
I fell in love with a criminal

He is not the guy I would like. He belongs among the teenage dropouts. I saw him one-time smoking weeds among his friends. He is total trouble, with so many bad decisions. Being in the same community we still get to encounter each other often. We went to a house party one day, he was there. I didn't even look at him. He doesn't catch my interest. While looking around the house he grabbed me then brought me to his room, that's when he destroyed my fairytale perfect life.

Harljane · Urban
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74 Chs

Convention Room

I ordered my secretary to send Andrea flowers every morning, to lighten her mood. I'm not allowed to her firm anymore. She's always pushing me away, so Talia went out instead. I talked to her and begged for her help. She took pity on me, so she agreed to message me for some details about Andrea. I'm scared that this secret conversation might anger Andrea against her best friend but I have no other choice but this, to spy on her. I went directly to my office, then a message appeared on my screen. It's from Talia, photos of my baby's ultrasound, I almost cried seeing those photos. It's so small, the creature looks like a worm. A life just started on her belly and it's from me. I can't believe it. It's happiness and pain that inhabits me inside. Happy seeing my kid growing and pain from the fact that I can't get close to its mother, that might soon be the reason for me not being part of my kids life in the future. I hate thinking that. I don't want that to happen. I'm buried with misery when my secretary informed me of my meeting with the board of directors. I gave her a thumbs up to show that I'm aware of it. I gave myself a moment for a deep breath before heading to the convention room. I am surprised to see Andrea sitted on her father's seat that's exactly in front of my location. I will be showing the progress report, it makes me shake to think she will be here. Not to support me this time but find any loopholes that might bring down my father. Her stare is scrutinising my every move. She looks so serious which is the opposite of her usual self. I made her into this, I'm at fault. If only I could just take punches to pay for my sin then it will be over, I will take it all just to get her back.

The whole presentation she didn't react, I expected her to ask some questions but I got nothing from her. She's here to observe, she is just warming up. She started to integrate herself with other directors. She explained her appearance and according to her she will be replacing her father as the director of the marketing department. That means we will be working hand and hand since I hold the planning department. The two departments are always side by side in terms of work. The new project they are currently working on is building up an alcohol brand. It's been a long time project even before the administration of the previous C.E.O. Going down the ladder is a big downgrade for Andrea's father, he is too old for this position so she will do it for him besides they need someone to keep an eye among us "the Alejandros". Her extended family is guiding her. The guy from the Sales department is her uncle, her cousins are scattered around as well. She won't have a hard time here. I'm just worried about our baby, maybe she will be working a lot taking this position. She left the convention room after a short chat with other department heads. I can only watch her back as she walks away. Her office is at the far end of the hall. Unknowingly I found myself following Andrea toward her new office. She looked at me directly, wondering what I was doing at her office.

"Do you need something from me?" Andrea asked coldly as I walked in.

"I just want to welcome you to your new office. I hope you like every detail of it." I said casually.

"I do, it is made for my father but I also like plain dark colours like this. It's cool to the eyes. Do you want anything else? I have no much time, I have to review a lot of documents." Andrea obviously wants me out right away. She saw her secretary enter so she used that to make herself look busy. I came closer to her table to see the tall pile of documents, they aren't all marketing, most of them are contracts that are still on going. So this is her plan to review all these to see any loopholes. She came here to find ways to kick my father out of the chairman's seat.

"I just want to tell you that you can come to me in case you need anything." I offered her.

"I won't be needing your help, but thanks for the offer." She answered sassily. This somehow gave me relief, now that she is back to work and willing to fight, at least she's not depressed and keeping herself inside her room just like before.

"I know but just in case, if not help maybe anything like food, or if you need to send someone to go down and get you something, you can send me." This is lowering my pride just to get more time with her.

"Ok! I will bear that in mind! So please, if there is nothing else, can you close the door when you leave." I nodded show to show her I'm leaving. I don't wish to stress her out on her first day. I'm actually happy she's closer to me now, at least by distance.