
I fell in love with a criminal

He is not the guy I would like. He belongs among the teenage dropouts. I saw him one-time smoking weeds among his friends. He is total trouble, with so many bad decisions. Being in the same community we still get to encounter each other often. We went to a house party one day, he was there. I didn't even look at him. He doesn't catch my interest. While looking around the house he grabbed me then brought me to his room, that's when he destroyed my fairytale perfect life.

Harljane · Urban
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74 Chs

Meet Dina

I'd been talking to my friend Dina I think she's the only one that can help me. She's the movie director/fashionista friend of mine. I invested in a lot of her movies, though I earned big money it's not big enough to buy back some of my father's stocks but big enough to move tables. In a period of 5 years she made 12 movies with the minimum income of 50 million, and 350 Millions as her highest ticket sales. Thinking how much we earned together, we can actually earn more if we make more projects in 1 year, more than usual I suppose. Me and Dina had been friends since childhood since her grandma (Teresita Lopez holds 4 percent of stocks) is part of the company and a family friend. I'm thinking of encouraging (Mr. Arturo Rivera holds 10% stocks) to join our team by letting him be part of our investment plan with the movie business, which is for insider only (between me and Dina). This way he can earn faster and the cashback is with in 4 months unlike business financing it would take him 10 to 15 years to actually earn. I called Dina and Mr. Arturo for meet up. At first he easily declined without even hearing our side since he is afraid of Mr. Alejandro and their agreement that might put his business in jeopardy but we made sure that he won't be on losing side. Mr. Arturo cared so much with his business endulgements since he plans to give it to his son, even though his shares are not too big he believed it would be a good start for his son ( Carlos Rivera). Right now Mr. Arturo is in a car business of his own, this is where Mr. Alejandro helped him with a loan to get his vote. I discussed all 3 the possibilities to him and the advantage of movie business at this moment and how fast and big it is currently. I also showed him our statistics hoping that he would be swayed over the big numbers we are getting in short period of time. With in 30 minutes of talking even Dina believes he is not changing his mind. He started answering messages and calls on his phone that made us disheartened.

Dina: Is that your son Mr. Arturo why don't you ask him to join us for 10 minutes so he could chat with us.

Mr Arturo: He is waiting at the parking lot. Maybe we should cut this meeting here.

Andrea: We want to meet your son. We haven't met him actually Sir.

Dina: Right! We actually want to see if he is as handsome as you Mr. Arturo. Why don't you ask him to come over and have some coffee.

Mr Arturo: You're right. I'm gonna ask him to go down.

After awhile, the son of Mr. Arturo came, he is a tall young man. "Pretty descent." I whispered at Dina.

Dina: He is indeed as handsome as you Mr. Arturo.

Mr. Arturo: Ow I am more handsome. Hehehe By the way this is Carlos my son and Carlos this is Dina and Andrea daughters of my compadre and comare at the company.

Carlos: Nice to meet the two of you.

Dina: Mr. Carlos do you love movies?

Carlos: I do, I just don't have time lately. What is this all about?

Dina: What was the last local movie you watched?

Carlos: Hmm it's been 4 months I think since I actually sit and like a movie. The title is "The tale of the lady killer." It's a thriller movie.

Andrea: What a coincidence. I whispered to Dina.

Dina: Indeed. You know I made that movie, it actually earned so much.

Andrea: I invested there.

Carlos: Really, I didn't realized. Was it you? I'm sorry I'm not reading the writings before and after the movie. I just don't have the time. But yeah I heard that movie earned a lot.

Dina: Here listen Carlos, you see all my projects are only offered to my friend here Andrea, she finance then I do the hard work. But now we are offering your father to be part of our team, that means we will let him invest on my next project and earn the same money as us. So what do you say Mr. Carlos.

Carlos: I'm actually shocked. That's huge!!!

Carlos can't really think right now. He looked at his father and laugh, "Dad that's big. " He can't believe what he is hearing and to stae the fact that this thought are coming from 2 beautiful ladies.

Andrea: And I have a good news for you Carlos, Dina is single.

I teased them a little bit that made them blush.

Carlos: I think we should think more about this. But I'm really greatful to meet 2 beautiful and brilliant ladies when I'm actually just picking up my father. You know this is amazing, your movies are great and to be part of it is such an honor. You know what if Dad disagree I think I would invest myself." Carlos answered confidently.

Dina: We actually needed your Dad." Dina whispered close to Carlos ears that made Carlos blush. We sent the two to the parking lot after that short chat. We adviced Mr Arturo to review his contract with Mr Alejandro to make him decide clearly. Carlos seems to be our chance. He is somehow pulled towards Dina, I know they are attracted to each other. I just need to use that card wisely.