
I fell in love with a criminal

He is not the guy I would like. He belongs among the teenage dropouts. I saw him one-time smoking weeds among his friends. He is total trouble, with so many bad decisions. Being in the same community we still get to encounter each other often. We went to a house party one day, he was there. I didn't even look at him. He doesn't catch my interest. While looking around the house he grabbed me then brought me to his room, that's when he destroyed my fairytale perfect life.

Harljane · Urban
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74 Chs

1 week is over

I endured for more days on that horrible place. I have no choice but follow what Veron wants, he used me as he pleased. I'm like a toy to him. He gets mad everytime I oppose him. I hope somebody will save me from this. My father will surely does if he finds out about this. I know my parents will not wanted this kind of abuse for their daughter, my parents still love me. After a week we drove back home my brain is so depressed, I'm disgusted of myself I felt so dirty. I showered the moment I get back home. I cried and cried again. I can't believe this will happen again. I lock myself in my room. I don't want to work, I don't want to see Veron not even my parents. I don't want to see anybody. I just want to be alone. I actually just want to die at this state. I don't like myself anymore, I know tomorrow won't get better. A knock on the door brought me back to real life. My mom is on the other side of the door.

"Open the door Andrea, Talia is asking about you. Tell me what happened? Your friend Talia was here, you're not answering her call she said. Please let's talk!" Mom said with her usual caring voice.

"I just want to be alone. Let me be." I dismissed her. Mom stated more caring statements but I have no interest of small talk. I rather sleep out of this nightmare. This life is no longer my reality. I ignored my friends so are my parents. That act lasted for 2 weeks. I have to tell my business partners I need more time before going back to work. I sent Talia an email for my official leave. She has to take care of all the works I'm leaving at the office now. I'm sure it will be hard for her but I just can't work. Zoren and Talia visited me today. I told them, I don't feel well. I need vacation. I told them about my breakup with Ron as well. They started asking about the reason of our breakup. Even Zoren is curious of what happened.

"I can't understand how you can be at this state. You were just happy weeks ago. I thought you 2 were so in love with each other. So tell me what happened?" Talia inquired.

"Veron is a liar! He can not be trusted. I don't really know him. He just used me for promotion. He is a user. I don't want to see the 2 of you talking to him. So please let's just let this issue to pass. I will come back to work in 2 weeks." I told them.

"I can't let this matter go Andrea we are your friends we will surely take revenge for you. I will confront him the moment I see him in the building." Zoren said with anger. "No need Zoren, there really people like him. I will get used to it soon. You don't have to take revenge for me. Let's just ignore him." I told him. " I can't believe this would happen between the two of you, I thought you 2 are closed to marriage. I heard him one time speaking of marriage with you already. Then this thing happens." She said in disbelief. " It is just empty talks. Some men really use that card to get what they wanted then go as they please. I don't want to talk about this anymore please. I just want to move on." I told them to cut the chat shorter. Mom handed me the fruits Talia and Zoren brought me. Unexpected I liked those fruits. It's lychee. I like the juicy sweetness of it. I offered the two as well but they aren't interested. I sent them out and secure them that I will be just fine. My appetite is back, better than ever. Mom is happy I eating again.