
I fell in love with a criminal

He is not the guy I would like. He belongs among the teenage dropouts. I saw him one-time smoking weeds among his friends. He is total trouble, with so many bad decisions. Being in the same community we still get to encounter each other often. We went to a house party one day, he was there. I didn't even look at him. He doesn't catch my interest. While looking around the house he grabbed me then brought me to his room, that's when he destroyed my fairytale perfect life.

Harljane · Urban
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74 Chs

college friends

It is Saturday, the sun is high already when I woke up. My lunch is ready but I'm the pnly one eating since my parents had lunch ahead of me already. Ron is there too. I gave him a kiss and went directly to my food. I followed me on the table. He looks upset but I even dare to care since my head hurts so bad. I sip the soup slowly while I hold my foregeard using my left hand. It feels so heavy.

" My head hurts so bad." I told Ron.

"Why did you drink so much?" He asked disappointed.

" We a

were having so much fun I didn't noticed the quantity of my drink." I answered Ron.

" Still you should have not drink more than your capacity."

" Ow look at that worried face. I wanna eat you. " I told him trying to make Ron smile.

" I'm serious Andrea, anything could have happen to you. You were so weak last night. i was so worried last night." Ron said disappointed of me. But my reaction is a little insensitive I just care about how happy I was last night and try to dismiss his worries.

" Don't tell me you never get drunk before and besides I was with my friends I'm sure I will get home safely. Even Dad knows my friends and they will answer to Dad if something bad happens. Blood will flood if his beloved daughter gone missing." I told him half laughing.

" Andrea I'm not joking. Can you atleast respect my concern here. You should have atleast call me. I can pick you up in case this happens again." Ron offered. " And really college friends you could have told me that you will go out with Zoren and Talia. You never told me that Zoren will be there. I could have come."

" There he is again. Zoren is my college classmate too so is Talia and so are many dozens more. I'm not lying to you." I answered him guilt free. His face looks frustrated with my answers. So he just stand up to get himself water. I finished my food I need to eat so my hang over will go away faster. I will pamper Mr. Jelly later.