
I fell in love with a criminal

He is not the guy I would like. He belongs among the teenage dropouts. I saw him one-time smoking weeds among his friends. He is total trouble, with so many bad decisions. Being in the same community we still get to encounter each other often. We went to a house party one day, he was there. I didn't even look at him. He doesn't catch my interest. While looking around the house he grabbed me then brought me to his room, that's when he destroyed my fairytale perfect life.

Harljane · Urban
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74 Chs


I expected today to be a boring knowing that my enemies are no longerbe around. But as I walk up to the stares I passed by Veron walking down he greeted me a "Good morning!", with his cold face. Looks like he is not giving up his position as Director of Planning department.

"Good morning!" I responded back. I want to ask him so much, why is he still here but I didn't manage to do it. He walked away so fast and go back to what he needs to do. I went directly to Dad's office to ask him what he wants to do with Veron.

"I can't just kick him out honey. Technically they still have 45% right to this company. He technically bought his position. Let's just wait for him to leave by himself." Answered my father.

"Dad, I'm just worried of what he can still impact on this company and to us as well." I stated.

"Don't mind it. We are stronger now. I promise not to disappoint you anymore my princess. I'm so dumb to think that I could just give you away in exchange of some business benefits. I'm sorry for using you as my tool. I regreted it too late. In the end I'm the loser. I'm really sorry!" Dad apologized.

"We will get there Dad. For now let's protectwhatever we have. No matter what happens I can't replace you as my father anyway. Let time heal our wounds." I replied.

"I just need to at least tell you how guilty am I of doingwhat I did. And thankful and proud of you for giving me back my beloved position. But you know what I realized this seat is not important anymore to me. What is important is you. Our family and my grandchild. We need to take care of each other because that's what matters most." Dad stated sincerely. I answered him with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.