving for about 2 hours the car finally stops at a new house ,coming out of the car Clara then goes into the house with her father leading the way. Clara grasps ..OMG my room is so big .

So what do you think of the about the house Jack asked Clara

well....I think it's kinda nice

yeah I know right Jack said feeling proud .

so when will I start school dad ,she said while hugging him.

Hmmmm ....how about tomorrow thinking she will say "I'm a bit tired " but to his surprise she was excited and said OK happily.

He hugged her tight then Clara went to bed thinking about her new school.